Twenty Eight - The Premiere

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Harry was freaking out. Okay, maybe he wasn't freaking out because he wasn't in any way, theoretically or literally, pulling his hair out. So, maybe it was a calm panic. That sounds a bit better. Though, he was in some sort of distress. Thankfully it wasn't about any big issue. It was about something a little less serious.

It was Louis.

Harry hated Louis. Harry hated Louis in the 'you used me and I never want to see you again but you look absolutely amazing in a tux and please fuck me' kind of hate. So, the normal hate in a situation like this. But fuck did Louis look amazing in a tux. Harry felt a little silly standing next to him like this. Not to mention that his own mother even looked brilliant. God. Cant people be ugly for a change? Or... Uglier than him. His white and black floral suit doesn't look too appealing anymore.

"You're freaking out." Louis whispered next to him. "The cameras are zooming in on your stress wrinkles on your forehead."

Harry looked over at him, instantly relaxing his frown he wore. Okay. That is a little bit embarrassing.

"This isn't your first premiere, right? The movie looks sick. You're gonna do just fine." Louis spoke again, reaching up and fixing the shoulders of Harry's suit.

"I know I will. Stop pestering me." Harry grumbled and turned away, walking away a bit further down the red carpet. Leaving Louis to frown a little and watch as Harry walked further.

Louis cleared his throat and looked to his other side at where Harry's mother was and just looked down. He don't know the lady and he definitely didn't want to get involved with her in case Harry spewed terrible things to her. He almost wanted to leave because he wasn't comfortable at all and he wasn't going to just let everyone walk over him. Then he realised that this was his last chance to show Harry that he was sorry. That he wants nothing more in this world then to help him through his tough times and be there for him.

When he looked back over at Harry, he noticed that he was talking to an interviewer and just sighed, slowly walking away as to not want anything to do with any more cameras and anymore attention. He was brought here but he felt like he definitely wasnt wanted by anyone here. He knew he needed to make things right with Harry but he didn't know how to do that yet. There wasn't anything he could do with Harry ignoring him and he knew he couldn't do anything else while the movie played. This was his last chance and Harry made everything impossible.

He walked into the cinema and just looked around a moment. There were already a bit of the actors in the movie in there and socializing. This wasnt his kind of scenery at all and he felt out of place and underdressed and definitely not important to anyone at all. Not to mention how there would now be pictures of him all over the world being a loner and being hated by Harry Styles. God, he never should have came.

It was about ten minutes of standing around awkwardly before someone came up and tapped his shoulder. He looked over and gave a small smile, not knowing the person next to him but they probably were worth more than his life. So, of course he'd smile.

"You seem a bit lost. Do you know where youre supposed to be?" The man spoke, tilting his head to the side a bit.

"Oh. Yeah, uh... I lost the person I came with." Louis admitted sheepishly, reaching up and scratching the back of his neck, looking around for a moment. "Harry Styles.."

"Oh, you're Styles' date, eh? You wont be seeing him anymore. Busy director and all." The man said with a small smile, making Louis laugh a bit.

"Yeah, yeah. Busy bee, he is.." Louis said with a soft sigh, looking down and just fumbling about with his fingers a bit.

"Well, I can take you to the directors box. That's where him and his family will sit to view the screening." The man said with a kind smile.

Louis felt himself relaxing a bit. "That's sounds awesome, yeah. Dont think he'll have the time and such to do anything with me, let alone show me around.."

"Awesome. I'll bring you there. But first, maybe a drink? They hand out the best wine at these things. But if you're into something a bit more, they do have whiskey sours."

Just as Louis was about to answer, mainly with a simple 'hell yeah', he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders. He tensed up instantly but when he glanced up and saw that it was Harry, he relaxed a bit.

"Its alright. I've got him, mate, thanks." Harry spoke up instead towards the man.

"Alright, was just trying to be helpful." The man said with a small chuckle. "Congrats on the film, Styles. Really. Made a pretty big impact on the film industry with this one."

Harry merely hummed and gave a small nod, turning to look down at Louis instead. "Come on, we're heading in."

"But what about—"

"You can drink to your hearts desire after the film." Harry interrupted him, causing Louis to frown but he had to follow along anyways. It was hard not to follow along seeing as Harry had his arm around him still and it didn't ease up one bit.

God, Harry was so confusing. It was almost giving him whiplash from it all. One moment he's snapping at him, the next he's acting like a protective lunatic, then back to snapping at him. Louis knew he was in for a hard time with what he did, breaking Harrys already fragile heart, but did he really deserve this? This was basically public humiliation and he was at his wits end with it all, really.

Once they reached the theatre room, he was ushered to the top section where there sat a priority box, looking at each seat. There were place cards on each one and when he found his name at the end, he just took it off gently and sat down, looking back up to Harry.

"Now wait here. Ive got to go down and talk a bit and whatnot infront of the screen first." Harry said to him, looking around. He was nervous. Immensely so. Hes seen cuts of the movie countless times and knew that it was to its best capability but showing the movie to people and getting ready to have it open to public eye around the world was nerve wracking. No matter how many times he does it.

"Alright. Break a leg." Louis said softly, giving Harry a small thumbs up. Harry gave a small flicker of a smile before turning to leave. If only Louis knew that would have been the last time he got to talk to Harry that night.

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