Nine - Want To Take A Look Around?

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It turns out that Louis himself was going to do the visits to Harry's house. And that visit couldn't have been at a worse time. Harry was in the middle of a scene when his personal cell phone rang, ruining the entire cut and it made him groan.

"Cut! Fucking shit! That was going so god damn well!" Harry shouted in anger and pulled out his phone. "Julie! Next time make sure my phones on damn silent!" He shouted again. The girl off to the side just nodded quickly and scribbled in her notebook what Harry just wanted of her. Even though Harry's phone was in his pocket and it wasn't anyone's responsibility other than his. He should know better but he just wanted to blame someone.

"Chris, Bryce, do that scene once more. I'm sorry. I've got to take this. You're both doing great. Amazing work on being frightened, Bryce, you're doing amazing, darling. Chris, you're fucking killing it. Again." He instructed before he walked off and away from the set, grass and leaves crunching under his feet. They were filming the scene where the boys just went missing and it was between Bryce and Chris who determine how to find them.

That scene would have been amazing if his call didn't ruin it.

"Hello?" Harry answered his phone, a bit harsh bit they ruined an important scene. He had the right to be upset and angry.

"Oh.. Bad time?" A male voice came through and Harry instantly recognized it.

"Oh... Shit. I mean, crap. I mean.. God, I'm so sorry. I'm just in the middle of work, important scene. But--no, its alright." Harry babbled out. God damnit. This is the last person he needs to irritate or be rude to.

"Oh yes. I did some research. You're helping the Jurassic World movie come together. Big, big expectations for that one. Movie critics are going crazy about the mere thought of the movie." Louis spoke and gave a chuckle. Harry was possibly the coolest person he's ever helped in his line of work. Of course he had to do his research. Not to mention Jurassic Park is one of his favourites so he was excited about this as well. "Anyways. If this is a bad time, Harry, we can always do another surprise house visit. But it would be within the next month, I've got other clients booked the rest of the time."

Harry cursed in his head. What is he going to do? He glanced back at the scene going on a while away and just bit his bottom lip. He's the director. Everyone knows his views. Maybe they can film this and be done for the day. Yeah, that's what he's going to do.

"No, sir. We can meet up, of course. I'll get out of here and head home. What time are you going to be at the house?" Harry spoke up, already waving a hand up in the air to get the attention of anyone. It was Julie and he motioned he was going and mouthed out 'done after this scene.' Which she nodded to.

"I actually specialize in surprise visits so I can actually understand the true state of something without giving an advanced notice. Doesn't let people hide things. I'm at the gate, I was calling to get the code. I wasn't aware you weren't home, I apologize." Louis spoke and Harry closed his eyes. Okay. Shit.

"The code is key key 4627. I'll be there in at least twenty five minutes." Harry said before he started jogging off the scene and the set itself to where they were parked.

"Sounds good. I'll wait up until you get home. Don't rush, don't worry. It's all just procedure, nothing against you or your many... Many animals." Louis spoke and gave a small laugh. "Don't talk and drive. I'll see you in a little while."

"Yeah yeah. Okay. Bye." Harry said quickly before shoving his phone in his pocket. He got out his key and clicked the car unlocked so he could get inside of it. He was fumbling around with everything he could get his hands on because he was nervous and he tried to make his car look not like a bum lives in it. Not like Louis will look at it. Or will he?

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