Park Jimin; Sweet Lies Over Sour Truth

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Anonymous POV
I'm trying so hard. But my effort appears to be futile.

Jimins POV
I was woken the next morning to a fist pounding my door.

"Park Jimin your friend is at the door!" My aunt howled through the door. I groaned, sitting up in my bed, sheets strewn literally everywhere except where they should be.

"What?" I groaned, already forgetting what she had said in my sleepy haze.

"Your friend is at the door!" She yelled before I distantly heard her stomping down the stairs. I groaned, rubbing my face to wake me up.

I quickly got out of bed and threw on a pair of grey track pants and a white shirt before finally making my way out my closed door and down the stairs to where my 'friend' was waiting. It was probably Tae.

I opened the door as a yawn forced it's way through my groggy greeting. When my eyes opened though I wasn't greeted by the goofy smile of Taehyung, but a rather serious expression wearing Jungkooks face. Wait. That wasn't proper grammar... But you get the point.

I yawned again. Wow. I was the most graceful being this morning.

"Hey Kookie" I slurred sleepily "what's up?" He looked stressed, panicked even. He was worrying his bottom lip between his oddly cute bunny teeth.

"C-can we talk?" He paused, glancing beyond me and the door, into my aunts house. "Somewhere more private?" I really didn't want to leave my house this early in the morning, but the way Kookie was so skittish was concerning me. I yawned again involuntarily, squinting into the bright sunlight that seemed to envelop Jungkooks form.

"Yeah sure" I said with what I hoped to be a gentle smile, though it probably came out as a grimace from the blindingly bright morning sun. He nodded seriously, reaching out to grab my arm, but hesitating slightly before pulling his hand away. He's never done that before.

He started walking away and my groggy morning mind took the hint to follow suit.

In our walk to the edge of town Jungkook put no effort into small talk. I tried chatting him up about our upcoming exams, but he only replied with short, emotionless answers, causing the nearly non existent conversation to die, leaving us in awkward silence until we were approaching The Station.

Jungkook paused for a moment in front of the station. I was about to comment on it before he started moving, not to the station though. He turned and followed the mal used path that I think led to The Mill. I followed silently as we passed through the overgrown fields that were long since abandoned by their farmers. As we fought our way through a particularity dense copse of trees separating the fields before breaking out into the golden field once again. The early summer sun was beating down on us, the air was thick with moisture and my legs were getting wet from the dew that coated the unkempt grass this early in the morning. And after all this work I was starting to break a sweat, but Jungkoom seemed completely unaffected by the elements. He just kept pushing has way through the tall grass, not a single bead of sweat dotting his deviously attractive neck.

I nearly sighed in relief when we escaped the early morning sun by finally entering the forest where the Mill was in. Earlier in the spring the trip to it was much more bearable. I was leaning over at the edge of the tree line, hands on my knees when Jungkook spoke up voluntarily for the first time since the trip began.

"Are you okay?" Oh my god fuck him. I try talking to him this entire time only to be greeted by a brick wall, and after half an hour of the big ball of radiation in the sky torturing me he has the balls to ask me if I'm okay?

"Just fucking peachy" I said with a sneer, my irritation with him coming to the surface. Jungkook just tightened his lips into a line before wordlessly continuing to walk.

I am so funking pissed.


After climbing over a couple fallen tees and crossing over the rotting bright that guarded the little creek we finally made it the the colourful clearing that held the Mill at its heart.

"Alright we're here, what did you want to tell me?" That couldn't possibly be told to me anywhere else. "I think I got a sunburn from this little escapade so it better be worth it" I added with a kilo of salt. Jungkook sighed before proceeding to run a hand through his light brown hair. I have never seen him do the before. It was kinda hot.

"I don't quite know how to say this" he said, sounding angry, but the anger appeared to be directed at no one but himself.

"Say what?" Jungkook was pacing now, crushing the poor grass and flowers that his timberlands met with.

"Were you drunk too? Do you remember it?" Oh. He is probably confused as hell. I know he didn't mean anything by it and he is probably beating himself up for it.

"Remember what?" I said in a tone that I hoped was convincing.

"Did I ask you to- to, you know?" He said, gesticulating wildly. Yep, yes you do Kookie, and I would have kissed you back to.

"Ask me to what?" God I can't believe I was doing this. But there was not a chance in hell I was going to take advantage of his confused state. Jungkook was squinting his eyes shut, as if he didn't was to see what he was about to say, was scared of the words.

"To kiss you" he said in a strained voice, soft and directed at the flower covered ground. I felt my heart ache at his tone, lost and helpless as if he didn't know himself. But I was going to make it simple for him, so I didn't have to see him look like this. It may cause me pain, but not as much as this does.

"No Jungkook" I lied "we came home, you had a bath, and then fell asleep, that was it" I said, immediately attempting to rewrite the story of that night for his own benefit.

"Are you-"

"Yes. That's it." I said softly. I heard Jungkook sigh in relief a few feet away from me.

"Thank god"

I'm pretty sure my face crumbled.


Song rec
Yuri on Ice by Yuri On Ice OST

Sorry, updates may be more infrequent because I'm really busy rn. My apologies, I will still try my best though :)

Thanks for reading as always!

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