Park Jimin; Meeting

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Anonymous POV
The damp walls feel like home.

Park Jimins POV
School came school went. I found it easier to fill my time memorizing trigonometry equations and working on my end of term essay for English. It was a lot easier than turning my head to the right to see exactly the person I couldn't bear to see. It was hard to avoid him, but somehow managed. I left school down the elementary staircase and went on extra long walks, making my way home eventually. A lot of my time was spent wandering the forest out by where the Mill was. I never bumped into Jungkook there, I think I was secretly hoping we would.

After a week the forest was getting a bit dull and muggy in the summer heat. Everything I noticed in Korea is extremes. The spring is extremely wet and mushy, the summer is extremely hot and muggy, the fall is extremely crisp and biting, and the winter is extremely dark and cold. But no matter how much I tried to think about the seasons my mind always wound up in the same place on a summer day, warm breath caressing my sweaty skin. And the words that closed all the possibilities.

I really needed to stop pitying myself.

So I called Yoongi whenever I was feeling to gloomy. He and I started eating lunch together a couple days ago, Jungkook started disappearing at lunch to god knows where. Yoongi is really nice and all, like an older brother. All support, soft edges and gummy smiles. But even his soft kindness couldn't fill the gaping hole that Jungkook had left behind.

I really wasn't the kind of person to leave things unresolved, I really truly wasn't. But Jungkook made things feel difficult, made me feel stupid. There was something about him that was intimidating, even though he looked anything but. Maybe it was his ego complex, maybe it was his dad, but he just seemed untouchable, sort of like my initial thoughts so Seagull.


I had completely forgotten about Seagull.

With that thought in mind I pulled myself up off of my destroyed bed and left, my aunt not looking up from her book as I slammed the screen door behind me.

The walk was hot, and uneventful, filled with the happy chatter of barnswallows and chickadees. Both coming together to make a rather unpleasant harmonies that messed with my head as much as the suns heat did. 

By the time I approached the concrete block of a building I was sweating under the bright and hot sun. Stepping into the cool shade it provided me was probably the best thing to happen all day.

I turned to look at the ominous staircase that led to the subway system, that led to Seagull. I pulled out the colourful Pokémon lanyard out from under my black tee and made my way down the sketchy staircase once again.

I stuck the key into the lock without hesitation and swung the heavy metal door open, it creaked lightly on its old hinges. But there was something about the room that was different than when I was last here.

It was already lit.

Candles all at various different levels of melting were strewn all over the floor, no order to their placement at all. The duffle bag of paint cans was opened and a few cans were out, some standing up by the wall in clusters, or just thrown on the floor carelessly. It was a mess down here, messier than I had ever seen it. But what scared me the most was the dark figure on the other side of the tracks, back to the door, spray paint can in hand painting what looked to be a small child, curled in on himself.

"H-hello?" I said hesitantly, not knowing if the person was safe to be around. I assumed it was Seagull. Who else would have the key or knowledge, like Yoongi, to get to this place? But the figure didn't turn and I figured out why. He had two lumps on the side of his head that I identified as sound cancelling headphones. He wouldn't know I was here unless I touched him, and I wasn't exactly in the mood to get really close to a man who I have never met before underground in an abandoned subway station.

For some reason it just didn't seem like a good idea.

So I just decided that I would wait until he turned and saw me instead. Everything just seemed safer that way. I made my way to one of the corners that remained untouched by the soft glow of candlelight and settled down, surly getting my ass covered in cement dust in the process.

I found it quite enjoyable watching him work. His arms moving all over the place, sometimes crouching to grab a different can of paint off of the ground. His pierce wasn't huge, but it would definately leave an impression on whoever was lucky enough to see it. It was getting close to being done, so I could make out what the whole mural was supposed to be. The main focus was a little boy with dark hair crouched on the ground, arms wrapped around himself and face pressed tightly into his knees. But behind him was a giant, a terrifying big man with a little bit of a vested speckled with grey. The giant held something in his big hand, raised in anger. It was long and Shinee, and brown.

A belt.

It was then that the figure turned around, his face was still obscured by the shadow, but for some reason he seemed familiar. The figure bent down to pick up the cans of paint and I stood up, walking into the circle of light so he would see me.

He stood, and his face caught the light of the candle nearest to him. I gasped. I definitely did recognize him.

But when his eyes met mine he didn't seem shocked to see me.

"Jimin, finally we meet," He said, crossing over the tracks and dumping his armful of paints in the duffle. He than extended a colourful hand "I'm Seagull" Jungkook said with a grin.

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