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Canola: hey guys

Canola: Did you guys know barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts?

NormaniK: ... lol Barbara

Canola: also every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of a calorie


DinahJ: I AM ON IT

Canola: your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every 2 weeks, other wise it will digest itself

LaurenJ: ew omfg

Allysus: ... I think my new biggest fear is for my stomach to digest itself.

Canola: "stewardess" is the longest word that is typed with only the left hand

DinahJ: I tried it and u r right omfg

Crybaby: don't you mean, you are *left?

LaurenJ: wow

NormaniK: *slowly claps*

Canola: to escape the grip of a crocodile's jaws, push your thumbs into its eyeballs, it will let you go instantly

DinahJ: someone should've told that to that kid at Disney world


Canola: reindeer like to eat bananas.

LaurenJ: so do Camila's

Canola: the word "samba" means to "rub navels together"

DinahJ: Lauren what's a navel?

LaurenJ: Dinah it's your belly button

DinahJ: oh

DinahJ: OH

DinahJ: ew why would anyone wanna do that

Canola: Mel Blanc (the voice of bugs bunny) was allergic to carrots...

Crybaby: wtf idk how to feel about that one

LaurenJ: ... so they basically taunted him about it???

Allysus: what a bunch of assholes

Canola: the electric chair was invented by a dentist

NormaniK: ... well I never wanna go to the dentist again

LaurenJ: fuck you Camz I have a dentist appointment tomorrow

Canola: a pigs orgasm last for 30 minutes

DinahJ: lucky bastards

Canola: a whales penis is called a dork


LaurenJ: ... you're a whale penis Camz, a whale penis.

Canola: the average person spends 6 months of their life sitting at red lights

DinahJ: good thing my mom won't let me drive ever

Canola: in the USA a pound of potato chips cost two hundred times more than a pound of potatoes

NormaniK: I fucking loveeeee potato chips god damn

Canola: In the marriage ceremony of the ancient Inca Indians of Peru, the couple was considered officially wed when they took off their sandals and handed them to each other.

Crybaby: ... we traded sandals the other day this is not a coincidence

LaurenJ: wait what

Canola: Ninety percent of all species that have become extinct have been birds

Allysus: wtf I like birds tho

Allysus: I have a parrot that can recite the Bible

NormaniK: I fucking hate that bird ally

NormaniK: it's always cussing at me whenever you leave the room

DinahJ: I love that bird

Canola: Bees have five eyes. There are 3 small eyes on the top of the a bees head, and 2 larger ones in front.

DinahJ: kinda like how Sinu has 12 million eyes everywhere

LaurenJ: lol true though

Crybaby: Sinu sees everything

Canola: 60% of all people using the internet, use it for pornography

Allysus: those sinful little fuckers

NormaniK: lol I am one of them

Allysus: Normani kordei!

DinahJ: I am too tho

Allysus: y'all are so fucking sinful I stg

Canola: sex burns 360 calories per hour

LaurenJ: damn no wonder why I've lost weight

Canola: that was my last true, yet useless fact

Crybaby: I learn more in this group chat than I learn at school

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