Twenty Three - One And One Makes A Family

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"The pasta is abnormally chewy."

"No its not!"

"Lou, I've seen the pancakes you can make. I mean, just because your food is edible and you dont burn the house down doesn't mean its necessarily good." Harry commented, twirling his fork with pasta over his spoon to get the perfect portion onto his fork. Honestly, Louis never knew thats why restaurants gave a spoon with a pasta dish.

"Those pancakes looked like shit but they tasted amazing." Louis stated firmly, trying to copy Harry and act like he knew the proper way to eat pasta.

"Dont lie to yourself. That's not polite." Harry stated, taking his perfect bite of pasta while Louis held his up with pieces hanging off the fork still. He gave up.

"You're such a snarky little shit." Louis said, taking his bite while he looked over at Harry. The boy only folded his napkin and dabbed at the corners of his mouth. He really did that. This boy...

"You secretly enjoy it." Harry teased.

"Never." Louis stated instantly, mouth still full of pasta. Harry didnt even flinch so that was something. Louis then felt a buzz on his bum, reaching down and grabbing his phone from his back pocket. He had an email. Swallowing, he looked over at Harry. Before he could say something like 'answering your phone while having dinner with someone is super duper rude' because Harry would say something like that, he just stood up. "This is work, excuse me."

Harry gave a small pout but nodded his head anyways and just looked back down at his pasta and twirling another damn perfect bite that taunts Louis.

Louis left the kitchen, moving to the living room and unlocking his phone. He then let his eyes scan over the email he had recieved, placing a hand on his hip as he concentrated. Before long, his lips curled into a smile and he just put his phone back in his pocket. "Harry!"

There was a rustling sound before Harry was walking to the living room as well, hands clasped together in front of himself. "Yeah?"

"So.. I've got the best news in the world." Louis started saying, making Harry give a smile and nodded for him to go on. "That was my work. And that email contained information about a family that has accepted your paperwork and your offer to house their child. They are wanting to schedule a meeting between you and them before they finalize everything since they have four other people to get through, though, but still."

The colour in Harry's face seemed to disappear and all that was left was a pale face of shock. Louis was almost concerned for a moment. Even though he knew for a fact that this is what Harry had been wanting for a long time. He opened his mouth to say something else but Harry beat him to it by giving out a small sob and just ran over to jump on Louis. Yes, he literally jumped onto him. Thankfully Louis was paying attention and was able to save himself from what could have been a painful fall and instead wrapped his arms around Harry. That didn't stop them both going to the sofa to sit down, though. Harry was taller than him so it was a bit hard to hold him up. This morning wasnt the first time Harry's jumped on him so he knew the basic feel of it but he still wasn't used to it.

"Are you crying again?"

Harry shook his head. "No. I just.. I can't believe this. I can't —" he had to cut himself off because there were too many thoughts running through his head that they didnt come to his mouth at a pace enough for him to speak actual words and sentences.

"Its alright. I know." Louis whispered softly, moving his hand to gently rub over Harry's back a bit.

Eventually Harry pulled back, eyes clear of tears like he had said, and looked down at Louis. "Thank you so much." He whispered softly, arms moving around Louis' neck lightly and just gently pushing into the boys hair.

Louis nodded, eyes staying on Harry. He knew his feelings for the boy, even if they're just small feelings, so being this close to him brought all of those back. And Harry wasn't pulling away either so maybe he liked him, too? Louis wasn't sure because this isn't something he talked with him about since this isn't what his job description allowed. Harry looked really good, though..

"I —"

"Kiss me."

They both froze.

"Kiss you?" Harry asked softly.

"I mean.. No.. I didn't — wow. I dont know why I said that. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Louis quickly said with a small shake of his head. Stupid.

"Didnt mean it?" Harry asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "You wouldn't want to kiss me?"

"What? God. No. I mean. Yes. I would kiss you. I just didnt mean to say that out loud and—" Louis was cut off when Harry just tugged his hair, making his head tilt back, and leaned down to press their lips together.

Louis wished he never said anything but he also wished he said something sooner. He closed his eyes and just let the feeling of their lips together go straight down his body and give a shiver down his spine. He knew Harry felt the same because where his hands were placed on his hips, he felt the boys body shiver and shift to get closer. Louis was the one to tilt his head to the side to try and deepen the kiss, wanting more than what he was being given because of the way that he's been wanting this subconsciously for a while.

"Lou.." Harry mumbled softly, moving his hand down the boys chest. "Take.. Take me upstairs?"

Louis pulled away for a moment, moving to instead let his lips kiss over Harry's neck, trailing kisses down to his collarbone. Then he just moved his hands down to his thighs to keep hold of before he got himself to stand. He stumbled a bit because of the way that Harry was once again taller but he didnt fall so that's a start.

He hoped neither of them would regret this later. Which was almost inevitable.

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