Eighteen - That Wasnt Supposed To Happen

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Harry wasn't the same since he had to put Dotty down. That feeling is the worst feeling anyone could ever endure, losing a pet. Especially one of the first he's ever had and one so young and so tiny. His animals are his children, it was like a piece of him was ripped out of his heart. Anything to ever lead to that moment didnt prepare him for it. Thankfully Louis was there to help him cope and help him get a bit better. He would never be perfectly alright but he could get a bit better.

Louis stayed the night at his house that night Harry cried on his shoulder. He stayed in a guest room which eventually turned into Harry's room because Harry couldn't stop crying when he was alone and when he wasn't being cuddled. Neither of them questioned the state of their relationship at that point. Acquaintances don't exactly cuddle each other like they did. But who cares.

It's been exactly one week and Harry didnt go in to work, let all of the responsibility fall onto everyone else's shoulders. They premiered in exactly two months and Harry was in a funk that he couldn't get out of. The animals even noticed and the atmosphere around the house was glum and dark and depressed. Pickles suffered the most and always meowed at the bed that Dotty used to have that Harry didn't have the strength to get rid of. It was just a very terrible time.

Harry talked to his mother daily and told her everything that she needed to hear about what happened these last months. She gave the only advice he needed to hear because it was a mothers advice and there was nothing better than that. She made him cry sometimes but it was always something that turned out right. He loved his mother so much.

It was Tuesday again when there was another knock on his door. Harry wasn't too distraught like the last time he had to answer the door for someone so he easily walked to the door, eyes dull and bags underneath his eyes. Mr. Sprinkles was at his feet as he pulled the door open. He came face to face with Louis, which made him frown.


"Sorry.. I just... You're not answering your emails again." Louis spoke and then they both just stood there for a moment in silence. Then Harry noticed there was a large box in Louis' arms.

"What's that?" He asked, tilting his head to the side a bit. Louis looked down at the box and gave a small smile.

"Got it made for you. I read an interview you did and you said your favourite cake was red velvet with cream cheese frosting..."

Harry's heart would have melted of it wasn't already too occupied being shattered.

"You got me a cake?" He asked instead, biting down on his bottom lip before he just shook his head and moved to step to the side, in the process pushing Mr. Sprinkles back as well. Then he opened the door a bit wider. "Come in.. Set it down in the kitchen. You didnt have to bring me a cake. Its not even my birthday."

Louis shrugged as he stepped into the house. Then he kicked off his shoes. "I know its not." Is all he said before he went straight for the kitchen. Harry shut the door before turning around, following Louis into the kitchen.

"Then what's the cake for?" He asked, stepping over and then peeking over Louis' shoulder as he set the cake down.

"Its a—" Louis spoke as he opened the cake box. But then he read the writing on it and blushed a deep shade of red. "Oh god... Oh god that's not what they were supposed to write... That wasn't supposed to happen."

Harry got a better look at the cake when Louis turned his head to the side to try and shy away. Then he read over the tiny writing written in a black frosting on the large cake.

Say happy birthday. Ha ha ha don't put that it's not his birthday. Write I'm sorry for your loss x x Lewis

Harry was quiet for a moment before he bit both of his lips and then eventually that wasn't enough and he was barking out a laugh, covering his mouth. He continued to laugh enough to have to stumble away and hold onto the countertop by the sink.

Louis pouted the entire time that Harry laughed but he figured that a laughing Harry was better than a sad and crying Harry. But the person who did his cake was a terrible person for putting all of that. Its called common sense.

"They—they did not write all of that!" Harry laughed out.

"I told them not to! God, they literally wrote my terrible babbles onto the cake!" Louis whined out and Harry just giggled softly, wiping his eyes a bit. Then Harry looked back over at the cake and he laughed loudly again.

"What now? I think you've laughed enough." Louis stated and placed his hands on his hips.

"Lewis!" Harry wheezed out.

Louis frowned and then looked back at the cake and then just widened his eyes. "They even spelt me name wrong!"

That made Harry just die with more laughter, his entire body practically shaking with all of his laughter. Louis couldn't help but to smile as well because of the fact that Harry's laugh was a bit contagious. He was also just glad that Harry was able to laugh about this instead of being upset at the words on the cake. It was nice, actually. Really nice.

Harry controlled himself after a good while before they just both went back to the cake and gazed at it. Then Harry managed to convince Louis to lean close to the cake with a sad face for a photo. Which he posted on Instagram with the caption 'You tried @Louist91' with about two laughing emojis. Then they got to cutting the cake into two pieces.

"This cake is amazing. Thank you so much for this, Louis, I really needed this." Harry commented as they sat down at the table and started to eat.

"Yeah, you're welcome. I'm glad that I got to hear you laugh again. Its nice." Louis stated as he picked at his own cake, smiling a bit.

Harry hummed. "Yeah.. Its been a while. Just hard, you know?" He asked softly. "You're really helping me a lot. The little things you've done for me since that.. Tragedy happened, is just so sweet and it means so much to me. You're the best. So thank you."

Louis just reached over and gently placed a hand down against Harry's free hand, giving it a small squeeze. "You don't have to thank me.. I like helping you."

Harry smiled down at the way Louis held his hand and just looked back at his cake, taking another bite. Neither of them moved their hands as they both finished off their pieces of cake and it was all okay for once within the last month. Harry couldn't ask for anything better, honestly.

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