One - Pickles and Dotty

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It turns out that 'a little while' turned into a lot longer than Harry had anticipated. He loved his husband but apparently that love hadn't been returned for about a year and he was done with Harry.

Apparently, he wasn't done with that eighteen year old 'supposed artist', though.

Yeah, he left Harry for a younger lad who was really not doing anything in life and was a hippie with a paintbrush. But, what can he do? Nothing, besides sign off on the divorce papers as they were shipped in the mail. It will most likely be on the headlines in the news.

'Big Hollywood Movie Director Going Through Tough Divorce Raged On By An Affair Between One Side Of What Seemed To Be A Happy Couple'


And how did he deal with it? Well... He got addicted to his little kitten. Mr. Sprinkles was the one  constant thing he had when going through all of this. The one thing that was trying to help mend his broken heart. Animals were the greatest companions to have when going through such tough times because they love you no matter what. They don't judge you and they definitely don't leave you. They're always happy to see you and they depend on you and much as you depend on them, maybe even more than you depend on them. That's all Harry ever wanted and he got that with his precious baby.

But one day it just wasn't enough.

"You know what, Mr. Sprinkles?" Harry spoke to his little kitten that was now almost two months old now. He sat on his sofa, signing small contract deals here and there after taking an hour to read over one and go through his terms and conditions on each one. "I think you need a friend."

The kitten meowed and Harry nodded solemnly. "I know, darling, I know. But this friend won't leave us. This friend will stay forever with us and bring great company. I promise."

Another meow was heard and Harry laughed. "That's my thoughts exactly."

Maybe he needed other human friends if he's speaking with his kitten. However, he had enough friends when he went to work because everyone he directed for was absolutely lovely and adored him as much, if not more, than he adored them.

Harry picked up Mr. Sprinkles and gently pet right between his ears as he walked over to the coat rack and shoved one of his Burberry coats on, fixing to hold the kitten from one arm to the next as he slipped his coat on. Then he moved to get out of the house, locking it up behind him and going down to the driveway to get in his Range Rover Sport.

He could have went in the garage and picked through his two other cars, a Ford Capri and a Ferrari California, but the Range Rover was the bigger car he could use to put an animal in the back with. And when he comes home, hopefully another added animal.

The drive to town was about fifteen minutes out since he made sure to live a good ways away so no one would be able to get to his estate with ease. It was even gated, added protection. He wasn't an actor, no, but he is credited enough to be a name spoken by the actors and actresses he works with and given awards on his films ever now and again. He had a total of two Oscars now, the biggest awards he's gotten at just the young age that he was. He was 28 years old now, won those awards when he was 25 and then 27. One of the youngest starting directors in Hollywood and he was proud of it. He worked hard to get where he was today.

Eventually Harry got to the pet store, getting out and tucking Mr. Sprinkles under his coat because he didn't want the poor thing getting cold. When he got inside, he went to the area where they held the cats and knelt down, letting Mr. Sprinkles peek out to see the other cats and kittens.

"Look, Mr. Sprinkles. Aren't they all just so lovely?" He asked with a small smile. He wanted to take all of these animals home with him. They all deserved an amazing home and to be treated like royalty. However, he wasn't sure if he could handle twenty seven cats and thirty kittens all at once. Baby steps.

"Can I help you find something, sir?" A voice rang out and Harry looked up from his crouched position and saw a woman standing besides him, glancing down at him curiously.

"Hello." He greeted with a small smile. "I'm thinking of getting another kitten.. Someone to keep Mr. Sprinkles company."

"Mr. Sprinkles, I am assuming, is another cat you have?" The lady asked. Harry then stood up and opened his coat, revealing the head of Mr. Sprinkles poking out of the inside pocket of his coat. "Oh.. That was.. I wasn't expecting that."

"Well.. I had to bring him along. Can't have a kitten come back with me only to end up finding out they don't like each other." Harry explained before glancing back down at the glass where he can see the different cats.

"Understandable. I've got a bunny at home, doesn't like other animals all too well besides one of the bunny's we've got here. Strange how animals are always rather picky." The lady explained and Harry just gave a small laugh. He liked this girl. She was understanding. "Follow me, sir. I'll bring you back and show you the litter of kittens."

He didn't have to be told twice as he followed closely behind the lady. He was excited. He really wanted to have another animal in the house, always having that urge to really just protect and raise something, someone really, and he didn't want to have a child just yet. Not after being told he couldn't look after a child. So, he was kind of filling that with animals.

Once they got back to the room, Harry gasped at the different kittens held in a small pen that was large enough for them to hop around and play with each other.

"Oh, they're all so cute!" He gushed and moved to kneel down next to the pen and smiled a bit, taking Mr. Sprinkles out of his coat and setting him down besides him. He didn't want to put him in because he worried about their liking to one another.

"They're all named, already. So feel free to ask about any of them and I'll do my best to answer any questions you have." The lady said and Harry nodded, glancing around all of them. Then his eyes settled on a pair that wasn't interacting much with any of the other kittens, just settled in the back and curled up against each other. His heart properly melted.

He reached in and grabbed one of the kittens out and cooed. "Hello, baby.. What's this one's name?" He spoke softly. It was an all black kitten except for the brown around it's right eye.

"Her name is Dotty."

"Dotty!" Harry said happily. It fit, he loved it. "What do you think, Mr. Sprinkles? I think I rather like Dotty." He said, gently holding the kitten down for Mr. Sprinkles to inspect. When he purred, Harry knew it was a good sign. "Alright.. We're s--awe!"

He was cut off when he glanced down and saw the kitten that was formally curled up against Dotty meowing and trying to escape the pen. So, of course he reached in and pulled the kitten out as well, holding both to his chest where they instantly tried to curl around each other.

"Oh my goodness." He breathed out because he couldn't handle all the cuteness coming from them. Who was he to separate them?

"That's Pickles. Him and Dotty are from the same litter, they're the runts of the group. Never quite keen on leaving each others side." Harry glanced up at the lady and nodded at her words.

"Alright... So, I guess I've got to get both of them." He stated and then looked down at Mr. Pickles. "Its a package deal." He added softly, watching as the little kitten sat down and gave a small meow.

So, just like that, Harry got the two kittens into the backseat while Mr. Pickles got to sit in the front. He truly felt like this was starting to fill his heart, though. He was over the break up and divorce (no he wasn't) and he felt like that hole that was left in his heart and soul was being filled with the lovely company of love of these animals.

He craved for that hole to be filled with the love he was craving; the love he lost. And he was sure that this was going to help. He needed to just get these new kittens used to the house and then it would be like he never had someone leave him in the first place. To him, the plan was full-proof. He had love to share now and even more love that he could welcome back into his heart.

It just went downhill from there.

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