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A/n: hey babies, how is everyone? Hope you're all taking care of yourselves and having a good day 💗


No ones pov

Dinah sat on the couch as Lauren and Camila walked downstairs, soon being followed by Melanie, who was still in her pajamas. "Good morning." Melanie said lightly as she plopped down next to Dinah, "Mells, its two p.m." Lauren said and Melanie only shrugged.

Camila and Lauren then sat next to the two, causing Dinah and Melanie to exchange looks. "So, was it angry sex or lovey sex?" Dinah asked seriously, causing Melanie to choke on the water bottle she had just opened.

"Um what?" Camila asked awkwardly, "The sex y'all sinners had last night, was it angry or lovey?" Dinah asked again, and Camila and Lauren exchanged looks. "What makes you think we had sex last night?" Lauren asked and Melanie rolled her eyes. "Ari told us." Melanie said, "Yeah, plus Camila still has her "I just got laid" face on." Dinah added, causing Camila's eyes to widen.

"Ariana knows we had sex?" Lauren whispered in Camila's ear. "Apparently." Camila whispered back, "How'd she know though?" Lauren asked in a hushed tone; and before Camila could respond, Melanie cut her off. "You realize we can hear everything you two are saying right? We're literally sitting right here." She said, as Camila and Lauren looked at her.

"Fine. Yes, Lauren and I had sex last night." Camila said and Dinah smirked, "So I repeat my question, was it lovey or angry?" She asked and Lauren glared at her. "I don't think that's any of your business, Dinah." Lauren said and Dinah rolled her eyes, "Of course it's my business, I'm Dinah, everything's my business." Dinah said bluntly. Lauren and Camila only stared at the blonde for a moment before both shaking their heads.

"Does it even matter?" Camila asked, and Dinah nodded eagerly. "Yes it does! So tell us, we're dying to know." She said excitedly and Melanie frantically nodded her head. "We are not telling you guys details about our love life." Lauren said and Camila nodded in agreement. "So it was lovey sex then." Dinah said, smirking at the two. This caused Camila to blush and Melanie bursted into laughter.

"So does this mean you guys are okay now?" She asked curiously and Lauren and Camila both looked at each other. "Well no, I mean Lauren and I decided that maybe it's best if we talk things out; and come up with a way to work on everything." Camila explained and Lauren nodded in agreement. "So you guys aren't breaking up?" Dinah asked with hopeful eyes. "Hopefully not." Lauren said, smiling lightly at Camila who returned the smile.

"We've decided that Lauren's going to work on her jealousy and anger issues, and I'm gonna work on being more open about how I feel; and about my past." Camila said and Lauren took her hand, and interlocked it with hers. "Yeah, we may have some problems to work through, and some things to work on, but we're really going to try this time. Instead of just jumping back in so quickly, and having the same patterns repeat." Lauren said gently.

This caused Melanie and Dinah to smile widely. "Well I'm glad you two know what y'all are going to do. And I'm also glad that you two are being so mature and doing the grownup thing." Melanie said and Dinah nodded in agreement. "I'm just glad my ship isn't breaking up." She said bluntly causing everyone to laugh.

"Same here Cheechee." Camila said lightly, "We've also decided instead of having so much sex all of the time, we're gonna actually spend time communicating with each other." Lauren said and Camila nodded, "Yeah, so things around here aren't gonna be exactly the same. Like sure we'll still have the same sexual relationship, it just won't be as sexual." Camila explained.

"So, no foursome then?" Dinah frowned, causing Melanie, Lauren, and Camila's eyes to go wide. "Dinah!" They all yelled simultaneously. "What?" Dinah asked innocently causing everyone to shake their heads.

"You're insufferable." Lauren mumbled, holding the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "Yeah but you love me!" Dinah yelled as she jumped on Camila and Lauren, wrapping her arms around them. "Dinah get off!" They both yelled, "Never!" Dinah yelled, "Let me love you!" She yelled again. "Me too!" Melanie yelled as she jumped on the girls and nuzzled into them.

"I hate you all." Lauren mumbled, trying to hide the smile that was spreading across her face.


A/n: as much as I'm a slut for drama, I missed my ship :(

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