Seventeen - Everything Good Comes To An End

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A/N I apologize in advance for this chapter !! ):

xx H

It turns out that would be the last time that Harry sees Louis in a while. Their only other encounters after that day of filming was through email. Harry was given strict directions on how to chose a fit parent willing to give up their child to adoption and he was sent the people to pick from by Louis and when he went over their files and researched through every single one, he was able to narrow it down to about seven people.

The reason they couldn't do this with each other was because Harry was busier than all hell to take time out of his day to visit with him for any amount of time. It's been two months since they have seen each other and one month since Harry finished filming and was now working to put it all together. Work with the animators and electronical aspects of the film as well as the sound casting. This wasn't as stressful to him as was the filming but this was what took more time out of his day. His life, actually.

It was a Tuesday when it happened. Harry was out shopping for food with Mr. Sprinkles in the cart since he was such a good kitty and went everywhere with him. He meowed to make decisions that Harry couldn't make himself and he was there to purr for attention which would make Harry grin and scratch under the kittens chin.

Harry was getting ready to check out when his phone went off. He glanced down at the caller ID and frowned when it was the veterinarian he takes his animals to. So, he answered it with a confused hello.

"Ah. Mr. Styles. We have reports of the last visit that you had brought Dotty in for. And we told you we would run the proper tests for the symptoms she was facing  yes?" The vet spoke out, her voice sounding far too soft for his liking.

"Yes.. But that was a while ago. She hasn't gotten any worse. She's sleeping lots but I think thats the medication—"

"The medication didnt have a sleepiness side effect. It was supposed to increase her appetite and help the antibodies in her body fight any infection." The lady cut him off and Harry brought a hand up to chew in his nails. This didnt sound good.

"Okay.. So what is this call for? Do I need to bring her back in?" He asked softly.

"Im afraid so. The tests came back positive for a growth in her spine and also one attached to her liver. Hence the lack of movement and the lack of appetite and tiredness." The lady spoke. Harry only heard static after the word 'growth'. That was never a good word and his heard was pounding against his ribcage.

"W-wait. Wait. This can be treated, right? Y-you guys have to go in and take it out." He mumbled softly, trying to wrap his mind around the whole thing.

"We'll do our best. Bring her in as soon as possible."


Harry sat on the sofa with his head in his hands, sobbing rather loudly to where the dogs deemed it fit to lay at his feet and Beast even laid next to him on the sofa with his head on his lap. They all tried to comfort Harry in times of distress. But it only made him even more sad.

Then his phone rang again. Harry couldn't answer it. So he let it ring until it went to voicemail. Then it rang again. Harry groaned a bit and reached into his pocket to pull out his phone and saw it was Louis calling. He almost didnt answer it again but he knew that it could probably be important. So, with shaky, and rather drenched with tears, hands he pushed the green answer button and held the phone to his ear.


"Harry? Are you alright? I've emailed you ten times these last three days. You haven't responded and you didnt answer my first call so—"

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