Five - Ace and Jinx

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This was all an accident.

It wasn't supposed to happen, truly. Harry was supposed to go to a Gala for a new movie he was helping direct within the next year or two. Maybe more. It takes quite some time to film a movie especially with special effects and the technical aspects as well. Plus, the movie he's doing has to have a lot of added effects with it since it's a continuum of Jurassic Park. He loved those movies and he loves Chris Pratt so to work with him is going to be rather great.

An example of such effects would be the gyrosphere, there's not glass on it due to it being reflective and the small fact that the actors could suffocate. So, they have to add the glass in for the movie by the techs that handle such things. And the dinosaurs, of course, aren't real at all.

The Gala was being held close to a set, outdoors, and there were tables around set up with offers and if they wanted to sign for donations and such like that. Of course it was mainly animal causes and Harry just had to sign his name for all of them. Except, he didn't even recognize that two of the twelve he was signing was for a chance to adopt an otter and the next was to adopt a pig. He didn't read those through. Who would? He thought it was all donations, not adoptions. He should have wondered why no one really signed for those sheets. Only about three, including himself, for both of them.

He really thought he was done with the animals. He had three rooms for three different kinds of pets and he was happy. Its been a while and now he barely thinks about negatives of life. He always has an animal to care for or an animal wanting to play with him. It was a good life. There's nothing better he could think of.

However, when his name was being called up for how generous he was being, Harry thought nothing of it and just went up there, ready to make a speech about the donations but then he was being thanked for his kindness of giving two animals that were abandoned a home and he froze and looked at the lady with wide eyes.

Then again... Harry wasn't the kind to make a scene somewhere in front of the many people he will have to work two years with. So, he just did a nervous chuckle and nodded, waving a hand and proceeding to make up a gratitude speech and how honoured he was to be given the chance to give back and even give a home to two animals.

Then when he got home, he found out the animals were, out of all things, an otter and a pig. Who was he to know such thing? Normally Harry was so good at reading fine print multiple times over before he signed something but he thought everything was donation. God, never again.

Then again, who was Harry to not accept animals? Even when it was an accidental donated signature of him.

Who gives away such exotic animals, though, was his question. What in the world is he going to do with an otter and a pig? Where were they going to stay? Are they even compatible with other animals? He's screwed. Completely and utterly screwed.

So, he did some research. The animals were scheduled to be delivered within the next week so he had a lot of work to get done.


"Back already, Mr. Styles?" Liza spoke as she saw Harry aimlessly wandering around the store with the worlds most confused look on his face.

Harry didn't bother looking up at her as he spoke. "Yeah. What do pigs eat?"

Liza stopped for a moment. "Don't tell me you got a pig.."

"I didn't." Was Harry's answer. "I may have, sort of, kind of, maybe, unintentionally, accidentally, signed off to take one while trying to donate to some places." He just mumbled lower and lower as he spoke because he knew Liza would probably scold him about it.

But she didn't. No, she started laughing instead.

"You adopted a pig without realizing you were adopting a pig?" She laughed out. "Do you not read anything before you sign? Oh, this couldn't get any better. Honestly."

When Harry said nothing, she slowly stopped laughing. "Oh... Oh no. It's worse?" She asked, Harry nodding. "How worse? Like... No space worse?" Harry nodded slowly and looked away and Liza just knew there was more. ".. Is it more than one pig?"

"Kind of.."

"More than one animal?"

Harry was silent.

"Oh, jesus." Liza shook her head. "What animal? A fucking horse?"

"An otter."

Liza just lost it after that, having to walk out of the aisle that Harry was in to try and not embarrass Harry even though her laughter was loud enough for the whole store to hear her. Harry just crossed his arms with a small pout as he waited for the employee to calm down and actually help him with his problems.

He found himself memorizing Liza's schedule so every time he went to the store, she would be there to help him. He liked the girl. Obviously not a romantic like, he was gay, but a friend kind of like. She was real, she wasn't fake like most people who weren't of a higher status were towards him.

When Liza seemed to have done an entire lap around the store to laugh with anyone else who will laugh with her, she finally made it back to Harry and just placed her hands on her knees and doubled over to catch her breath.

"Have you quite finished?" He asked, hands against his hips as he waited for Liza to get herself under control. He didn't see how this was so funny, to be honest. He didn't mean to buy these animals but what's he gonna do now? He can't return them. Maybe this was even a sign of God telling him that he needed two more animals.

"Oh, god. Honey, you won't find what you need in here. You need to go to a zoo or something for that. I don't even know an otter's diet or even a pigs for that matter." Liza finally spoke up which made Harry groan.

"I'm not ready for this." He mumbled softly before shaking his head a bit.

"Try to build like.. Something for the two of them. You know? Little homes for both of them." Liza stated and shrugged. "A pig pen and a little shack for the otter. Install cooling and heating. Open the pool up for the otter because they have to swim and such. I think. I don't know. They're always swimming at the zoo."

Harry nodded slowly. "That sounds great. And I'll do research since you seem to know nothing about what I need done. Useless. Absolutely useless."

Liza laughed softly. "Get out of here. Stop adopting animals! You're literally the crazy animal lady."

Harry just laughed and when he left the store, he instantly called up a contractor. He needed to have a plan before these animals come to his house.

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