Park Jimin; Drousy

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Jimins POV (title is just like me while writing this kms)

I didn't know what to do. Jungkook was hurting right in front of me and their was nothing I could do. I felt powerless and stupid for not even being able to form some kind of encouraging or supportive statement. So I decided that if my brain couldn't help him maybe my actions could. I sat down cross-legged on the table in front of him an smiled.

"If you ever need someone to talk to you or even just sit in the same room with you can always just ask me" I suggested, immediately after questioning why I was being so nice to this guy who was nothing but hateful towards me. Though now that he has told me about his I feel like I see where he comes from. A little boy who gets beat by his father for questioning the slightest things would grow up, bending to their every whim. What a sad and lonely childhood he must have had.

The rest of the night passed seamlessly talking until the sun was peaking over the horizon, I was exhausted and yawning with every breath while somehow Jungkook seemed to have gained more energy the later it had gotten, but as he saw day breaking his light filled eyes dimmed considerably.

"Hey you alright?" I said through yet another yawn. He slumped against the wall, looking empty and hopeless.

"My dad's gonna kill me" he said through a sigh as he pulled himself off of the table he had been sitting on all night. I followed suit and removed myself from the old, dusty floor and followed him into the book room and out the crumbling door where the forest was still sleeping. I yawned again, stretching my hands above my head, trying to get some blood flowing because of the damp chill that soaked the early morning air.

"Are you sure it's okay to go back to your house now? Like you won't get hurt right?" I said through my yawn induced tears, Jungkook turned to look at me with a small smile on his face.

"Oh I'm not going home, my dad will have a way better reaction if he finds me at the church." And with that his bony hand had wrapped around mine and he was running through the foggy forest with me stumbling in tow behind him.

Within minutes we were back in the rolling fields that encompassed the outskirts of this side of town and were darting down the hard packed soil. The small footpath beside the crops leading to the dead end of a residential area near the train station.

By the time our feet were slapping pavement instead of earth I was out of breath and panting.

"J-Jungkook!" I huffed out. "Let's- take a- break ok?" He dropped my hand and spun to look at me as I collapsed onto a bench, closing my eyes as I felt the exhaustion of the night catch up to me even though Jungkook oddly looked as energetic as ever.

"Sorry" Jungkook said scratching his slightly mussed brown hair. "We shouldn't have run, you are tired enough as is" He looked over at me, his cheeks stained a light pink. I smiled, glad to have finally gotten the church boy to warm up to me.

"Don't worry about it" I grinned, prepared to play with him. "One night awake cannot deter the power of gay" I laughed at my horrible joke. Truth is when I am overtired everything is 10 times funnier which explained why I was doubling over as my laughter rang through the dead morning street.

"Shut up your gonna wake someone up" Jungkook hissed, running over and shoving a hand onto my mouth. I frowned and poked out my tounge, revealing in the look on his face when he flinched away.

"Ew! Jimin you're disgusting" he claimed shooting me a dirty look while wiping his hand on his hoodie, zipped fully to avoid the morning chill.

I stood up, having caught my breath and gestured for us to begin moving again, this time walking because I really did not have that much stamina.

By the time the sun had mostly risen we were standing in front of the looming church that I viewed with disgust. Jungkook though didn't even falter and just forged straight into the ancient looking building with confidence. I followed him to a spot I have never been before behind the stage at the end of the main room. We wend down a small dimly lit staircase which opened up to a room with a small fridge, old floral couches and a boxy television with VCR tapes stacked beside it.

"Um, where are we?" I asked, looking absently around the oddly decorated room with restrained interest. He walked over to the fridge before answering with a simple "dressing room" before talking out a bottle if water and drinking a big gulp. I smiled as I felt another sleep-deprivation induced joke rising to the surface of my mind.

"Hey Jungkook, if you are drinking water in a church, does that make it holy water?" I said stupidly as I fell onto one of the old looking and smelling couches allowing my eyes to flutter shut. I heard Jungkook scoff, probably to hide what was probably most definitely a laugh at my incredibly hilarious joke. A few moments later he was scuffling around the room, the rustling of fabric resonating in the silence. I peeked open my eyes to see him with an all black suit thing draped over his arm, hand on a door on leading to god knows where (quite literally), presumably a change room or washroom. I closed my eyes and placed my hand behind my head.

"We are both boys you know" I said indicating that he doesn't really have to go out of his way to be out of sight, for gods sake my eyes were even closed.

"Yes, but not both of us are straight"

Well he wasn't wrong.


Song recommendation
Pretty Pretty by Pentagon.

Love u guys:)

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