Twenty Nine - Hopelessly Devoted

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Its been two days, seven hours, sixteen minutes and twenty three seconds.

Not that Harry's counting or anything.

Okay, yes. He is counting. He is waiting for it to be three days before he does anything. He refuses to be the first to call but since he hasn't gotten a call yet, he's going to be cliché and wait the whole three days.

God, why is he so nervous? He's a grown adult and he needs to stop acting like he's seventeen again. Honestly.

"What am I going to do with my life, Chunk?" Harry sighed out as he looked over to his side where his bulldog laid out. Of course the dog couldn't talk but Harry needed someone to vent to. His other dogs are roaming around the house and his cats are in that stage where they don't want anything to do with anyone unless they want something. Ace was rolling around in his mud, which reminds him that he needs to hose him off. And Jinx was swimming around on his back eating his watermelon. So that left him with Chunk. His big baby. He was the most cuddly of all his animals and he loved it.

"I'm stupid, huh?" Harry continued to speak. "I'm mad at him. He ruined my premiere by being there. He was only a burden. I dont know why I invited him. I really don't. I honestly believe that he didnt even try hard enough to make any efforts, you know? He should have done something when he left me not when I finished associating with him and his company. He's the one at fault and he's the bad guy in this situation."

Chunk gave a soft huff of breath, his droopy, tired eyes looking over at Harry as his head was resting between his paws laid out infront of him.

Harry huffed out his own breath and moved to hold his phone to his chest instead. "Its ridiculous, you know? He's out here trying to get on my good side yet he intervenes on my premiere and just takes up a seat. Doesn't even congratulate me or anything. I bet he just wanted a way in and to get publicity from being with me. Why else wouldn't he have tried to talk to me sooner? You know? I bet that was it."

Right as he was about to continue his rant, his phone buzzed against his chest. He pulled his phone up to glance at it.

From: Louis - Hey...

From: Louis - So, I was wondering if you wanted to meet up?

Harry let his thumbs hover the keys before he pursed his lips together. "You know, Chunk. I've always had faith in him. He's a dick but he's the good kind."

To: Louis - Hey.. Not today. Busy. Sorry.

Harry closed his phone and set it on his chest again. He tilted his head to the side and saw Chunk staring at him with his droopy eyes. He sighed softly. "I can't just agree, Chunk. That makes me seem desperate and like I've forgiven him. He has to suffer a bit more."

The dog gave out a heavy sigh, closing his eyes. Harry just shook his head. "You don't know what you're talking about. I know what Im doing. Trust me."


Harry did, in fact, not know what he was doing.

Its been three more days and Harry was fucked. Louis never responded after that and Harry wasn't going to message him because now he's embarrassed as well as how he was already stubborn. 

God, maybe he fucked up. Louis gave him a chance and he definitely wasn't going to try and get another chance because Harry definitely chased him away. He was playing it up way too much and now he went and made Louis really hate him and leave him alone forever which he really didn't want even though it was what he thought that he wanted a week ago. He was so fucking--

There was a knock at the door. 

Harry never moved faster in his life to get to the door but with his luck, Beast was laying a couple feet from where he was and now he found himself slamming into the ground and almost breaking his bloody arm in the process. 

"God fucking dammit, Beast!" Harry cursed out, moving to get up, arm going over to hold onto his now throbbing arm as he ran the rest of the way to the door. He yanked the door open with a grin before it dropped instantly when he saw who it was. 

"Wow. Don't go throwing a party for me." Adelaide said with a laugh, one hand holding a bag and the other hand resting on her stomach. Jeff was out at the car grabbing a couple other bags and it seemed like they went shopping for food. Which they really never needed to do since his chef brings everything they need for the bigger meals. But then again, Adelaide seemed very very content with giving groceries and telling Harry or the chef what she was craving. She may seem demanding but she was holding Harry's baby and he would honestly do anything for her at this point. 

"I'm sorry. Welcome back." Harry smiled slightly and moved aside to allow her to walk inside. "I was just... hoping someone would be coming by. But I know now that it was a bit irrational."

Adelaide hummed softly. "That Louis bloke, yeah? You talk about him to your dogs and cats a lot. It's cute."

That made Harry blush a bit. 

"You seem to be concerned that he will leave you forever. Which I'm sure he wont. But you never gave him any kind of chance to make it up to you. You should probably go to him, honestly. Be the bigger man. Stop moping around." She continued to talk, moving to the kitchen to set the bag she had in her hands down onto the island. 

Harry frowned, opening his mouth a moment after. 

"Nope. No. You're going to find so many excuses not to do it and I'm stopping you right there. Go out and find him and talk about whatever you have going on. You can thank me later." She cut him off. 

Harry sighed a bit and just nodded his head slightly before walking towards the door, moving aside to allow Jeff inside of the house. "Alright.. I'm going. Im going out the door. Im getting my shoes on. I am putting on--"



"Okay... Just go in there and be like... Hey. I done being selfish." Harry spoke to himself as he sat in the front seat of his car. "No, that's stupid. He might not know you're being stubborn. Just say... Hey, coffee? No, that's stupid too. He doesn't even like coffee. Say--"

He jumped when the passenger door was being opened and looked over with wide eyes as he saw none other than Louis climbing into the car. 

"Im stubborn, coffee?" Is what his mouth decided was brilliant to say. 

Louis smiled slightly with a small nod. "Dork."

It felt right.

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