Seven - Oops! Hi!

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Walking into the building was like Harry had started an entire new chapter of his life. He could almost hear the page turning in his mind the second he stepped inside that door. To his left was a waiting area, a couple women sitting there, some with a male next to them. Those women are the ones that he feels the most for. They either are unable to conceive or have no other option, he figured. He can't imagine how he would feel. If he was a woman carrying the burden of thinking your body was broken and wanting a baby that was biologically yours, go through all that birth and pregnancy entitled, and you just cant. He felt bad. But at least they were here and given a chance at something wonderful.

Then again, there are women that just find adoption a better suit for themselves than having children of their own. Gives the unwanted children a loving home. It was sweet.

Harry looked to his right and there was the reception desk. So, he slowly walked over to it and smiled softly at the woman behind it as she glanced up.

"Hello... Uh... Do I have to, like.."

"Sign in?" The woman finished for him and he sheepishly nodded his head. "Yes, hun, now what's your name?"

"Styles. I-I mean, sorry. Last name is Styles. Not my first name. I meant to say, like, my first. But it came out my last. Force of habit. I didn't mean..."

"Harry Styles?" The lady once again saved him from a lifetime of embarrassment. "I've got you right here. For Louis Tomlinson, yes? He's very very sweet and understanding. Great starter counselor as well. Don't be so nervous, either, lovely. I'm sure you'll be able to be in line to have a little one soon enough."

Harry smiled thankfully. Was everyone that works in this field so nice? He loved the way they spoke and treated everyone. Even the lady over the phone. How warming and comfortable everything and everyone was made it feel so much easier.

"Thank you, ma'am." He said.

"Oh, no problems, dear. Now, I've logged you in so he knows that his three o'clock is here to be ready for you on time. We just need you to fill out these forms. State any health issues you may have, any living accommodations you may have with having a baby around, address of your home, line of work, personal information, contact information of anyone else that may be involved with the adoption process.. Etcetera." The lady spoke as she attached a couple sheets of paper to a clipboard and grabbed a pen as well to hand him. Harry took it with a small nod and looked over it all. Then he glanced back up and gave another nod of thanks.

Harry walked to the seating area and just sat down in an empty chair in one of the corners, starting to sign the papers.

Name: Harry Edwards Styles

Date Of Birth: February, 1st of 1994

Age: 29


Harry stopped at that one. He knew that he would have to put Mr. but he knew that the question was based off of marriage and he hated it. So, within a fit of rage, he answered.

Title: Cheated on, divorced and single. Mr.

Proud of that answer and feeling like it was a bold and ambitious statement, he went on answering. Medical conditions was the only thing that he had to pause on. He had a bad back and the doctors claimed it was a spine induced pain but he was never diagnosed with anything specific. Should he mark that down or wait and ask the counselor when he sees him? He'll wait and ask. Line of work, easy. Address, easy. Financial state, easy. Former work and living arrangements to current situation, easy. Availability for activities, negotiable. Contact information for partner... Resort back to Title. Perfect.

Then came living accommodations... Well, his work, maybe. But he could always hire a sitter and he's never gone for more than seven hours when he needs to leave. He's the director, he can make his own schedule. As long as he has a say in the final product and as long as he can fix a scene here and there, it will be just fine.

That question also should include animals, shouldn't it? So, he quickly scribbled down that he had 'a couple animals' because he didn't know if he had to be specific.

He also marked that he had a pool. That's important. But he could fence it off.

After everything was written out and signed, Harry stood back up and walked to the receptionist and handed over the pen and clipboard, smiling softly at her.

"Excuse me? Do you know where I can locate the loo?" He asked politely. The lady nodded and gave him instructions on where to go before she was taking the clipboard back. Harry thanked her softly before heading in the direction of where he was to go.

Apparently this was the only loo for their office and as Harry walked in, he saw there were two stalls and two urinals with three sinks. It was rather small. He wondered if the woman's entrance was as small as it was in there. He walked to the urinals and unzipped his trousers, placing a hand on the wall in front of him as he started to take his wee. He didn't even hear another person walk in until there was suddenly a voice right next to him.

"Its absolutely ridiculous, is what it is, Mike."

And that made Harry jump a bit and turn to the male next to him and-- oh no.

Oh no.

He forgot he was weeing.

Harry gasped and instantly shot back, thanking god that he was done and only a couple drops landed on the others arm. But still.

"Oops! Oh, my god. Oh my god! I'm so sorry. Jesus, I didn't mean to do that. Oh, I-I.. Let me get you some napkins or something. God, I'm so sorry. You just startled me. I didn't.. I didn't even realize that you were–and I just–" Harry babbled out before he quickly zipped himself back up and then went to grab for a couple napkins and walking back over to the man. The man had put his phone away at this point so he was no longer talking on it and took the napkins Harry gave him. Then he started to laugh and glanced up at Harry.

"Hi.. Guess that's a great way to start a conversation." He stated, humorous eyes looking right up into Harrys embarrassed eyes. "Don't worry about it. I can always just wash me arm. It didn't get on me suit so I'm just grateful for that, eh?"

Harry was going to die. He blushed darkly and just glanced away. Those blue eyes were just so kind yet overwhelming and it made him want to run out and scream.

"Mate, its really okay. Accidents happen. Chin up, yeah?" The man said again. "Its alright. Come on, wash up. I'm sure you're here for something important. Don't want to miss that, yeah?"

With that, Harry just nodded and they both went to the sinks, Harry washing his hands quickly while the other male washed up to his elbows since his shirt was rolled up and buttoned just above his elbows.

After Harry finished his washing up, he just left the bathroom without another word and sighed heavily. He hoped to never see that person again. God, the embarrassment.

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