Too close for comfort

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You toss and turn freezing your butt off -damn, why does he keep it so cold in here? And why didn't he give me a blanket?- you think, And the couch isn't helping you warm up either since it's made of slowly get up, shivering. You walk around with your arms crossed looking for a blanket but sadly find none. Did dark do this on purpose!? You think.

you sigh while quietly walking into darks room andopening his room door, ah...should I do this? You think.I mean, I'm freezing! Well, I guess I've gone too far to stop now. You tip toe to his bed and lay as far away as possible while you snuggle up in the warm blankets. Your practically falling off the bed.

Eventually something that you dreaded wouldn't happen , feel two strong arms wrap around you, then you get pulled towards darks warm body you gasp when you feel dark rest his chin in the crook of your neck. You feel almost, safe? No, no. I can't feel like this. I barley even know him!

Do I l-like him? I mean he is handsome , but he KIDNAPED me! .you think to yourself when you all of a sudden hear a deep chuckle. DAMN! can he read my thoughts!? I thought he was asleep!!! You shake your head and feel your face heat up and slowly fall asleep next to dark.

   You wake up in the morning to still be in the same position as you were last night. " i actually decently slept last night " you murmur to slowly wiggle out of darks arms, and go to make breakfast. You lean against the counter at 8:00 in the morning eating lucky charms when you hear a bang from a door in the far left corner of the house making you jump.

What the..? You question to yourself. You tiptoe to darks room and quietly shut the door so you would hear if dark woke up. You inspect the old door. It looks the most messed up out of all of the doors in the house. How did I not notice this before..? I would escape but- I look out the window to see feet and feet of snow, and we are in the middle of the woods!? I would never be able to escape for a long time. YOu sigh feeling a wave of sadness go over you. My as well check out whatever is behind that door.

HEY! I loved making this chapter sooo much. Hope ye enjoyed and stay tuned for more!

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