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No ones pov

Camila faced her ex girlfriend, getting ready to slam the door in her face. "You look great." Keana said truthfully, "I know." Camila said and Keana sighed. "Why are you here Keana?" Camila asked, "I've had a lot of time to think." Keana said and Camila only stared at her. "Can I please come in?" Keana asked, Camila stared at the brunette's pleading expression and sighed in defeat.

"Fine. But if you try anything, and I mean anything, I took MMA lessons and I will not hesitate to kick your ass." Camila warned and Keana chuckled, "Noted." She said as Camila stepped aside to let her in. Keana took a step in, looking around and smiling. "Wow, this place has not changed one bit." Keana admitted as Camila shut the door, locking it.

"So why are you here?" Camila asked as she followed Keana into the living room. Keana sat down, and patted a seat next to her, signaling for Camila to sit down. Camila only crossed her arms and didn't move from where she was standing. "Come on, just sit, I don't bite." Keana said, smiling innocently at the brunette. Camila rolled her eyes as she took a seat next to her.

"Just tell me why you're here." Camila said and Keana sighed, "Like I said, I've had a lot of time to think." Keana said bluntly.


Meanwhile Lauren walked up to Camila's porch, she noticed a car in the driveway, that she didn't recognize. Lauren grabbed the key that Camila gave her and quietly walked in. She gently shut the door behind her.

"Like I said, I've had a lot of time to think." A voice that Lauren didn't recognize said. Lauren followed the voices and saw that Camila was sitting on the couch with someone. "Is that Keana?" Lauren thought to herself. She moved closer to them, still staying behind so they wouldn't see her.

"I regret everything Camila. I regret hurting you, I regret cheating. I never realized how much I needed you, till I lost you." Keana admitted and Camila stared at her in disbelief, "Excuse me?" Camila asked, "You cheated on me a million times, and then you left town, without even telling me." Camila said, starting to get angry. "I-I know, I know Camila. But I just- lately I've been so- so- god I don't even know how to explain it. I've been so sad without you, you're all I think about." Keana said, "I know I made mistakes, and I know that I will probably never make up for them." Keana added, tears starting to well up in her eyes.

"But I can try." She croaked out and Camila only stared at her. When Camila didn't say anything Keana cupped her face with both of her hands, "Please baby." Keana said gently. Camila felt tears well up in her eyes. At this point tears were falling out of Lauren's too, as she watched everything.

"N-No." Camila managed to say as she pushed Keana away. Keana sat there, in a shocked state. "No?" Keana asked, "Keana you are a lying, cheating, manipulative bitch." Camila said. "No Camila, I've changed!" Keana said loudly, "But that's not the reason why I don't wanna give you another chance." Camila said quietly, causing Keana to furrow her eyebrows. "Then what is it?" Keana asked.

"I'm happy." Camila said softly, with tears leaving her eyes. "W-What?" Keana asked, "My girlfriend, her name is Lauren- she- she makes me happy." Camila said lightly, Keana soon started to feel angry. "What does this Lauren girl have that I don't?!" She asked angrily.

"A lot of things." Camila answered simply.

"She's taught me what real love is, Keana. She treats me like no ones ever treated me before, and she's beautiful, and sweet, and kind; and that's not even all of it. She is so amazing- she makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine, no ones ever made me feel that way, not even you. S-She laughs at all of my jokes, and not because she has to, but because she actually thinks they're funny!" Camila said and Lauren couldn't help but smile through her tears as she watched the two. Keana only stared at Camila.

"And I'm not perfect- she knows that, and that's okay, because she's not perfect either. Sometimes she gets cranky, sometimes she makes me mad, and frustrated. And sometimes she starts unnecessary arguments, and it doesn't help that she's so beautiful that even when I'm mad, I just wanna kiss her all of the time." Camila said, getting a bit of topic. "She sounds like a handful." Keana said, snorting. "She is, but that doesn't matter. I wanna marry her one day, and I know that for a fact; because I think she's absolutely gorgeous, even when she's cranky." Camila said, tears still escaping her eyes. Lauren smiled as she cried, her heart swelling at everything Camila was saying.

"And she's never tried to change anything about me, she- she likes that I'm clumsy. And sometimes- well all the time, I say stupid things that don't make sense to most people; but for some reason, she always understands what I'm trying to say. She dances with me, even though I'm absolutely horrible at it. She still thinks I'm cute when my hairs a mess and my makeups off," Camila said, pausing, "She loves me, and I love her; and I've never had to question that." Camila finished, and Keana only stared at her in shock.

"So even if you did change, Keana, I still wouldn't give you a chance. Because even though you were my first love, she's my true love. My soulmate, my best friend. And I wouldn't give her up for anything, especially not you." Camila said crossing her arms, "So I'm gonna have to ask you to leave now, and please for your own good, don't ever come back. Because Lauren's crazy." Camila said bluntly. Keana then rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Whatever Camila, you don't know what you're missing." Keana said crossing her arms, "I think I'll live." Camila said sarcastically and Keana rolled her eyes as she walked off. Once the door slammed Camila flinched, "Don't come back, bitch." Camila muttered the last word under her breath.

"C-Camz?" Lauren asked, making her presence known. "L-Lauren? How long have you been standing there?" Camila asked in shock as she walked over to her girlfriend. "Long enough." Lauren said, Camila noticed the tears in her eyes, "Lauren I'm so sorry I promise nothing happened-" Camila started but was cut off by Lauren hugging her tightly. "I know." Lauren whispered, "I love you so much." Lauren said softly and Camila hugged her back. "I-I love you more." Camila said, "And I wanna kiss you all of the time too, even when I'm angry." Lauren said lightly and Camila giggled through her tears realizing Lauren had heard everything.

They hugged each other for awhile, neither of them wanting to let go. "Can you believe we got kicked out of Walmart?" They heard Dinah say, causing them to pull away, "I know, all because I pushed an old lady for taking the last chicken wing sample-" Melanie said but cut herself off when she saw Lauren and Camila standing in front of them. She realized they were both crying. "Oh god please don't tell me-" Melanie started but was cut off, "No, we're okay, more than okay." Lauren said softly, smiling at Camila who smiled back.

"Wait, I'm confused." Dinah said, furrowing her eyebrows, causing the girls to laugh at her.

A/n: don't think this is the last of Keana y'all will be seeing 😏

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