Park Jimin; Homosexual

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3rd person POV

Park Jimins parents were sending him away to a small town by the name of Pass. Why you ask? Because Jimin had recently came out to his extremely religious parents about being gay, and they were not pleased with him. Their little boy who always attended Sunday school and was quite literally a ball of sunshine, bringing smiles to the children and adults who resided in the big church they went to in Busan. They never saw him coming.

But as Jimin grew older he saw the world for what it really was, what Catholicism really was. He saw how it was discriminative and overall an extremely judgemental environment. So when he was in grade 9 he started to refuse going to church and instead stayed at home while his parents went out to worship their lord.

This continued into grade eleven which is when he noticed his interest in men. It started with him taking notice in a boy at his school named Taemin. Jimin always found himself staring at him, thinking about him, and in the privacy of his own house, fantasizing about him. That year was his arguably best and worst year.

He got lost in sin, but ended up finding himself in the process.

He embraced his homosexuality, not caring about his parents and their beliefs because for Jimin it all felt perfectly right.

That summer was drowned in nights out by the lake with various boys, days in his room filled with the mixed moans of Jimin and the men on his laptop screen, and even days that he would go missing and come back with a piercing or two.

Jimins parents were constantly worrying, wondering what was happening to their perfect little baby, but Jimin had never felt more alive.

This continued until Jimin lost all his cares and came out to his parents who were not impressed. His burst of courage ended with his father and mother walking into his room later that night and telling him they were sending him to his aunts place in Pass. So that he could be 'freed from temptation' and so that the isolated town could 'help him'. They were sending him to pray the gay away.

Which leads is to where we are now, on a bus headed to the small Catholic town of Pass.


Jimin's POV

A landscape of fields upon fields all passed in a blur on the 6 hour drive to my aunts place in the small and boring town of Pass. I have never been to Pass before, but I looked it up before my parents so considerately shipped me away. When I searched Pass, barely anything showed except one article about The Jeon Catholic Church reaching it's 30th year under the same priest, and a few images of white and blue wooden houses with picket fences and dirt roads. It was the definition of 'small town'.

I looked down at my phone as I received a text from my first boy crush Taemin. I smiled sadly, regretting having to let him go, he was a good kisser what can I say?

TaeBae: hey jiminie, I just wanted
to say goodbye, never got
the chance to. I'll miss u

I would miss him too, but what we had was nothing special, I only see him as a really good friend who just so happened to be gay and have a crush on at the same time I had a crush on him, not to mention we were hormonal teens...

I plugged in my headphones and looked out the window again to the soothing sounds of Taeyang's voice.


I opened my eyes as I felt the old metal bus shudder as it came to a stop in what looked like the middle of nowhere. The bus driver, a middle aged woman with greying hair looked back at me in the cracked mirror at the front of the bus.

"This is the end of the line boy" she said with a gentle and warm smile directed at me since I was the only one left in the bus.

"Excuse me, where is this?" I asked, wondering if I missed my stop while I was sleeping.

"Right now we are on the outskirts of Fale dear" I stood up, grabbing my military green duffle bag from the over head bunker.

"So, where is Pass?" I asked as I walked up to the from of the bus with my bag slung over my shoulder. Lady smiled at me.

"Just walk for two kilometres down this road and you will walk right into it" I smiled, bowed to thank her and walked off the bus to be greeted by the crisp spring air. I fluffed my leather jacket and pulled the hood of my grey sweater over my head.

After walking down the road for about half an hour I finally approached the quaint town of Pass.

I could see from here the obvious highlight of the town as it was centred right on the end of the Main Street was their beloved church. I rolled my eyes in disgust as I continued down the dirt road.


I eventually found my aunts place, a moderately sized white wood house with lace curtains and flowers in the windows. I knocked on the painted white door that held a sign that said 'may The Lord bless us and keep us'.

My aunt swung open the door, eyes knit into a frown as she stared me down. I didn't flinch though, I really didn't care what she thought of me.

"I will take your bags, but you will go to church and ask forgiveness for your sins" and with that the seemingly welcoming door was slammed in my face. What a nice lady. I sighed and pulled my hood back up and made the conveniently short trek to the tall church that the town prided so much.

I pushed open the big wooden doors and was greeted with a long hall with pews leading up to an alter at the front, and I briefly wondered if I was in the wrong spot when I saw the signs labeled 'Confession' leading to a stairway that spiralled upwards in the corner of the room, I swear I could hear Coup D'état by GD playing... But it must have been my imagination.

I climbed up the stairway where I was left in a small room with a single chair in it. No music was playing anymore.

I cleared my throat and sat in the chair, waiting for something to happen.

"What have you to confess today" a young voice, couldn't be older than me called out of no where.

"I'm gay"


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