Park Jimin; Explorer

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Jimins POV

Tae and I were sitting on old rugs on the floor in what used to be a waiting room talking until the sun had long disappeared beyond the horizon, the oil lamp now being our only source of light. Tae had pulled out some beers that were tucked away in a cabinet he and Hoseok had dragged in here and was sipping on one as we talked about anything and everything. How he was bisexual and lost his virginity to Hoseok. How Namjoon once slammed Jins hand in a door and was apologizing for over a week. How Jungkook had cried once because Tae said Oh My God in grade 1.

I found myself laughing almost constantly until I looked at my phone and saw the time.

"Oh my god my aunt is going to kill me I need to go" I stood up quickly running to the direction we came in from Tae followed me, sensing that he would probably be in the same amount of trouble as I would for being out so late. But like a nice guy, he offered to walk me to my house.

This in the end turned out to be a bad thing because when I opened the door and tried to be as quiet as I could getting into the house a voice came from the dark kitchen causing me to jump.

"And where have you been Park Jimin?" She said, sounding angry.

"I was just-"

"Out with that boy doing things unholy I imagine" she said with disgust leaking into her venom filled words. I opened my mouth to tell her what really happened but she wasn't having it.

"Wake up early and go to confession, if I figure out you skipped, you will miss your meals" she said standing up and brushing past me to go to her bedroom upstairs. I sighed and adjusted the strap of my backpack before walking upstairs to my bedroom to set my alarm for six.


I stood in front of the looming church as the sun was barely peeking over the horizon. I yawned, tears coming to my eyes. I stretch and walk into the church, the smell of dust and old people overcoming my senses.

I walked into the corner where the spiral staircase lay, the echo of my skater shoes bouncing of the marble floors and arched ceilings of the sanctuary.

Due to my tiredness it took a lot of effort to get up the small iron staircase, and by the time I reached the small room I was panting.

"Those stairs are killer aren't they?" Said a familiar voice that I could hear a smile through.

"Ha, yeah, especially if you are tired" I said, trying to sound approachable to Jungkook. I knew it was him behind the curtain.

"Oh. It's you" he said with disgust. I sighed going over to sit in the lone chair. "You shouldn't even bother coming here, god doesn't want men like you" he said with a snarl. I shrugged, his insults going right over my head.

"What do you have against gay people Jungkook?" I asked, a smile on my face because I think I knew what he was going to say.

"Because homosexuality is a sin." He said with malice. Damn. Will I ever get a nice word out of this kid?

"What did you come here for today?" He said, actually going with his job description now.

"I don't even know, my aunt sent me here cuz she thought I was fucking Tae last night" I said nonchalantly, but I heard Jungkook gasp.

"How dare you use that subject matter and language in the house of The Lord?" He sounded so offended that I burst out laughing. He was taken aback.

"W-what's so funny?" He said, I could practically hear his blushing. I kept laughing as I got up and walked away, pretending I didn't hear his call asking where I was going.

I was in fact going to school, even though it didn't start for another hour. I just didn't want to go home to my aunt who I knew would just yell at me for being a sinner.

The cool spring air was a refreshing change from the musty church air I was breathing in before. The smell of spring always woke me up.

Since school didn't start for so long I found my feet leading me to the place Tae took me, the train station. As I got out of sight of the church I plugged my headphones in and ran. I passed little houses and convenience shops and a small playground before I got to the outer edge of town. I felt sweat drip down the side of my face and wiped it away with my hand and walked into the graffiti covered building. I decided to explore. Tae only showed me two rooms, the one when you walk in, and the one straight ahead, so I turned and took the door on my left. A small handicapped bathroom. The door to my right had a staircase, so I turned on my phones flashlight and went down. It seemed that Tae didn't frequent this area because the door at the bottom of the stairs was locked. Making me want to go in just that much more.

Feeling defeated I walked back up the stairs and into the room Tae and I were in last night. I only now noticed how much was actually in this room. The cabinet which held beer. The thin rugs in the middle of the floor. An old bean bag chair in the corner. Some hippie looking vases with candles in them on the far wall and speckled all over the walls was what looked like homework. I walked over to one. It was an Essay written by Hoseok in grade 10. I went to another, it was a painting of what looked like pineapples, but it was labeled 'My Famliye' by Tayhung. I laughed at the art and spelling mistakes. It was truly an artful room. I pulled out my phone to look at the time.



I was going to be late to school.


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