Park Jimin; Afraid

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Jimins POV

I walked into the grade 12 classroom at 8:03. Having run all the way from the train station to the school. I slowly opened the door, trying to make my presence as small as possible, but Mrs Hong wasn't having it.

"Park Jimin you're late" I turned from where I was trying to close the door quietly yet quickly, the door slamming with the movement.

"Thanks I noticed" I said with more malice than I intended. I officially hated this place. Everyone was so strict and this town seemed like no fun at all. All it seemed that people did around here was work, pray, go to church and mend their flower beds. It was sickening how small this town was.

"Watch your tone when speaking to me boy" I didn't bother responding as I made my way to my seat, seven pairs of eyes following me.

I slumped down in my seat and stared out the window at the cloudy morning sky, wishing that I could be anywhere but here.

"-in" I looked at the clouds and how they slowly made their way across the swirling sky.

"-min" ooh that cloud looked like a baby with a carrot.

"Jimin!" My attention flew to the front of the room where Mrs Hong was glaring at me with an odd mixture of annoyance and concern written of her features.

"Are you alright Jimin?" She said with genuine concern. Was someone actually being nice to me? Other than Taehyung? "You seem to be out of it today, why don't you go home, rest up" Mrs Hong said with a small smile. My eyes widened. Was she telling me to go home? Whoa, I think she was.

"Oh. Uh, ok then" I said with some shock seeping into my words. Damn this lady had mood swings. Just a few minutes ago she was yelling at me for being late to her class.

I looked at the clock on the way out of my classroom. It was 1:57. It wasn't just a few minutes, but around 5 hours.


Since I was feeling fine, contrary to Mrs Hongs belief I found myself walking to the only thing I liked about this place. The train station.

On my way I stopped at a general store and bought a bag of chips to snack on for the relatively long walk to the location in the middle of nowhere.

I walked over dirt paths and a rickety bridge of a small gurgling stream before I made it to the overgrown station past the edge of town. The brightness of the colourful graffiti standing out agains the dull background of fields and footpaths.

I felt myself smile as I entered the colourful mess. I made my way to what I have now started identifying as the Common Room. The room with the ragged rugs, vases and homework. I looked at my phone to see the time, the brightness illuminating the dark, windowless room.

2:14, school ended in 6 minutes. I sighed, flopping down onto the beanbag chair in the corner. I shut my eyes as I heard the soft tapping of rain falling from the dark sky outside.

My mind wandered as the rain poured. It went from Taemin and his new boyfriend he told me about last night, to Taehyung and Hoseok and their unspoken relationship, to the church boy himself Jungkook. I don't know why he appeared in my thoughts, maybe because he bothered me so much and I thought he was kind of cute- But an asshole so I don't even know why I was even bothering with thinking about him.

Crunch crunch

My eyes snapped open at the sound of wet gravel underneath boots, my heart racing. My first thought was an axe murderer coming to chop my head off, but than I rationalized with myself and decided that it would either be Tae or Hoseok, but that went out the window when I heard the intruder go down the stairs I walked this morning. I saw this as my chance to escape, bolting out of my dark room into the one that was illuminated by natural light at the front, but curiosity forced me to turn my head and look down the stairs where wet footprints led to where the door that was locked this morning stood ajar with light spilling from the cracks. That was all I saw before I had darted out of the station, pulling my hood up and running into the rainstorm.


I went to confession voluntarily as the rain fell in sheets around me, soaking my clothes and my backpack and everything inside.

As the looming church came into view, I ran to escape the cold, wet elements in the old dryness of the church itself. I opened the heavy wood doors and walked up the now familiar spiralling staircase in the corner of the large main room and climbed up it, my steps creaking along the way.

I didn't even get to sit down before a voice boomed out.

"What brings you to the House of God today?" This voice was not familiar. This voice was old and experienced. This voice was not Jungkook... So this must be Father Jeon!

I didn't actually feel comfortable enough with him to share the real stuff... I don't know why but I only liked confessing to Jungkook, his dad just made me feel intimidated.

"I, um. Yeah I was late to class today because-" I stopped myself having been about to let loose a secret that Tae and Hoseok managed to keep hidden for a long time. "-because I slept in to late" phew, at least I said something believable.

"Are you sorry for what you have done"

Not really "yessir"

"Your sins have been forgiven" I thanked him and as soon as I stepped foot on the stairs I was bolting down them. Where was Jungkook?


When I got outside the rain had died down to a drizzle, not doing anything for my already soaked clothes. I sighed and looked down at the puddles that dotted the sidewalk before I ran into something. I looked up to be greeted with someone who was hooded, just like me. Their thin black hoodie slick with water and sticking to their body making everything visible underneath. I was marvelling at the definition this guys abs and chest had. I heard an awkward throat clearing.

"Sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't really paying attention-" he looked up form where his grey vans were tapping the wet concrete and met my expectant eyes. The eyes that met mine were the eyes of the boy who called me a fag.

None other than the eyes of Jeon Jungkook himself.


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