The return pt2

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Your POV
I slowly open my eyes to the noise of dark yelling. I look down and see that I am only in a black lace bra. What the... i glance to my left and see a beaten up lizzy. S-sis? I whimper on the verge of tears. She lifts her head up and looks at me then to the door. "FOOKIN OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" Anti screams. " Wilford if you don't open this door, I'm gonna f*cking kill you". Dark growls. Wilford laughs walking around the door. "It's her time to die, dark. You KNOW THAT! And, I'll just kill off her little friend too for fun."

Tears fill my eyes as I look to my belly. I had lost my hope. I then look over to lizzy and see a knife sawing back and forth at the ropes around her hands. I re-gain hope as she starts untying me too. The door finally gives right as we untie the ropes. The door falls on top of Wilford giving Me and lizzy the chance to jump up and start beating the shit out of Wilford . "YN, YN!! Stop, calm down!" Dark says While he slowly pulls me away from Wilford, rubbing my belly. I break down right then and there in darks arms while lizzy finishes off Wilford, hopefully killing him. We all leave back through the portal .

Darks POV
Right as we get back to the house YN collapses. "AH , D-DARK! Get- get an ambulance... I'm gonna have the b-baby!" Everyone scrambles around grabbing their stuff as the ambulance arrives. We all load into the ambulance comforting YN on the way... "dark..." YN says weakly. "I love you". I start crying and kissing YNs hand over and over. I glance at lizzy and anti who is trying to calm down lizzy. "Omg,omg, sis ... you better have this damn baby and it better be healthy!!!" Lizzy screams. YN looks over at lizzy. "I love you sis..." YN blacks out from pain. (IDC IF THAT DOSENT HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE HDHEHEHE)

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