Thirty One - A New Life

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Ever since that day, Harry wasnt sure what to do. Yet, of course Adelaide decided to take notice of how he was now becoming awkward with them. So, of course she was going to sit him down and talk. Its been about a week and a half.

"Alright. We're not going to beat around the bush, either." Adelaide said, standing by the sofa where Harry was sat. Jeff was sat work so it was her and Harry at the house. Mr. Sprinkles was on Harrys lap and Layla lay at his feet.

Harry frowned slightly and just gently moved to pet over the cats back, feeling the rumble of purrs against his thighs. "Okay..."

"What's gotten into you?" Adelaide demanded.

Harry shrugged.

"Harry. You said okay to no beating around the bush. You have to answer." Adelaide stated.

Harry huffed out a sigh. "This is a closed adoption."

Adelaide gave a slight nod. "It is." She said. "Is that what you've got a problem with? Are you frightened that we will want to see the baby? That it'll be weird? We put this baby up for adoption for a reason. If we wanted this baby, we would have kept it for ourselves. We aren't going to be trying to pry our way into the baby's life.."

Harry sighed softly, looking down and found himself nodding. He was worried about that a little, yes. "I offered you to move in with me but... But I know that we can't see each other afterward. And its sad and I don't want you to.. to think that... I don't want you to get sad when—"


"When we have to ultimately part ways, you know? I don't think its fair—"


"That we got so close over this time and now it all has to go—"


Harry looked over at Adelaide and gave a soft gasp.  She had her hands holding her stomach and her face somewhat pale. He looked down and saw that there was a puddle forming by her feet.

"I-I think my water broke."

Harry's mind went into a frenzy and he was instantly moving to her instantly and wrapping an arm around her. "Shit. Okay. Wow. Its happening. Its happening! Lets stay calm! Breathe. In and out."

"Don't tell me to fucking brea—ah!" She exclaimed, falling a bit forward as she was hit with a contraction.

"Lets get you to the car. Come on." Harry said softly, moving to try and guide Adelaide. But of course all the dogs were starting to crowd around to see what was wrong and to try and help. "Go! Get away!" And for the first time, they didn't listen. This was real pain they were seeing and they absolutely didn't like that.

"Harry!" Adelaide cried out, moving one hand to grip onto Harry's.

"Go!" Harry boomed down to the dogs, who's tails tucked between their legs. Harry moved to push past them with Adelaide and went towards the door. "Here we go! Its time. Its happening. That little baby is coming!"

"Where's Jeff? I need Jeff!" Adelaide got out in a panic.

"He'll be there. I promise." Harry said softly. "I'll call him. And he'll come. But you need to worry about yourself first. We need to get you to the hospital before the baby pops out in the front yard. Okay? Lets go."

Adelaide nodded and she just held tightly onto Harrys arm as they walked out to the car. A low riding car since she couldn't step up into anything at all. Harry got her settled before he ran to the other side of the car and got in, buckling up. Okay. Here they go.


Harry had been waiting for three hours now. He went to go get food from the food court after an hour of her being in labor and he just hasn't been back. Contractions were ten minutes apart when he left and hes sure they're at five or three or something now. He doesn't know. Hes never been through anyone giving birth before. How was he supposed to know? He was the baby of the family, too! God, this was so stressful.

"You know. I'd much rather hear from you personally then see a tweet that says some criptic shit to figure out you're in the hospital for the birth of your child."

Harry's head snapped up and he saw Louis standing across from him, arms folded over his chest.

"I uh... Yeah. I called my mum and she made me cry because she started crying and I didnt call anyone else after that." Harry said softly, sitting up straight and smiling softly at Louis. "Thank you for coming."

Louis moved over and sat down next to him in the waiting room chair besides him. He sighed softly, moving to grab for Harrys hand. "How long has it been?"

"Three hours. Almost three and a half." Harry mumbled.

"Well... Sometimes labour can be for many hours. Ive seen it happen." Louis said. "Are you not going to be there for the birth?"

"I feel like thats invasive... They said they'll call me when the baby is born. Plus, I want to give them time with the baby before I go in and steal them.." Harry trailed off softly. "This is it... This is when I get my baby."

Louis smiled and just squeezed Harrys hand gently. "You're going to be a daddy."

Harry's eyes welled up in tears and he looked over at Louis. "I'm gonna be a daddy."

Louis laughed softly and just reached over to pull Harry down for a hug, one hand behind Harrys head and the other rubbing up and down his back. It was a special moment for Harry and Louis knew best that Harry had been waiting and eternity for this moment. Louis was so happy for him and proud of him.

"I've never asked, but... Is it a boy or a girl?" Louis asked. "We went shopping for baby stuff and it was always gender neutral but I haven't been in touch much when you might have found out the gender."

"Oh..." Harry sniffled a bit and pulled back to wipe at his eyes, nodding. "Yeah, uh... Its all still gender neutral. I didn't find out about the gender. Wanted it to be a surprise."

Louis smiled softly. "Do you have a name?"

"Mm... I like River Lilly for a girl. And Axel for a boy." Harry mumbled softly.

"Very cute." Louis said softly. "Does Axel have a middle name?"

Harry shook his head. "No."

"Very indie." Louis said. Harry laughed softly.

"Harry Styles?" A voice came out and the two looked over at the source and saw a nurse standing by the doorway to the rooms.

Harry stood up instantly. "Yes?"

The nurse smiled softly. "Do you want to come meet your daughter?"

Harry gasped, looking back at Louis a moment before he looked back at the nurse with a nod.

"Go on... Im so happy for you, H." Louis said softly.

Harry gave out a soft breath before he went to walk forward to where the nurse was and didnt look back as he was left through the doors and down the hallway until they got to the room. Harry took in a deep breath before slowly letting it out, reaching forward to push the door open and stepped inside. The first thing he saw was Jeff standing beside the bed Adelaide was in and then Jeff looked back at him with a smile.

"Come on." He told Harry with a small laugh when he didn't move from his spot.

Harry slowly walked forward and when he got to the bed, there right infront of him was a little bundle of a pink blanket in Adelaides arms, a tiny face with their eyes closed being visible. Harry's heart practically melted. He looked at Adelaide who gave a small smile and nodded before he leaned forward and gently took the baby from her arms, standing back up and just staring down at her. The baby's eyes blinked open a bit and she just shifted around in the blanket.

"Hi... My baby girl.." Harry whispered softly, moving one hand up and using the back of his finger to brush his gingerly over her cheek. There was an instant bond and in that very moment, Harry vowed his life to this precious life in his arms. He would never let any harm come her way.

He finally got his baby... This was his baby girl. She was his. His life was complete. He is now a father and things with him and Louis were good and looking up. He couldn't complain about a thing. Looking at this baby, he knew that he couldn't ever put anything above her.

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