Park Jimin; Test Subject

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Anonymous POV
Why am I feeling this way? Why is it so powerful? Why does it go against everything I stand for?

Jimins POV

We later made our ways back home. I stayed quiet, though Jungkook was in a muck more talkative mood this time around, I guess I could see why but honestly it is killing me, can he not see that?

"Jimin, you okay?" He asked as we were just approaching the graffiti covered station after a scorching walk through the fields. I guess it was pretty obvious.

"Not really" only after I said it had I noticed that I responded honestly, causing a look of concern to spread across Jungkooks stupidly perfect face.

As we approached the front he pulled me into the station and he started touching my forehead and neck.

"Is it the sun? Sunstroke? Maybe dehydration?" He ranted as he placed the back of his hand against my head before rushing into the main room to get what I would assume is a water bottle.

"It's not sunstroke Kook" I said looking down at my beat up sneakers against the dirty concrete floor. Kookie returned with a water bottle, handing it to me before returning to the main room, this time I followed.

"Drink up Jimin. If it's not sunstroke it is probably just that you are dehydrated, it is really hot out there today" he said with a regretful sort of smile. "Sorry"

"I'm not dehydrated Jungkook" oh shit this was spiralling to somewhere that wasn't going to end well really quickly.

"Headache? Sun is bright and you weren't wearing sunglasses" I shook my head no, I guess this is it. I have come to far to back out now. I opened my mouth to tell him how I feel when he cut off my words with the utmost efficiency.

"Aish, your making this really hard for me Jimin" now it was my turn to be concerned.

"What are you talking about?" I said with genuine curiosity. It was eating me alive. Jungkook lifted his head from where it was previously between his hands, maybe he did get a headache from the sun. He looked me dead in the eyes from across the dimly lit room.

"Do you think I'm dumb Jiminie?" He said, one eyebrow quirked higher on his forehead.

"I never-" he stood up and started walking in my direction.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice?" He approaching to fast. I felt my heart skip in anticipation.

"Notice what?" I tried to hide the semi excited quiver in my voice. He leaned in, face inches from mine.

"The stares, the interest, the care" he paused, I beards a quiver in his husky breathing "everything" he said in my ear, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine despite the sweltering outside tempature.

"Jungkook are you-" I was cut off yet again by a finger being pressed against my lips.

"I hate this Jimin, I hate how you just showed up in this town, I hate how when you showed up at the confession booth the first time my heart did backflips, I hate how you made me go against my fathers wishes and somehow made me enjoy it, I hate how you were able to make me feel wanted. I fucking hate you Park Jimin." He ended softly before looking at me through his eyelashes. God I wanted to kiss him so badly. But before I was able to pull myself up and connect my lips with his party opened ones he spoke softly.

"Can I try something?" He asked, tilting his head at the ground, making him look so small and submissive, such a contrast to his seemingly dominant persona he flashed only moments ago.

"Sure" I managed to rasp out, god I sounded so on edge. I was usually pretty smooth with this kind of thing. What happened?

I was shaken out of my thought with the sound of Jungkooks clothed brushing against the dusty cement floor, and suddenly he was right there in front of my face, making me worried that he could hear my heart trying to escape my chest.

And then his lips were on mine and everything stopped. My heart, my breathing, my thoughts, the blood rushing in my ears. It all ceased to exist.

His lips didn't move, my eyes didn't close, I could only stare at him. The gentle slope of his cheekbone, the sharp arch of his brows and those perfect eyelashes.

And just as soon as it started it was over. He pulled away after mere moments, as if burned by the touch of our lips.

"I-I-I I'm so sorr-"

"Stop. Don't you dare apologize" I said seriously, this kid was so closed off, so restricted, it only seemed right to let him have the freedom of experimentation. This must be extremely difficult for him right now, being such a strong believer in the bible and god... And his father. I couldn't begin to imagine the emotional and mental turmoil he is facing right now.

"You don't have to say anything ok? If you didn't like it don't push yourself, and if you did, maybe we can come back to that, but for now let's just push that aside because you don't want to rush in too fast I guess" I said with what I hoped to be understanding. He looked at me dead in the eyes, something there that I had never seen before.

"Park Jimin, if you think I didn't like that you're insane, and if you think I want to take this slowly... Than your probably more same than I am because 'taking things slow' is the last thing on my mind right now." He than shifted closer, so close he was almost sitting on my lap.

"Can I try something else?" He said with a smirk. Oh god he needs to stop doing that, but I nodded energetically nonetheless. He traced his hands from my shoulder down my chest to the hem of my shirt before slipping them under, gliding them along the expanse of my stomach, chest and sides.

"Jungkook you're going to have to stop that real soon before I-"

"Before what Jimin?" He said with deviously innocent wide eyes.

"Before I do something you will regret" 


Song rec

Waving through a Window by the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack

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