Park Jimin; Falling

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Anonymous POV
I need to work. I need to vent. I need to remember.

Jimins POV

The ride home was filled with snores and complaints about headaches and how Namjoon and Jin were too loud last night. And oddly enough fleeting glances between Yoongi and I in the rear view mirror of his insanely expensive Rolls Royce. I remember him last night telling me he hated it. Said it was too chunky and looked like an old man car, but still appreciated his parents blowing that much money on him. It is good to know there is still some good in the small town of Pass.


I got home and climbed up to my room before slamming the door shut and collapsing onto my slightly lumpy bed before passing out before my head hit the pillow. I must be more exhausted from last night than I thought.

My sleep was fitful, plagued by a cute brunette asking me to kiss him with the embodiment of innocent plastered on his face. Plagued by the thought that my actions could leave that innocent face beaten and bruised because I was a bad influence.

I didn't know if his dad would find out. I didn't know what his dad would do. But god, I did not want anything to happen to him.


I woke up in a cold sweat and shaking. The image of Jungkook with a swollen and purple face saying it was my fault slowly fading away with the soft nearly summer breeze that was filtering in from my open window.

It was Saturday so there was no school, and I felt kind of awkward in the presence of Kookie since Friday night. I don't know weather he was serious about the whole kiss-me-Hyung thing, though I highly doubt it. That is not even including the fact that I fucking bathed him and he put up no resistance to being completely at my mercy. I know sober, he would have had a fucking aneurism. Then, in a sleep muddled haze he had willingly kissed me. Not on the lips mind you, but a kiss none the less (no homo my ass Jungkook). And I just simply did not know how to feel.

It was no secret that I was head over heals for the kid, but I just didn't want him to get hurt.

And it was with that, I decided to visit the underground station.


It was sunny. A bit too sunny for my taste, my light hangover still lingering on my retinas causing brightness to be blinding and darkness to be soul consuming. The key that Seagull had leant to me was bouncing methodically on it's brightly coloured lanyard with each step I took.

The closer and closer I got to the station my heart hammered louder and louder in my chest, an awkward bundle of nerves and excitement responsible for the predicament. I was excited to finally meet someone who sees eye to eye with me, but I was nervous because this person seemed so ethereal, so untouchable that in his presence I would just crumple in submission. Their ideals just seemed so progressive and out of this world that I figured the person was the same.

I haven't even met them but I figure that I love them anyways.


When I entered the building I could hear the echo of laughter from the main room. It must be Tae and Hobi. As to not disturb them I quietly made my way down the steep stairs that led to the previously locked door, but as I slipped the key into the lightly rusted lock I remembered that Seagull trusted me with his private chambers.

I quietly stepped into the pitch black room which nobody was in. I turned my phone flashlight on, illuminating the dank man made cave in a cold eerie glow. The warmth of the candles last time were much more welcoming.

Immediately I made my way over to the other side of the tracks where I had last left my message. Written in yellow spray paint beside my old message was a bright new response.

Thank you. And maybe we will meet. Us sinners coming together in a town full of angels would be quite a beautiful mess would it not?

Oh my god I was so turned on right now.

I hastily fumbled around searching for the black duffle filled with half empty cans of spray paint and gabbed the first one my hands stumbled upon. A lovely shade of neon pink.

Oh my god. Can we please meet? I am actually in love with you. It would be incredible, us against the fucking world.
-Jim is out

My laugh as I finished spraying the word play on my name echoed around the damp cavern sadly. I froze as I heard feet pounding the concrete above me.

Did I remember to lock the door?

I quickly turned off my flashlight. Hoping that as Tae and Hobi left they didn't notice the door they had never been able to open ajar at last. I don't quite know how it would go over if they figured out the content of this place. Or the fact that I was the only one they would know of that had access to it.

Thankfully their footsteps faded the further out of the building they got, leaving me alone with my racing heart and thought in the pitch black subway station.

Since it was the weekend and I had nothing better to do, I decided to explore, to see where these underground train tracks would lead me. I hopped down onto the dilapidated rows of wood and walked. I lost track of how long I was following the tracks. But the sound of a yawn snapped me out of my absent thoughts. I snapped my phone up, illuminating the tracks in from of me, and the one thing obstructing their seemingly endless path. Extremely pale in the cold light of my phone was a person. A person I recognized. A person with their bleach blonde hair and milky skin.



Song Rec
Chained Up by VIXX

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