Twenty Six - One and Only pt. II

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"So... Lets get down to business, yeah?" Harry spoke softly once they all left the kitchen and went to the living room to sit down on the sofa. They brought more snacks upon the lady's request because she said being pregnant makes her hungry all the time and she'd rather not get up multiple times to get more when they're having a serious talk.

"Do you mind if I record this?" The man spoke. "For legal reasons. The agent said in case we need to have a court session for any reason, its best to get word for word documentation of what was said and agreed upon. If we choose you."

Harry instantly nodded his head. "Yeah! Yeah, yeah, of course. I don't mind at all." He said, smiling.

The man nodded and tapped away at his phone for a moment before he set it on the table, indicating that it was recording at this point.

"Alright. Harry Styles, number 28 and counting of the people we have interviewed." The man spoke. That made Harry nervous. He had competition with at least 27 other people, unless they have more people after him then its over 27 and he doesnt know if that's something he could come on top of.

"According to your file, you're a director. There's obviously complications following that." The lady spoke up, Harry's gaze going over to her now.

"Right. I understand the concern." Harry said easily. "You're concerned about travel and not being in the house a lot, correct?"

"Yes, that and the media attention." The man said.

"Right, right. Well, thankfully directors don't get half of the attention that the actors and staff do for a film or television series. I don't get bombarded with paparazzi when I'm around town here and if there is something I need to attend, there is security. However, I am my own boss and I finished a film so I do not have anything to worry about except the premiere and that's it. I don't have to accept any films for years and still be alright. I make my own schedule so time home isn't a problem. If I do have a child, I plan to take a couple years or so off to make them my top priority." Harry explained, nodding his head as he spoke. He rehearsed for every type of question imaginable so he thinks that he can win them over. Maybe. He hopes.

"That was a good answer." The lady told her husband, popping a grape into her mouth. Her other hand rest on her stomach.

"We don't have to worry about any kind of financial difficulties, either." The man spoke up, looking to Harry.

"No, sir. I can be able to afford to put the child in the best schooling and give them all the necessities needed. Maybe even spoil them with gifts here and there." Harry laughed a bit. It was going good. He had a good feeling about this.

"That's good. My only concern is all the animals." The lady spoke up. "I understand that they're all trained and such but if the baby has... Lets say an allergy with cats and dogs."

Harry sighed softly. "If the child has allergic reactions with any of the animals, I'll make sure none of them are exposed to him or her. They'll be out of the house. I love them to bits and pieces so I definitely wont give them away but I'll have them stay with a family member or friends. I do not give up on family." He had that answer rehearsed as well.

The man and woman looked at each other and Harry didn't know what that meant.

"Um.. I also wanted to pipe in with an offer." Harry spoke up before anything else. "If you do choose me, which I'm really hoping for because you two seem absolutely lovely and your child no doubt will be beautiful and perfect.. But if you do, Im glad to offer you a place here for the remainder of the pregnancy."

"What do you mean?" The man spoke.

"I mean, i can offer to take care of you both. Not just her. I want to make you both comfortable with me and everything if you choose me. I've got a lot of room already so its nothing like an inconvenience. Plus, I've got a private chef that —"

"You had me at private chef." The lady interjected, leaning forward to set her plate down and just pushed off of the sofa to stand.

"What?" Harry frowned a bit. His overthinking mind automatically assuming that she was ready to leave.

"I mean, think about this, honey—" the man spoke, standing as well.

"Baby, he's got all of the qualifications we need! He's intelligent, he's got room for the child to grow and the house upon first glance is baby proof enough, he's got money to support the child, he's so kind hearted.. And he's got a private chef." The lady spoke.

At that point, Harry stood up from the sofa and just bit his nails. That sounded like a confirmation. His heart was beating rapidly out of his chest but he didn't want to assume anything just yet.

The man and woman whispered for another second before the man turned to look at Harry with a small smile. "The misses has made up her mind. I think we can sign off on those papers.."

"Are you... Are you serious?" Harry spoke, voice soft because he couldn't believe it. The one couple he has over chooses him. That had to be luck.

"Deadly. Can we move in tomorrow?" The lady spoke.

"Oh my god." Harry breathed out, moving over to them and instantly bringing them both in for a hug. Obviously he was being careful, though, because he didn't want to actually squish the lady and hurt her or the baby. "Thank you so much. Oh my god, you have no idea how much this means to me."

He was going to be a dad. This day was probably the best day of his life so far.

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