Park Jimin; Sinner

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Jimins POV

"I'm gay" I said simply. This guy would be so mad that such an impurity has entered his church. I felt my lips quirk up at the havoc that must be occurring in this dudes mind right now, judging the silence that followed my confession.

"God will forgive you if you choose to stray from the sin, is that what you plan to do?" The voice said as if they were trying to control their anger. I almost laughed at the obvious strain in his voice.

"Hell no, I have no intention of praying the gay away" I laughed, I simply loved that phrase, it was just so outlandish and stupid. Like praying could change who I am.

"Then you are a sinner" the voice now had obvious anger in it. "Get out of the house of God you fag" I laughed. This guy really was a stick-up-his-ass catholic.

"Alright alright" I said holding my hands up even though I knew he couldn't see me.

I skipped down the spiralling stairs in an oddly good mood considering that was the first time anyone called me a fag.


Turns out my aunt had enrolled me in the extremely small school that this town somehow had enough children for. Though all twelve grades went to the same school. And their were only about 4 kids in each grade.

I had to attend school the next day because it is a Thursday. I quickly got dressed and walked to the building they called a school. An ugly red brick building with two floors and a bell tower on top. So different from my old school with an actual modern look to it. This school looked ancient. As I was staring at it I felt an arm fall around my shoulder.

"Hey new kid, I'm Taehyung, but you can call me Tae" he said with a boxy smile, I couldn't help but smile back, he seemed to have a very contagious mood.

"I'm Jimin" I said extending a hand to him before looking down at my schedule. He pulled it from my hands laughing.

"Haha you won't need this" I scrabbled to get it back, but Tae was taller than me and held it away with the same boxy smile plastered to his undeniably handsome face.

"All classed are held in the same room" He pulled my sheet down and glanced at it.

"Oh yes! You're in grade 12, that means your in my class, fair warning though Mrs Hong is a bitch" he said with a snicker.

Throughout the day I was able to memorize the names of all the kids in my class. All six of them. There was Namjoon, the nerd. Tae, my best friend. Jin, the very feminine one. Hoseok, energetic as fuck. Yoongi, he literally slept the entire time. And Jungkook who acted like he was above everybody else and kept a bible on his desk. He was Mrs Hongs favourite. He was a suck up, but he was attractive, can't deny that.

The day passed as we did our work and everyone seemed to be really good friends with each other, thank god Tae stayed with me.

I was silently working on my math assignment when I noticed Mrs Hong and Jungkook standing at the front of the room.

"Students, Jungkook has his announcement on behalf of Father Jeon today" Mrs Hong smiled sickeningly sweetly at Jungkook who stood and spoke.

"Remember that this Sunday is Bread and Wine and to do you daily devotions and ask forgiveness, so that you can effectively spread the word of god" Jungkook smiled but I frowned his voice sounded all to familiar.

"Namjoon, what would you like to pray for?" Oh shit was he doing prayers?

"That my studies pay off for the test in English tomorrow"


"That I have enough food to prepare a decent meal tonight"


"That I can get laid" he said relaxing into his seat. I laughed, expecting everyone else to as well, but after my laughter had died there was silence. I looked around in confusion, what was with these people.

"Oh you think that is funny do you?" Jungkook said, his previously pretty face now contorted in anger.

"Yeah, it was pretty funny" I said trying to sound cool when internally I was freaking out. Jungkooks face fell and eyes widened when he heard me speak. I didn't think I said anything wrong...

His face screwed up in what looked like both fear and fury. He turned to Mrs Hong.

"I-I'm done" as he walked past me he mumbled something under his breath along the lines of

"You unholy abomination"

I smirked. Jungkook seemed like fun.


"I have never seen Jungkook lose his anger like that what the hell did you do Jimin?" Tae said with laughter In His voice.

"Are you a very... Intense Catholic?" I asked. He looked at me like a had four heads.

"Do I look like a very 'intense Catholic' to you?" He laughed as he childishly hopped over a crack in to sidewalk on the way home from school. Though by the looks of it we weren't heading home, but to the train tracks on the outskirts of town.

"Alright, than I guess it is alright to tell you" I said shoving my hands deeper into my pockets. He stopped walking.

"Tell me what? You didn't kill someone did you?" I laughed at the serious expression on his face.

"Haha no, I'm just gay!" I laughed. His eyes widened.

"Oh my god I am so sorry for accusing you of murder" he said casually as if I didn't just drop the G bomb on him. I liked it though, made it so much easier on me.

"Though that explains why Jungkook hated you then" he said almost five seconds later as we were approaching the abandoned train station. "He is so religious it's not even funny" he said with dry laughter. "He even mans the confessions booth sometimes, because his dad is the priest and basically runs the town." He said as he walked into the graffitied building that used to be a train stop. I followed him as he lit a kerosene lamp that was sitting on a broken window ledge, illuminating the broken yet beautiful room we were in.

He must have noticed my look of amazement as we want deeper into the station.

"Me and Hoseok made this the way it is back in grade 7 when they first shut it down" he smiled softly as if remembering something nice.

"We always came here after school, and eventually Jungkook started to notice our absence and asked why we wouldn't play soccer with him after school" I kind of felt bad for Jungkook in the situation, he must have been such and outcast amongst the girls and boys at school.

"We didn't want him finding out about or secret spot so we lied, saying something about gardening or some shit like that, because if he told his dad, he would have this place boarded up." I nodded in sympathy for the difficult situation that must have been. I looked at the ground as my feet clattered against something, the sound echoing around the cement room. It was a spray paint can. I bent over and picked it up, shaking it a few times to see if it was empty or not. It wasn't.

I saw a look of amusement on Tae's face as I aimed it at the wall and wrote.

"To The Sinners- Tae and Jimin"

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