The last time

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                                YOUR POV
"WAHHHH!" I hear the baby cry. "ITS A BOY!" Dark cries.  "Aww baby Tyler!!!!!" Lizzy says, who is also starting to cry. I smile, as the baby gets placed in my arms. I kiss baby Tyler on his tiny forehead and smile, looking at dark who was sobbing now.

5 months laterr
"DARK!!! We need diapers!" I groan while watching baby Tyler shake his toy around. "Ok..." dark groans. *knock knock!* the door swings open to reveal lizzy and anti. "HEY SIS!!" Lizzy screams. "Oh hey!!!" I shout standing up to give my best friend a hug. "Why are you two here? I ask confused. "I don't know, we haven't seen you since you had Tyler!" Lizzy points at Tyler and he giggles. "Ha, guess time really flew by." She nods and completely ignores me as she runs by and swoops up a happy Tyler. "HAII!" She coos making Tyler laugh.

"He's such a cutiepie" I say proudly right as the door burst open. All of our heads snap towards the door. I grab Tyler and slowly back away. "How the hell are you here!" I scream as the man with a pink mustache evilly smirks. I immediately grab my phone and try dialing dark after realizing he had left for the diapers. "QUICK HIDE!" I shout at lizzy and anti while handing them Tyler. They nod and run to hide. "What the fuck do you want" my voice comes out shaky. Wilford says nothing as he pins me to the ground. "I want you..." he whispers in my in my ear. I use all my strength and get an arm free, giving me a chance to punch him in the face and scramble away. He slides off the floor holding his cheek.

"Please go!" I say backing away but this time he grabs me and pulls me into a kiss just as dark is walking through the door. "Mhmm!" I mumble trying to get Wilford off of me. Finally he lets go. I spit in Wilfords face and run over to dark. "DARK!!" I cry out

"What the hell..." dark looks from me to Wilford. Wilford smirks. "Hey lil bro! Long time no see..." dark charges at Wilford and pulls out a knife, ending it and killing Wilford. I vilontley shake and back away. "Oh my god..." I whisper while backing away, watching dark  throw him in a portal. I stare at dark until he envelops me in a hug. I immediately start sobbing.

Darkiplier x readerWhere stories live. Discover now