Twenty Four - Get Out

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When Louis was able to bring Harry upstairs (quite successfully even though Harry was a huge monster in his arms. It made Louis proud of himself) he went to where he remembered the boys room was. Harry's lips were attached to his neck the entire way there and it gave Louis a boost to be able to function properly so they don't end up falling or making this situation seem awkward at all.

Once in the room, Louis went straight to the bed and lowered Harry down onto it. He was about to crawl over him until Harry shook his head. "The door! The door the door the door." He babbled. "Beast likes to eavesdrop." He explained.

Louis merely laughed a bit and moved back to shut the door, making sure to lock it since the animals here are smart. He didnt know if Harry taught them how to open doors, he wouldn't be surprised if they did. After that, Louis turned back to the bed and went over, climbing over him. He had one hand on either side of Harry's head, hovering over him and just admiring Harry's features for a moment. He had a beautiful crimson blush covering his cheeks and his lips pulled between his teeth. His eyes held a darkness to them with lust but also a light that meant he was trying to hold back.

"Do you want this?" Harry whispered softly, reaching up and brushing his hand through Louis' hair that was hanging down besides his face and over his forehead.

"I really do.." He whispered. He felt the familiar tug of his heart when Harry gave a smile.

"Kiss me."

Louis didn't need to be told twice to lean down and press their lips together again. He should be worried about doing this. They weren't drunk so that wasn't an excuse. That means they're level headed and they're deciding this in good conscience. Which will either make the morning after difficult or make it easier to deal with. Louis eventually snapped out of his state of mind when he felt Harry's arms around his neck to use as leverage so he could buck his hips up against his own. That wasn't what got him, though. The soft moan that erupted from the boys lips is what made him melt down and push his own hips down to rub their hips together to get that same sound out of Harry's lips again.

((A/N Sorry, guys, I suck at writing smut so thats all you get.. Harry totally bottoms though, lmao))


Harry stretched a bit the next morning, yawning softly to himself. He had a sore feeling in his lower back and in his bum but it only made him smile. He turned around and placed his hand over, expecting to feel Louis besides him but his hand hit the bed instead. With a small frown, Harry blinked his eyes open and saw the bed was empty. He looked around a bit more, thinking that maybe Louis was in the bathroom. The door was open and the light was off, though, so that was out of the question. Sitting up, Harry just placed his hands on either side of his lap, not sure what to think or what to do. Then the thought of Louis cooking breakfast came to his mind and he just grinned to himself. So, he shifted off the bed, going to the closet and pulling on a pair of sweats and a plain white v-neck before he left the room.

However, when he got to the bottom of the stairs, he didnt smell a thing and he found the kitchen empty. There was a small sinking feeling in his chest, helplessly looking around the downstairs. He found nothing. There was no trace of Louis ever being there, either.

Harry ended up feeding his dogs, cats, guinea pigs, otter, fish, and pig before he just sulked back up to his room and slowly crawled back into bed, covering himself with the blanket. He doesn't like how heartache felt at all. It was the worst kind of pain that anyone could feel. Harry wished that this wasn't the second time he was feeling this way. At least this time wasn't as bad as the first. That doesn't mean that it didnt hurt still, though.


"Thats a wrap, everyone! Well done, give yourself a round of applause. I won’t say too much since I know you’re tired and probably want to sleep for weeks but thank you so much for all your hard work! This has been the most incredible team effort with an incredible cast. I know for sure that we’ve created something very special here and I'm so excited to share the end product around the world." Harry spoke out, eyes traveling between the entire cast stood, or sat, in the end scene to the movie. It was a large space where people were set to have came to heal from all of the attacks happened with the dinosaurs. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, many people clapping Harry on the back and hugging each other as they all congratulated everyone there. The room slowly shrunk as people walked out to clear and get showered and cleaned up of the makeup used to show cuts or scars or dirt and grime.

Harry worked everyone to the bone ever since that night where he was left. He barely gave breaks and they got done earlier than scheduled. It was good, though. The actors showed genuine exhaustion and it brought out normality in what should be fiction. He enjoyed how it turned out. He couldn't ask for any better of an outcome, truthfully. The movie was going to be a huge milestone in his career.

Once everyone was gone, Harry went back to his trailer, noticing the door was already cracked. He gave a small frown before just moving closer and pulling the door open, stepping up into it. What he saw made him freeze right there in his spot. "Get out."

Louis turned around, facing Harry with a small bouquet of flowers in his hands, a heart box of chocolates in the bouquet as well. "Um.. I just...I heard filming was dine today. Wanted to come—"

"I dont give a fuck what you wanted to do. Get the fuck out of my God damn trailer before I call security to toss your arse out to the curb." Harry interrupted, arms folded over his chest as he glared in Louis' general direction. He could see the light in Louis' eyes dim but he didnt care. Not after what happened.


"I said get out!" Harry shouted, literally stomping his foot down as he did so, eyes closing to try and control whether he had tears or not. No way in hell was he going to let Louis see him cry.

"Okay.." Louis mumbled, moving to walk past Harry to get to the door.

"Leave the chocolate." Harry stated before Louis could leave. The boy nodded and moved to gently place the bouquet down on one of the tables and then turned to leave the trailer again. Harry didn't move for about three minutes total before he just snatched the box of chocolates, shoving the bouquet in the trash, and plopping down onto one of the sofas. He sniffles, opening the box of chocolates. There's a note in it but Harry just have a soft sob and then ripped it up, tossing it to the floor. If he spent the next hour eating chocolate and crying then no one needs to know.

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