Park Jimin; Feeling

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I stumbled into my aunts house that night at the alarming hour of 4 in the morning. I tried to keep quiet, to not wake her up. But of course my attempts were futile.

"Park Jimin I swear if you were out galavanting-!"

"Galavanting? Who uses that word anymore?" I snorted as I trudged up the stairs, my aunt waiting in a pink robe with hair curlers in and light blue slippers.

"I happen to young man! Now if you were out, consorting with homosexuals I will take-"

"Does the pastors son count as a homosexual?" I said in false thought, stroking a nonexistent beard. Her mouth dropped open.

"You were out with Jungkook?" She said skeptically. I snorted.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact I was. What, weren't expecting perfect Jungkook to hang out with an abomination like me? Well you know what? some people have hearts, and he seems like one of the only people in this goddamn town that does!" I claimed, turning and walking into my room, slamming the door behind me.

Then as I laid down I began to remember how fucked I was.


We were sitting in the train station before school, Jungkook was flopped on the beanbag doing homework he had failed to complete the night before for obvious reasons, and of course I wasn't bother I g with it.

What I was bothering with was sifting the way his light brown hair, streaked with blonde fell on his forehead, how his long, delicate fingers flipped through the pages of hastily scrawled notes. And of course my heart skipped a beat whenever he glanced up at me from the functions questions in front of him and smirked, like he knew exactly what was going on in my head.

I'm not quite sure how I should feel about that.

Jungkook was a difficult case. Sure, I was obsessed with him, but it's not like that obsession would take me anywhere. He is most definitely not gay, for the amount of hate he has for us. And even on the slight chance he did have any interest it's not like I would go out with him. I would be an idiot to. He would only get hurt. If his father somehow managed to find out I have no idea how he would react, but I know it's not anything good.

"Jiminie you should be working on your homework" I wanted to reply with something cheesy like 'homework isn't near as interesting as you' or 'homework is the farthest thing from my mind when you're here' but I settled on something more platonic.

"Eh, I'm not failing math yet so I'm good" I said with a shrug. He just lifted an eyebrow before turning back to his question.

I laid back on the carpet and stared at the cracked and peeling cement ceiling, trying to find a picture in the pattern of it all.

I heard of shuffle and than a voice right beside me.

"You think I wouldn't notice the staring Jimin?" I gulped, heat rising to my cheeks.

"You think I wouldn't notice the pink in your cheeks" his thumb stroked my cheekbone, leaving a burning sensation in its wake.

"What I'm surprised about though is the fact that-" he leaned in, breath ticketing my ear and neck, causing warmth to shoot into my lower stomach "you didn't notice me doing the same things"


I woke up half hard, sweating, and my heart beating a little too fast for my comfort. I threw my damp covers off of me, shivering as the air hit my moist skin. I snatched my phone of the bedside table to check the time.

9:03 am

Well I'm late for class. Again.


In school I couldn't keep my eyes off a certain someone. Jungkook was always in my peripheral vision, no matter where I turn. He would have to be super naive to think I was acting normal, even I could tell I was an awkward mess. In my defence, how could you not be awkward when you just woke up from a hot dream about the pastors son who used to be your biggest rival?

Like I said. Awkward mess.

A few times he would glance over and catch my gaze on him and I would be quick to look away, darting my eyes at the clock on the wall behind him, or at Namjoon in the seat in front of him. I don't know why, but he had become absolutely enrapturing. I found him so interesting. I just wanted to pick him apart. To see everything that there was to learn about him, and oddly enough I wanted him to learn everything about me.

But again he is the pastors son and I am just a temporary citizen. And gay. 

But that doesn't mean I can't look.


As I was walking home it started raining. Really hard.

I am usually a very active person and happen to care quite a bit about my hair, yet I found myself in such a good mood that I didn't even speed up my pace. Without an umbrella the rain pelted my frame, soaking my hair and clothes yet I found myself smiling as I felt the crisp liquid seep into my skin.

But my moment was interrupted by someone jumping on my back and nearly knocking me to the ground.

"Tae I swear to god-" I yelled over the roar of the rain.

"Jiminieeee-" he said in a singsong voice. "I noticed you had your eyes on a certain someone" he giggled right into my ear, making it ring for a moment. I spun on him, mind wheeling.

"Shit do you think everyone noticed?" I asked as water droplets cascaded down my face, the smile I had previously, washed away by the water that covered me. Tae smirked.

"So you admit you were staring at Jungkook?" He said deviously, hand swiping through the soaked hair stuck to his forehead.  I flicked him there.

"No shit Sherlock"


Song Rec
Don't Wanna cry by Seventeen

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