Sixteen - Happy Thoughts

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"Where the fuck is Nick?" Harry called out, standing in the middle of the house they were shooting in, hands on his hips.

"I'll go find him!" His assistant called out before she scurried away. She was always so willing to do whatever Harry wanted and he was oh so grateful for everything she does. Shes a really big part of the whole filming process. She was only assigned to him for this particular film but Harry would probably ask to have her as am assistant for every film he does from here on out. They work well together.

But then there was a crashing sound from outside and Harry flinched, slowly reaching up to cover his face. "I dont want to know. I dont want to know. You all are going to give me a heart attack before I turn thirty." He kept babbling to himself, the stress eating him away even though everything was actually going really well. Then there was a tap on his shoulder and then he pulled his head out of his hands and looked up to see who it was, blue eyes gazing over at him. Honestly, he had forgotten that Louis came at all today, he just really into his job.

"Mr. Styles. May I have a word?" Louis spoke out softly.

"I didn't really mean they'll give me a heart attack. I'm quite healthy and I'm hoping to live to ninety eight." Harry quickly spoke, making Louis frown.

"What?" Louis questioned.

Harry just shook his head. "Sorry.. I thought.. Nevermind." He mumbled. "What do you need?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. You seemed a bit stressed and I believe that its over nothing. I mean.. I'm not some director but I am part of the public that is looking forward to the movie and all and the scene you got dine today so far is actually quite well." Louis spoke, moving to cross his arms over his chest. "Not to mention how absolutely wicked it is to see how well a movie is coming along. I thought it was going to be a disaster the way you were freaking out earlier but its really not."

Harry looked down at his shoes as Louis spoke, trying not to blush and smile because thats not what he needs. He needs to worry about getting Nick here and doing this opening scene.

"You're doing it again." Louis added after a second longer of silence and it made Harry glance up, eyes confused.

"Doing what again?"

"You do this thing when something good happens on set. You get a bit happy and then a moment later you're worrying all over again." Louis commented. Not like he had been observing Harry closely for the last three hours. (He was.) "Just leave the worrying behind for this scene. Do it that way. The moment you start to worry, think happy thoughts and see how it plays out. You're gonna need that technique when you've got a growing child to care for as well."

Harry thought it over a moment. Maybe Louis was right. "Alright. But if my directing turns to shit, its on you. I've been worrying since I came out of the womb and I've excelled in that."

Louis laughed softly. "Yeah, well, there's always room for change and improvement."

Harry couldn't argue with him there. But then all the lighting went out aand Harry groaned loudly.

"God damnit, Nick! What did I say about shutting the power down? I said not to do that again!" Harry shouted as he stormed out of the fake house in search of the actor.

"Happy thoughts!" Louis called out.

"Happy fucking thoughts!" Harry called back. The last thing he heard was Louis' loud laughter and it granted a small smile to graze Harry's lips as he went to find the kid responsible for this turn of events.


"Thats a wrap for today! Everyone you did an amazing job! Hopefully we can have Bryce back in by this Thursday and film a couple more smaller scenes! We're almost done, you lot, and I'm so excited to see the final cutting of it!" Harry exclaimed to the entire cast and crew that were getting ready to leave. "Nick Robinson. If you play one more prank, though, I will not hesitate to give Chris permission to beat you."

With that, a laughter filled the room as Chris moved to grab Nick in a headlock and playfully ruffled his hair up. Harry smiled a bit. This cast was actually quite amazing.

"Alright! Job well done! Everyone's free to go!" Harry said and clapped his hands a bit before he turned around and then gathered his coat from the directors chair. Then he heard someone else clapping and glanced over to see Louis was the one doing it.

"Bravo! Encore!" The boy exclaimed and it effectively made Harry give a soft laugh as he stood straight.

"Save that for the premiere." Harry stated before he backtracked. "I mean. If you're even like.. Wanting to go. Which you don't have to! Its expensive. Even though I'll probably invite you if you want to go and because I'm director, I can have a plus one. Not that you're my plus one as in a date! I mean, like..." He babbled out, reaching up and scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Harry." Louis stated. "Do you want me to go with you to your premiere?"

Harry bashfully nodded, his entire face going red. "But.. Just because you like it. And I owe you one. For giving me the chance to get a baby and all. And my family already gets to go since they're family."

Louis tried a little bit too hard not to practically jump for joy at that. Instead, he just stayed calm and cool and collected and gave a small shrug. "Yeah. That sounds cool enough."

Harry looked over at him and just gave a soft smile. "Yeah? Cool. The premiere is this summer. In about five months. We'll be finished filming in one month more and then all the affects and stuff. Its been about a year since we started this."

Louis nodded a bit. "I know. I did some research."

Harry grinned. "You did?"

"Yeah. Its part of my job." Louis answered easily. Harry tried not to let the smile fall.

"Right. Well. I should take you home. Its been a long day and I've got to go back home and feed the pets and maybe take a nap." Harry commented.

Louis nodded easily. "Right. Yeah.. I had fun, regardless."

Harrys forced grin turned into a soft smile as he nodded and answered honestly. "I'm glad. It was nice having you here."

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