Twenty Five - One And Only part I

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"Gotta clean, gotta clean.. Beast, go away! I'm trying to sweep and you sitting on all of the piles isn't helping!" Harry complained, voice whining as if Beast was actually able to understand the concept of it. Which he didn't, of course. When Beast didn't move and only laid out, belly up, on a pile he swept up, Harry groaned. Then he just moved to lean down and quite literally heaved the dog up and walked him to the living room. "Jesus, Beast! You're not helping! I cant have you acting up today, you cant possibly be disobedient. We've got important people coming over today."

The dog only gave a small huff and just stretched out on the floor without a care in the world. At least it was no longer on his piles he swept up. That dog is going to give him a cyst if he keeps it up. Then again, Harry loved him more than anything. So, with everything out of the way, Harry was able to finally sweep up and dust off every inch of furniture and knick knacks he owned, shining the telly and windows. Everything had to be perfect. Spotless.

It wasn't until he was setting out little hor d'oeuvres on the island in the kitchen did the doorbell ring. He gave a small squeal, quickly running to the mirror in the hall to fix himself presentable. The animals were well trained enough to know the doorbell meant sitting in lines in the living room and that was good. They needed to be obedient if they wanted this to work out. Harry gave a soft sigh and nodded, moving to go to the door. He closed his eyes, taking in a soft breath before he put on a smile and pulled open the door.

"Hello. Please, come in. Make yourselves at home." He spoke easily to the couple outside, stepping aside and opening the door wonder.

The woman, hand against her bulging stomach, had her eyes widening as she looked around at the large house. She walked on first and the man behind her, looking just as amazing as the woman. They both wore nice clothes and Harry sensed that the mans suit was tailored and the woman's clothes were from a line of pregnancy clothing but he couldn't pinpoint where. When they were inside, he shut the door and then just folded his hands in front of himself.

"This is beautiful.." The woman finally spoke. "Absolutely astonishing. You're so young, too, its an amazing thing to have gotten you able to get this kind of lifestyle."

Harry only shrugged. "Its the only thing I bought for myself with my money. I wanted a big house because i wanted others to share it with. But.. Its just me now. Well, and all the animals."

"That's right. You've grown yourself your own zoo." The male spoke and if he hadn't have been smiling in a teasing manner, Harry would have been embarrassed. Instead he smiled back.

"I suppose so. They're all well trained, though, I assure you. In fact, the doorbell means to sit in the living room for them. If you'd like, the dogs and cats should be there now. They're also trained not to jump.. So, you can go say hello and familiarise yourself with them." Harry spoke up, biting down on his bottom lip.

The woman nodded easily and just looked to Harry for a moment before he realised it was to lead her in the direction. His house was big so its understandable. He smiled kindly before stepping forward and leading the couple to the direction of the living room. There was the dogs and cats as promised. The dogs tails were wagging wildly but the cats were merely just laying down as if without a care in the world. Harry found that they really didn't care for attention unless its to be fed treats or whenever they themselves want attention. The dogs, though, they cant get enough of it.

"Oh, goodness.." The lady trailed off. "Look at all of them. They're beautiful, arent they, honey?"

"They are.. You've got quite the variety." The male spoke, looking back at Harry. "May we?"

"Oh, of course! They don't bite, I promise. let them smell your hand first and then they'll be your friend forever." Harry said with a small smile. He took a small step back as the two walked forward, kneeling down to greet themselves with the dogs and cats. The dogs instantly warmed up to them and licked and nudged against them, the cats being a bit more hesitant but it was all running smoothly. Harry was so glad.

"They're absolutely lovely!" The lady exclaimed with a happy giggle. "I adore them all so much already."

Harry smiled softly. "They seem to adore you two as well. I suppose this is a good sign." He laughed.

"We night just have to do the whole visit from right here." The man said with a laugh. "Unless you can get her to get up."

Harry shrugged. "I mean, I've got snacks."

"There it is." The man said when the lady looked back at Harry. He laughed a bit and helped her up as they got to their feet. His hand held the ladies waist and Harry felt a pinch of sadness hit. He wants a love like the one he's witnessing right now.

"Alright... Uh, well, come on. Follow me. I didn't know whether you were a vegetarian or if you ate meat so I have a couple options for whatever. I have... Pigs in a blanket, a cheese plate, hummus, crackers, little sausages, crisps with cheese dip and guacamole and ranch dip, fruit salad, regular salad, and I've got dressings if you want regular salad. From ranch to raspberry vinaigrette to Italian and balsamic and oil." Harry babbled out, biting down on his bottom lip as he showed all of he options that was on the island. What? He needed to have options just in case. He hated places that have one option because most of the time, not everyone likes the one option.

"Oh, goodness.. You are an angel." The lady spoke, instantly going to the fruit and filling a small bowl of the assorted fruits. Then she looked around a moment. "Do you happen to have whipped cream?"

Harry smiled a bit and nodded. "I've got the spray can or the regular."

"Ooh, spray." The lady spoke with a grin. Harry nodded again before heading to his fridge and reaching into the side of it for the can of spray whipped cream. He went back to the two and handed it to the lady.

"This is quite the amount of food.." The man spoke, grabbing his own plate to fill up.

"Well, yes... I cook when I'm nervous and I may have wanted to make you two feel comfortable.. And maybe make a good impression on your wife." Harry trailed off, reaching up to gently scratch the back of his neck as a blush covered his cheeks.

"Should i worry you'll steal her away?" The man spoke teasingly, sending him a wink as he used a toothpick to eat a little sausage.

Harry laughed softly. "No no. Your relationship is mainly what I'm jealous of. Plus, i don't necessarily swing towards the uh... Female population."

"Ah.." The man trailed off. For a moment, Harry worried that maybe being gay was a deal breaker. He was about to open his mouth to speak before the man beat him to it. "So its me my wife is gonna have to worry about."

Harry almost melted into a pile of relief.

"Oh, you can have him." The lady said with a small laugh. "He's a handful."

And with that, they all seemed to laugh.

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