Twenty Seven - Last Person I Expected

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"I'll be gone for not long at all. I have to get to a fitting but there is a notebook of—"

"Phone numbers and any emergency contact lists."

"And if you're —"

"Hungry call the chef."

"Okay but if—"

"I know. I've been here for a good month and a half now, I feel like I have an idea on how things run." Adelaide spoke, hand resting over her stomach.

Harry gave a soft sigh before nodding. "Right. Right, you're right. I understand. I feel like its my responsibility to—"

"Take care of me because I'm carrying your child. Harry, darling, Jeff will be back soon and I'll be /fine/. I am an adult and I have your dogs here with me as well in case something happens. They'll protect me." Adelaide spoke again, giving a small chuckle. "If you don't leave this house, though, I will."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Pregnant women and their bossiness." He teased, moving to leave the room so he could grab for his coat and slip on his shoes.

"I don't hear the front door opening!"

"I'm going, I'm going!" Harry laughed out. "Send me—"

"Goodbye, Harry!" And with that, Harry just shook his head with a fond smile.

Over the month that he's had with the couple moving in to the house, he can say that he has grown extremely fond of them both. They were just a delight to have. Harry had asked not too long ago why a couple this perfect for each other and this well rounded didn't want their child. He got the answer that they just weren't ready yet and they didn't want to put the child through foster care or anything when so many people wait decades to adopt. And theyre against abortion, which Harry delightfully agreed with, so there they were. Harry was extremely grateful. There's no other feeling that compares to the feeling of actually knowing you're having a baby. Getting to feel the baby move around in her stomach and familiarising your voice with them and god was he ready for that.

Harry opened the front door and stepped out, turning to shut it as he got outside and locking it up, making sure to wait to hear the automatic lock clicking shut after he entered the pin code. Then he turned around to get to his car. He didn't exactly get far, though, because right there in his driveway was someone he didn't want to see.

Louis was leaning against the hood of his car, arms behind his back and head down.

Harry stayed where he was a second longer before he just shook his head and walked towards the car. "Excuse me. This is private property and you are in fact trespassing."

Louis' head snapped up when he heard Harry's voice. "Okay but you're not answering anything of mine and its been months and I know that the whole thing is out of my care since you were chosen and my job is technically done with you but—Shit. I'm not here for the job."

Harry narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. "You're the absolute last person I expected to see today or even wanted to see today. And I have plans. So. Goodbye and get off of my car."

Louis shook his head. "No. This is the only way that I can talk to you, I've found. You're so stubborn. I need to tell you something and you need to just.. Just stand there and listen to me."

Harry raised an eyebrow at that but he found himself staying where he was anyways. Not because Louis said so, he told himself, only because he needed an explanation. That's it.

"Okay. Okay, thank you." Louis spoke, voice lowering back to normal since he didn't have to do anymore convincing. "Alright... Lets get the obvious out of the way."

"Oh, yes. You fucked me and then left." Harry cut him off. "Even after knowing the letting someone in was so fucking tough for me. After knowing that I needed someone. You used me and left me. Yes, lets bring out the obvious."

Louis sighed softly. "You make it sound like its worse than it is."

That made Harry laugh. "Oh. Oh, my mistake. Because my feelings are definitely not as bad as I'm claiming. Right. I'm just some over dramatic baby. Its just sex. No big deal."

"No, that's not—"

"Shut the fuck up, Louis. Honestly. I don't know why you came here but you're making it worse. I tried to listen but no. Fuck you, fuck off, excuse me." Harry snapped, moving to walk towards the front of his car.

If he has to run Louis over, so be it. He'll claim self defence since Louis was on his private property. He wouldn't kill him, obviously, but if he breaks something, maybe his dick, Harry will feel accomplished.

That didn't happen, though, because Louis stepped in front of him and held onto his shoulders.

"Oh my god are you serious? Do you not know when to fucking quit?" Harry shouted, reaching up and pushing Louis' hands off of his shoulders. "You hurt me, Louis! Fuck! You think I want to look at your damn face right now? You broke my heart. You broke my heart that was already broken."

Louis shook his head. "No. I mean. Okay, Im a dick—"


"Okay. Im a dick and a fucking asshole and I'm every bad word in the book. I know that. I do. I fucking hate what I did because I like you. I like you, Harry." Louis continued. "And before you say anything else, let me explain. I was scared. Okay? I was scared to get involved because I could lose my job, as silly as it sounds, because it would look bad on me and you if you suddenly got in because your boyfriend works with an adoption agency. You wouldn't be able to get through and I would be fired. Okay? I knew that I had to leave because I wanted the best for you."

Harry stayed silent, the familiar feeling of a burning sensation through his nose and behind his eyelids coming through. He didn't want to cry, though, so he tried his absolute best to keep that back. "Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered softly.

"I didn't... I didnt know what to say." Louis said softly. "I didn't want to hurt you by saying something stupid but I know now that I hurt you even more by leaving."

"I cant trust you." Harry stated.

"Im not asking for trust. Im asking for a second chance." Louis said instantly after.

Harry reached up, biting on his thumb nail and looking at the ground. "Im going to a tailor. You're still welcome to be my plus one at the premiere. That's your second chance."

Louis gave a small smile, almost in disbelief. "Really? Yeah, yeah. Okay.. Okay. Thank you." He said, moving out of the way for Harry to walk around him and get to his car finally.

Before Harry got in, he looked back at Louis and sighed. "Don't make me regret this more than I already am." And with that, he got in and shut the door, not looking at Louis again as he started his car and drove out of the driveway.

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