Three - Beast, Layla and Chunk

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It started with a cartoon.

Harry was in his living room, Mr. Sprinkles on his lap and Dotty and Pickles curled up next to him. His feet were even on the coffee table which means he was truly exhausted from the day since he never allows anything on the coffee table unless its under a coaster or it was decoration. The telly was on and he was flicking through the channels lazily before he saw it. It was a show called CatDog. Harry was astonished. How can a cat and dog be together when they have a history of hating each other? The show shows the hatred the cat and the dog have, the cat being more sassy and the dog just loving life. But they never seem to want to lose each other. It was sweet even though its a silly children's show. It was the overall message it brought, not the context itself.

He wondered if that truly happens in the real world. There's always owners with cats and dogs but to his knowledge, the cat always thinks that it has to show dominance. He wonders if there is a way for a cat and a dog to just be friends and be equals instead of this fight for dominance and fight for the owners undivided attention all the time.

Then an idea popped into his head.

Harry looked down at the kittens and just smiled.

"I'm gonna do an experiment. You might not like it but its worth a shot." He spoke, picking up Mr. Sprinkles and putting him on the sofa, which caused him to give an unhappy little mewl before curling up against the sofa to get comfortable again.

"You kitties be good!" Harry stated as he stepped out of the living room and slipping his boots on his feet and his coat around his body. It was only a hoodie this time since he didn't want to wear anything too expensive. He was exhausted still and when he's exhausted, he tends to be clumsy. He wouldn't want to risk getting a tear in his lovely coats.

Harry took his Range Rover out again and instead of going to the pet store, Harry went to their local pound. Dogs never get picked up from there and sometimes they get put to sleep and that just makes Harry so sad. They just want a life and want to be loved. That's all. Pet store animals have a better life but dogs that go to a pound have a caged and miserable life. This probably wasn't the best idea, though.

One dog. He's there for one dog.

Harry stepped into the shop with a can-do attitude and a wide smile on his face.

"Hello, sir. How can I -"

"Do dogs hate cats?" Is the first thing Harry said before he just blushed a bit. "Oh. Oops. I didn't mean to interrupt you, love. Sorry.."

The lady at the desk laughed softly. "Don't worry about it. And it depends on the type of dog and the owner of the animals. Some owners treat their animals as if one is superior and the other breed just doesn't like that. Or they train some dogs to be mean and they end up targeting cats because they're smaller and easy for dogs to control."

This information was just so interesting to Harry. How could someone purposefully make a dog or a cat mean so they can harm other animals? That's probably why most dogs get put to sleep. That's so sad.

"I have three cats. I wanted a dog. Wanted to make sure that there's always a way to get cats and dogs to be friends before I committed to anything first." Harry explained with a small nod. He seemed to miss the fond look on the girls face.

"Let me show you some puppies we have. Most dogs we have here over two years old are not dog friendly or kid friendly. But most puppies are still young and impressionable. Follow me to the back meeting room." She explained and smiled softly before stepping out from behind her station, grabbing a pair of keys and walking towards the back of the room. There were already cages of animals barking and meowing and there was even whining. Harry had to stay focused on his feet before he buys the entire building of animals. Once they got to the back, Harry let out a small breath of relief and glanced around. There were scattered toys on the floor that they have to make the animals feel comfortable enough to play with the person visiting them.

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