Two - Aquarium

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Harry was doing alright. It's been about three months since he's signed the divorce papers and two months since he's went to court. He didn't need anyone like he thought he did. He was independent with his three kittens and his house.

Which, he figured was starting to get a little bland. Especially his living room. There was this large wall that only his two sofas took up and it was starting to look rather tacky. He would say that about the rest of the room but the opposite wall was lined with a large flat screen and a movie system and speakers and a table to hold all the movies he owned. Then in the corner was the fireplace. The other wall was where the windows lined. Every wall was occupying something. Except this one large wall.

Yes, there were the sofas against the wall, but the walls were blank. He had thought to put photos up on the wall or paintings of some sort, but... Everyone had that in their house nowadays. He wants to be original.

So that's how he found himself speaking with a contractor and discussing how to add a giant fish tank to line the wall.


"What kind of tropical fish do you have in stock?" Harry spoke on the phone as he sat on the floor of the living room, facing the newly put in fish tank. It glowed blue and purple colours and had amazing detail and décor but there were no fish. It looks great but its empty and Harry's planning to fix that.

"Well.. If those don't get along with each other, why would I want them? I don't want any fish fighting in my house." He stated through the phone again before he hummed, scribbling down some notes. "Okay... No, I don't want that kind of fish. They have too big of eyes, they're creepy. And quite frankly I am a bit offended you are offering ugly fish to me." He mumbled softly. Of course he was teasing at that last bit and he was thankful person over the phone just laughed and didn't take offense to that. He really wasn't an asshole.

Eventually Harry had finally been able to settled with an agreement on an assortment of fish he found suitable for his home. Tetras, Danios, Guppies, Mollies, Platies, Rasboras, Corys, Swordtails, Angelfish, Dwarf cichlids, and two Plecostomus'. It sounded like such a magical school of fish to be put together in his new aquarium. He even added a clown fish, because Nemo, and a blue tang fish, because Dory.

It was settled. He has this beautiful fish tank built and he's going to get many beautiful little fish to go along with it. It really blended the room together nicely and now Harry just had to paint the walls. Maybe a blue colour to mix with the blue and purple lights of the tank. Or maybe just a really light tan colour. No, he's going with egg white. Or maybe cream... It was obvious that he couldn't have any bright colors to clash with the blue and the purple. Wait. Maybe a dark colour will work. Maybe red.

And this is the very reason why Harry had his living room covered in tarp and had a professional painter coming to paint over his walls. He had to take his television down and everything off of the walls but that was alright.

"Okay, so what do you think works?" Harry asked as they layered down the different colors he had chosen. He had a cobalt, lapis and azure for the shades of blue. Then there was crimson, scarlet and ruby for the shades of red. Now finally he had frost, porcelain, chiffon and pearl for the shades of white.

"Well, personally I like the red shades better to clash with the glowing of the blue and the purple coming from that tank over there." The painter stated and Harry nodded along with what he had said.

"Yeah, I agree. Now we have to limit it to one of those." Harry added and the two fell silent as they both carefully observed the two colours. However, at that moment, Dotty pranced into the room and then just curiously looked around the room before meowing.

Harry turned around and frowned. "Dotty, darling, I thought I put you and your–" and in pranced Pickles and Mr. Sprinkles. "...never mind. You smart kitties, how did you get out?" And with that, Harry leaned down and picked up Dotty, moving to grab for Pickles since he knew Mr. Sprinkles will listen to instructions like a good kitten and didn't need to be picked up.

However, he obviously thought wrong when he saw Mr. Sprinkles go over and stick his paw inside of the plate of the ruby red they had out.

"Mr. Sprinkles!" He scolded.

"Well... I guess we've got our colour now." The painter spoke and Harry just glanced up with a small smile. He was glad he had tarp on the floor because if not, they would have had to steam clean the tile to get rid of the paint.

"Watch him, please. I have to make a better trap for these two and then come back and give that naughty kitty a cleaning." Harry said softly.

"Of course. I'll get set up here with Mr. Sprinkles." The male said and Harry laughed softly, nodding. He walked off with Dotty and Pickles to get to their room downstairs. They had an entire kitten playroom with platforms and toys and beds with their individual names on it and he just didn't understand why they won't stay here. Its a palace for them, yet they want to go paint.

He leaned down and set the two kittens down, tsking slightly. "Now you two know very well that I hate shutting the door with you in here because you two like to cry. But I might have to now since you pushed my blockade enough to get free." He lightly spoke and then just gently pet the two little kittens with a small smile. They were so damn cute. After giving another small goodbye, he stood up and shut the door gently before heading back to fetch Mr. Pickles.


It all blended together perfectly. Harry was so proud about the fact that the walls really popped out with the rest of the room. Even when the blinds to the windows were open, the colour to the wall just popped beautifully. Needless to say, that painter got a very wealthy tip for his job well done. Not to mention the way the new found fish family that was now swimming freely around the fish tank since the timing clashed with the painting time bit it worked out rather well and that person got a nice tip as well for their inconvenience

However, Mr. Pickles managed to find a way to open the door and as the paint was drying, all the kittens ended up planting their paw prints on the wall with the pearl coloured white that was left out and well. Harry didn't really get too mad because it was cute. He decided to leave their little prints.

It was a stepping stone for all of them, documenting it on a wall was a great idea. It was unique and creative and he loved it. He didn't even get mad about the fact that the kittens managed to get loose again.

It was his little family.

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