Eleven - It's A Good Day

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"Alright. So, I think you did good so far. Your animals kind of keep to themselves and I just need you to do those little tweaks to the areas I've written down and told you about and we'll be alright." Louis spoke as they walked towards the door. It's been about three hours since Louis had been here and thats overstaying on his part. He had to cut it short at some point.

Harry nodded along and just stopped, opening the door for Louis who smiled and stepped outside while Harry stayed st the doorway. "Thank you again, Louis. I really appreciate you coming over and such. Helping me through this."

Louis waved a hand in dismissal. "The pleasured all mine, Harry. I'm willing to do whatever it takes for you to get the child you very much deserve." He stated before pulling his keys out from his pocket and clicking a button on them to unlock. "I'll have to come back and check on your progress with the renovations you need to have done. I also need to do some exercises with your animals and see how they would react to having a baby around. And we also would have to go through many options you can have with the families willing to put their child up for adoption, what kind of family you want your child coming from and the lot. Also, the family you chose has to chose from many other options so dont get your hopes set on just one. If there's a mutual chosing... We'll go from there."

Harry tried to understand all of that. It was a but hard to, though, so he just nodded along as if he understood every last word Louis said. "Alright.. I'll keep that in mind." No he won't. He'll most likely just go with the flow and do one step at a time with this process. Louis knows what he's doing, Harry trusts him.

"Good. I'll be in touch, Harry. My office is open as well if you want to stop by for any reason but please call first just to make sure I'm not with a client." Louis said before giving a small nod and then turning around so he could go down to his car and opened the door on the drivers side, waving over the roof of the car to Harry. "Au Revoir! Hope the movie is going well. High expectations!" And with that, Louis disappeared into the car and not a minute later the car itself disappeared driving away from Harry's house.

Harry stayed at the doorway for a moment, eyes staying on the spot where Louis' car had disappeared. But then there was a nudge at his leg and Harry looked down with a small laugh. "Hello, Mr. Sprinkles." He stated and leaned down to lift the kitten up to hold in his arms.

Then he just went to step back inside and shut the door behind him, locking it up. "Well, Mr. Sprinkles, I think we have a very good opportunity on or hands, hm?" He said and just went to the living room and sitting himself down with the cat in his lap who had to move around in circles for a moment until he just settled down with a sigh as if his life was very very hard.

Harry just gently pet from behind the cats ears and then down his back. "I know, I know. Life if rough. But with him, I think our lives are looking to be a bit better. I'm very happy with everything so far. He's a very nice man." He said softly. But there was no response after that so Harry just chuckled and leaned over to grab a remote and turn on his television. Its a good day.


"You get me at the worst possible times." Harry spoke, voice hushed as he watched a scene unfold a block away since he had to make a dash from the scene when his phone started to vibrate. He remembered ever since the first time to always keep his phone either silent or on vibrate just in case and thank God today it wasn't blaring music to ruin the entire scene they were doing because it was being shot absolutely perfectly.

"Are you filming again?" Louis asked through the phone, whispering as if talking loudly would ruin everything. Even though he wasn't anywhere close to the sight they were filming at.

"Yes, I am. I was home all day yesterday and pretty much all month but the moment I come here, you call." Harry spoke softly but he did have a small smile on his lips without noticing it much. 

"Oh, well let's see. You, Mr. Styles, are not my only client at the moment and I can't cater to your schedule." Even as Louis said that, he gave a small laugh because he was just teasing.

"But I'm a movie producer in Hollywood, Mr. Tomlinson, you have to cater to my schedule." Harry shot right back.

"And I decided your fait, so." Louis shot back once again. Well, he got Harry there.

"You're cruel."

"Its just business." Louis spoke. At this point, they were both grinning like idiots at nothing. "But anyways. I was calling to check up on your progress with the renovations and the baby proofing of the house. Also, I got you signed up for adoption and I need your signature before we go searching through applicants."

Harry's heart stopped. "Wait. Are you serious?"

"Mhm. As serious as white on rice." Louis stated. Harry didnt have the time to say 'but not all rice is white' because this was really happening. It only took almost three months from the start of it.

"Holy shit! Do you need it right now? Are you at my house again? I can leave right now and be there in–"

"Calm down, Harry. I'm not at your house again. This isn't a surprise visit. I just need you to stop by my office. I was gonna schedule your appointment here while I have you on the phone with me." Louis spoke before he just went silent a moment.

"Do you have today free?" Harry asked, anxious and just more than ready to get this rolling.

"Nope. I only called because I'm on my lunch. I do have tomorrow open at... either six in the morning or five in the afternoon.. Is–"

"Six in the morning." Harry cut him off.

"Of course you picked that. But... I dont want you to do that. I can't handle your cheer that damn early in the morning. You'd be the last appointment of the day for me. Think that's a bit better." Louis stated. He really just wanted to be able to have a bit more time than have a strict time to time schedule with him. Plus, maybe they could get some tea or coffee or something along those lines. To discuss this process further, of course.

Harry sighed softly. "Thats not fair at all. You shouldn't have asked me if you were just gonna assign me a time."

Louis laughed a bit. "If you would have let me finish, you wouldn't have had the option in the first place." He explained. "Alright. So tomorrow at five. You're all set. Just come in and talk the lady that you're my five o'clock and confirm your name with an ID verification and she'll sign you in."

Harry nodded easily. "Yeah, alright. I can't wait. This is so exciting. Thank you so much, Louis."

"No problem. Now go back to filming the best movie ever." Louis said.

"Aye Aye captain." Harry spoke and then hung up the phone. He had to do a small breathing exercise to stop himself from squealing before he went back up to the set of the scene.

Today was definitely a good day.

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