Nineteen - The Nursery Part II

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"Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Lou—"

"Oh my God! Fine!"

Harry grinned widely and clapped his hands together in joy as he stood up from the sofa. "Yes! Come on, let's go."

"I'm only doing this because its the only thing that I know will make you happy." Louis stated, pointing a finger to Harry who just grinned and nodded.

"You know what else will make me happy?"


"Bringing me another piece of cake to eat in the car." And with that, Harry raced out of the room and then a second later, Louis heard the door opening and shutting. He closed his eyes, reaching up to pinch the bridge of his nose. That boy was just... He has no words.

So that's how Louis ended up driving while Harry sat in the passenger seat with his feet against the dashboard and eating a slice of cake happily. He is surprisingly the cleanest eater Louis had ever seen. If the roles were switched, Louis probably would have gotten cake everywhere at that point but Harry was so graceful and soundless and he just didnt understand how not one crumb was being spilt.

Speaking of which, he should pay more attention to the road and not on Harrys eating habits.

Eventually, Louis parked the car in the lot in front of the store and then turned the car off. Harry had been grinning at this point and just unbuckled, opening the door to get out. He even brought his plate and fork out to go toss in the trash. He really just threw out a silver fork like it was plastic. Rich people.

Harry glanced back at Louis before he just gave a small smile, waving him over. "Come on. I have to pick out a colour to paint the room." He explained. He managed to convince Louis to help decorate the nursery, or more like pick out decorations for the nursery, so he was going to go all out.

When they got inside, Louis holding the door open for Harry, he instantly went to the paint. They had to get that and then go to another store for a crib and a dresser and a changer and a high chair and everything he could possibly get besides clothes because he doesn't know the gender yet. Well... He doesn't know if he's getting a baby yet and who from but still. He'll eventually have a baby so he has to be prepared.

"Ooh, Louis, how about this one?" Harry spoke as he held about ten swatches of paint, turning to face Louis when he finally was next to him. 

"Which one?" Louis asked as he looked down at the paint.

"This one!"

Louis just stared. "I know you're trying to show me one but I just don't understand which one you're trying to show me."

Harry groaned and then looked down. "Okay. Fourth one from the right."

"Oh. I mean, I don't know if blue is—"

"My right not your right!"

"Oh! The purple one!" Louis exclaimed and when Harry rolled his eyes and nodded, Louis felt accomplished. "I don't like the darkness of it. Maybe if it was a—"

Harry groaned and then pushed all of the  cards into one hand before showing just the purple one with the other.

"Oh! There's different shades on one swatch! Thats so cool." Louis said. Harry was shopping with an idiot.

"You're no help. At all." Harry deadpanned. Louis only just gave a wide grin. "All I want to know is if you like the colour purple. Its good for its a boy or a girl. Its a neutral colour and it will create that calming nature for the baby's room." Harry added, shrugging a bit and then just looking closer at the colour swatch with the four different shades of purple on it. He liked the third one down.

"Proudly purple?"

Harry looked over to see Louis leaning close to read over his shoulder at the paint.

"Thats actually a colour? Proudly purple? Why not happily purple? Sweetly purple? Disgustingly purple?" Louis ranted off and Harry hated himself for giggling at his words. He wasn't even funny.

"Thats actually the colour I wanted to pick for the nursery." Harry said and then just looked back at the colour. "Its so mellow yet out there. And its gender neutral for its a boy or a girl." He explained.

"What happened to the colour yellow?" Louis asked. Harry was honestly shocked that he remembered that.

"Yellow is too bright for me. I read about it and bright colours could alter a baby's mood drastically and I want my baby to be calm and share a living vibe." Harry explained with an easy nod of his head. "This purple works. Let's get three cases of the purple."

"Three buckets, you mean?"

"Same thing."

Louis only laughed fondly as Harry started to prance away to find an employee. He was glad to see Harry not sulking and crying about everything anymore. It was a good change.

"Excuse me, sir, can you help me find this paint?" Harry spoke, tapping a guy on the shoulder. He turned around and glanced at Harry, frowning.

"Oh.. No, I dont work here."

"Well then why are you wearing a blue shirt? You can't just walk in here and wear a blue shirt that matches the uniform of the actual workers. Its misleading." Harry complained, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Is it illegal to wear a blue shirt?" The man spoke.


"Then back off."

Louis stepped forward, opening his mouth to speak but Harry beat him to it. "Excuse me, sir, but I had made an honest mistake and I gave my opinion. If you want to go to a store and not be bothered, don't wear the colour of someone who works here. And you dont have to be rude at all to me about sharing my opinion because there's this thing in the entire country where it not illegal to share an opinion. The world needs to be a happier place and you dont need to go around spreading negativity. I hope you have a splendid day, non-employee." And with that, Harry turned around and walked away.

Louis followed him for a moment before he was in step besides him. "That was totally your fault that he got mad, though."

"I know. I felt like arguing."

Louis stopped walking, watching Harry continue on to find an actual employee. He had a smile grazing his lips and just laughed. What even is this boy?

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