Park Jimin; Tipsy

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Anonymous POV

Nothing is clear anymore.

Jimins POV

"Hyung will you kiss me?" My mind went blank. I glanced down at his lips, swollen and red from biting at them so much. And yes. I wanted to kiss him so bad. I wanted to mould our lips together so hard that they would never come apart.

But I was sober and he was drunk. I could not take advantage of that. I would not be able to look at myself in the mirror if I did that.

"Hyung?" He took a step closer, lips parted, welcoming. It took all my resolve to smile gently at him, trying to ignore the familiar heat swirling in my abdomen.

"Maybe some other time Kookie" I said softly. "Now let's get you cleaned up" because quite frankly he smelt like an odd mix of sweat, alcohol and some random woman's perfume.

"I will anticipate it" if that didn't send giddy shivers down my spine I don't know what would.


I was sitting on the edge of the tub while Jungkook was situated on the countertop.

"Do you not like me Hyung" he spoke out suddenly, bottom lip jutting outwards in an oddly sexy pout.

"Of course I like you Kookie" I said with a smile, turning to see how full the tub was, nearly there.

"Then why won't you kiss me?" He said with a childish frown, arms coming to fold in front of his t shirt clad chest. I sighed.

"Because you're drunk and won't want it in the morning" He huffed. He than proceeded to reach down to the hem of his shirt and began to pull it over his head.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I spluttered out. Jungkook dead panned, even drunk he could make me feel like an idiot.

"The tub is ready Hyung" He said monotonously before proceeding to remove the fabric completely, exposing an unexpectedly sculpted chest and stomach. Where did he get time to workout? "Is there bubble bath?" He asked beginning to undo the button of his leather pants. I forced myself to look away for both our sakes until I heard him settle into the warm water. Of course I would still be able to see because despite his question there was no bubble bath so it was just clear water, but that's better than nothing right?

God what did I get myself into?

I turned back to him, trying not to let my eyes wander downwards. I prayed that he didn't notice my internal struggle, but in his drunken state I don't think he noticed much.

I gently placed my hands on his head, hoping he wouldn't jerk away from me. Thankfully he didn't, he didn't even fight, in fact he completely relaxed in my hands forcing my hands to be all that held his head up. I gently lowered it into the water to get his hair wet. When his head touched the water he smiled.

After I pulled his head up I grabbed my shampoo (because hotel shampoo is shit) and poured a little glob onto my hand before massaging it into his wet hair. The light brown strands feeling like silk between my fingers.

"Ah that feels nice Jiminie" He purred as his eyelids fluttered closed, eyelashes tickle lingering against his high cheekbones. At this point I wasn't finding it difficult to not gaze downwards, I was too focused on how beautiful he looked right now.

After I rinsed off his hair I helped him out of the tub because he was still a bit unsteady on his feat and assisted in drying him off as well.

After he adorned a robe we made our way to the lone queen sized be the room offered and flopped onto it. Exhaustion finally kicking in.

Just as sleep was about to enclose my mind I heard 6 soft spoken words beside me in the dark.

"Thanks for taking care of me Hyung" that was when I felt a soft pair of lips press themselves into my forehead before I couldn't hang on to consciousness any longer and blackness took over my mind.

I woke up with a groan to weak sunlight filtering in from the large window beside the hotel bed. That was when Jungkook emerged from the bathroom, hair messy and eyes wide with panic, the hotel robe doing nothing to hide his beautifully sculpted chest.

"Did I by chance give you a lap dance Hyung?" He said in a frenzy. I laughed, oh god I wish he did from where I was standing last night he looked like a hell of a preformer.

"No Jungkook, though you did give about every other person in the club one" I said with a giggle, rolling to get myself out of the tangle of sheets. He groaned, dragging his hands down his face.

"My dad's gonna kill me" I froze. I had completely forgotten about that aspect. Jungkook told me his cover story, but I never actually thought about what would happen if it failed.

"He won't find out don't worry" I said in a feeble attempt to comfort him. He took his hands off his face and took a shaky sigh. Damn this kid was strong.

"Yeah I know, it's just I can't help but worry." I nodded in understanding. Even though I couldn't really relate. I had always run into situation and these kind of things head first, no consideration given to the outcomes of my actions. Sure, it was reckless and got me into a lot of problems, but I could never find it in me to look at how the future would be affected by what I did.

Add that to list of differences between Kookie and I.

"C'mon and get ready, the guys are probably waiting for us downstairs" I said patting him on the shoulder as I brushed past him to get myself ready for the day to come. It wasn't really much though. The drive home, well Pass, maybe a visit to the room under the station, see if Seagull is there. And then whatever comes after.

I had almost forgotten about him.


Song Rec
Middle Fingers Up By G Dragon

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