Park Jimin; Honest

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I was seriously wondering if Jungkook was kidding or not. How could he not know what was at the end of this. A prostitute was literally pulling him into a cheap motel at this point, yet he was still convinced that she just wanted to 'have fun'.

I quickly dragged him by the sleeve, flashing the undoubtedly beautiful prostitute a falsely apologetic smile before whispering into the innocent boys ear.

"You know she is a prostitute right?" I hissed into his ear, he just looked at me, head cocked to the side like a newborn puppy.

"What is a prostitute?" I actually face palmed myself.

"They go onto the streets and sell themselves" I said feeling sympathy for the women and men who resorted to doing that just to make a dime.

"Like they sell kidneys and stuff?" Oh my god this kid I swear.

"You pay them, and they will have sex with you" a look of realization dawned upon the overly innocent boys face before turning back to where the scantily clad lady was fiddling with the zipper on her shiny silver handbag. Jungkook walked over with a warm expression on his face, far from the expression I expected him to have. I thought he would view her a filthy vermin, a sinner, like how he first viewed me. Maybe I have ha more of an impact on this kid than I thought.

His smile made the woman smile in return, she extended a manicured hand out to him, obviously expecting him to accept her services, but instead of grabbing her hand he slid her 30 000 won.

"I won't be following you, but you can have this so you don't have to work tonight okay?" He said with a soft and gentle smile. I smile that I hate to admit melted my heart. The woman's face floated into the first real smile I had seen from her, one that lit up her chocolate brown eyes up like Christmas.

"Thank you so much, ah," She stammered.


"Thank you so much Jungkook" she reached over and engulfed him in her long, skinny arms, he hugged her back with the same level of energy.

"Have a good night miss, it was nice meeting you" He said as they pulled away from each other's embrace.

"You too Jungkook"


"Not gonna lie I expected you to have an entirely different reaction to her" I said incredulously as we walked through a bustling streetlight lit road.. He turned to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I shrugged.

"I dunno, doesn't your religion look down on those kind of people?" He stopped abruptly and grabbed my wrist, pulling me so close to him I could detect the faint scent of his aftershave.

"I am not my religion Jimin." He paused and let go of my wrist. "I thought you of all people would have understood that" he muttered a but quieter, but plenty loud enough to hear. He began walking again, but I was left in the same spot, beside the outdoor trash bin, my mouth gaping, heart a bit broken, and feeling like shit.

I stood there for about 5 seconds before running to catch up to him.


We settled on going to as many obscure cafés as we could. Neither of us had money, but we wanted to stake out things we could do at other points in time. After our little skirmish I was left feeling ashamed and red in the face, but Jungkook had acted like he always had, like his outburst never happened at all. Which of course I didn't mind, but I just found it a bit odd.

We were currently sitting in a cat cafe. Jungkook was swarmed with the creatures, while I only had one. A small black kitten with blue eyes and a white patch on his ear. I gently stroked it, the tip like velvet between my fingers. It purred, making me grin.

"You're not very popular are you?" Jungkook laughed as a pale grey cat tried to climb up his chest. I scoffed.

"No, I just have one and he is way more loyal than all your fake fans" I pouted, pulling the tiny animal into my hands and dragging my the softly over the curve of its tiny head. Jungkook sighed and looked out the window, seemingly still amongst all the cats climbing on him.

"Are you o-"

"What was your first impression of me?"

"I-" he looked at me sharply.

"Be honest Jimin" I signed and looked at my hands.

"That doesn't really matter because it is not what I think now ok?" Jungkook looked down at the worn wooden table.

"I want other people to like me Jimin, and nobody ever really put any effort into liking me like you did, even though I was arguably the worst to you." His hands found each other on the table, clasping tightly together. "And I know you didn't like me when we first met, and I want to know what it was so that I can fix it, so I can have people like me" I looked at him. His eyes were desperate and watery, I could tell that this was something he thought about a lot.

"Ok" I said slowly, I really didn't want to hurt him.


"On one condition, don't take anything I say to heart, I see that you are so much more than that now" his face softened as he nodded, agreeing to my condition.

"I thought you were a daddy's boy, someone who followed in his footsteps like a dog on a leash. I thought you were a homophobic asshole and since I am gay it made me kinda angry. I thought you carried a bible everywhere and never sinned. But the more I got to know you I see that it was the only way to protect yourself, and I respect that." Jungkook had been nodding quietly the whole time but he looked up now with eyes brimming with tears.

"Thank you Jimin. So much" My heart fluttered a little, my stomach erupting into something I really didn't see coming.

A sign that I could read very easily.

I. Park Jimin have a crush on church boy Jeon Jungkook.


Song Rec
Crown by Tao

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