Park Jimin; The Bigger Man

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Jimins POV

His eyes widened when he recognized who I was before narrowing into judgmental slits on his irritatingly perfect face. I simply smiled up at him, basking in the glory of his irritation.

Quite opposite really, I just didn't get this guy, but I was going to be the bigger man (figuratively as he is much taler than I am) and be kind to those who think it is okay to treat me like shit.

"While we are hear on this lovely grey day, would you tell me what I personally did to make you hate me?" I asked, smile still etched on my face, even though I felt ready to throw fists.
Jungkook's demeanour stiffened as my first words escaped my lips, as if he was uncomfortable with the mere idea of me.

"W-well, you're g-gay and I think that is plenty reason enough to not look in favour at you" He said while awkwardly readjusting his soaked hood on his equally soaked hair. I rolled my eyes at his response, it was such a basic and predictable answer that didn't even answer my question.

"Ok, but what did gays ever do to make you hate them?" Like it was a pretty straightforward question, I don't see why he couldn't manage a decent answer. He paused once again, a look of shock in his eyes before he returned to his usual untouchable emotion.

"The bible stated that laying with another man is a sin, so in the words of god himself, it is wrong" he said with conviction. I sighed sadly. I didn't understand why he thought it was wrong, I get that the bible says it is a sin, but doesn't it also say that God loves all of his children? So what separates me from them? The fact that I find men attractive? It is a ridiculous concept that my head cannot seem to wrap around. Everywhere I go there is people like me who get discriminated and stereotyped just because of their personal preferences and I am sick of it. I felt angry tears building up in my eyes so I quickly jerked my he's to the left so Jungkook wouldn't see my weakness.

"H-hey are yo-" "I'm fine" I interrupted, spitting angrily. Here he is acting as if he cares right after rubbing who I am in the dirt, throwing insults at things about me that are impossible to change, I know because I tried.

I looked up into Jungkook's seemingly concerned eyes, angry tears dripping our of my own.

"Why do you care anyways? After all I am just a sinful fag" I spat. Pushing past him before I could see his reaction.

As soon as I walked in the door my aunt was telling me to confess, but I had already done so which led her to smile kindly at me for the first time since arriving in this dump. After grabbing a snack out of the kitchen I stormed upstairs and locked myself in my room for the rest of the night.


About a month passed in a blur while I was in my self depressive state. I made regular visits to the station after school, sometimes joined by Tae or Hoseok, they seemed to be back on good terms after whatever happened before I got here, so that was a good thing.

In class I kept feeling eyes on my from a particular priests son who sits in the back row of our classroom, I don't get what is with him to be honest. One second he is furious with me the next he seems so apologetic that he is almost on the verge of tears.

Today in class he showed up late. The first imperfection in his school record apparently. He walked in silently, door creaking open and him softly closing it behind him. His eyes were red and puffy as he stiffly walked to his seat and sat, all eyes on him, but his eyes on nobody, unfocused and glassy. He looked really rough.

I made it my goal then to make sure I talk to him. He may not be nice to me, but like I have said before, it is always better to be the bigger man and care for your enemies.

"Jungkook you're late" Mrs Hong said, almost like a question, or an awestruck statement.

"I'm sorry" was all he said, voice raspy, as if he had been out partying all night(which of course he wasn't).

"Just make sure it doesn't become a habit" I don't know wether it was my imagination or not I thought I heard a small, almost inaudible whisper of a prayer.

"Oh lord deliver me from evil and cleanse me of my sins" as a small tear burst from his already red and puffy eyes. I gulped. What was up with him?


The bell rang and the sound of books closing and chairs scraping against the floor filled the room. I kept my eye on Jungkook, so I could track him down and talk to him, but he was already walking out the door a soon as the bell was heard. I quickly packed my things so that I would be able to catch up with him.

I burst out of the schools ancient doors and spotted his black hoodie and faded jeans turning the street corner. I hiked my bag further onto my shoulders and ran after him. My heart pounding with uncalled for adrenalin.

"Jungkook!" I gasped out when he was about two meters in front of me, but he kept walking as if he didn't hear me. So I jogged up and tapped his shoulder, He gasped and spun, at an astronomical speed, a look of something that I can only describe as pure panic embodied in his deep brown eyes.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" I said laughing awkwardly and showing my hands into my jean pockets. "Do you want to talk about what's going on?" I said, awkwardly meeting his eyes that looked tear filled.

The next thing I knew, Jungkook, the boy who hated the idea of me, had his slim arms wrapped around me in a flimsy embrace, choked sobs erupting from his throat.


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