Jeon Jungkook; Beautiful

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Jungkooks POV

This was bad. I was currently on top of Jimin, my arms braced on either side of his head completing the duty of holding me up, an pinning him to the concrete floor of the station.

Like I said. Bad.

I wanted nothing more than to crush my body against him, to mesh our lips together so that we can't tell who is who. But it's not that simple.

I'm not gay, it's sinful. Sure, I don't hate on gays anymore but that doesn't mean that homosexuality is in the right. At least that's what I wanted to believe. If it wasn't for my dad I don't know who I would be right now. I would probably be me, but say my thoughts rather than spewing them through murals and graffiti.

I'm not into guys yet I want nothing more than Jimin pinning me against a wall, Jimin sliding his leg between mine, Jimin slipping his tongue into my lightly panting mouth.

Jimin wrapped his arms up and around my neck, fingers tugging on the short hair at the base of my neck, pulling me down.

His lips connected with mine for the second time and it was completely different that the first. If the first was a slow drip of water from a tap, this was that same tap, but broken, spewing uncontrolled water everywhere. It was beautiful chaos that I hated to Infiniti and back. Not because I didn't like it, but because this was a guy that was causing my dick to twitch.

Jimins mouth moved agains mine, his plump lips feeling like heaven as he poked his tongue out to swipe at my lower lip, begging me to open my mouth. I wanted to comply, and the pros at this current moment outweighed the cons, nobody was here and nobody needed to know.

I opened my mouth and felt Jimins tongue exploring. But soon enough my hands were itching to wander, across his neck, his back, sides and chest finally arising at his face, skin soft underneath my palms. I gently pushed his face away, his lips were swollen and red making them look that much more kissable.

"Jungkook I'm sorry, I said to take it slow so let's do that I'm sorry for coming on so strong and-" I grinned, I liked Jimin like this, small, apologetic, submissive to my every whim.

"Jimin, as much as my mind is conflicting over this, nobody is here except us, what's wrong with a little experimenting?" I said while standing on my feet, Jimin quickly scrambled to follow me. I made my way to the beanbag in the corner of the room and sat down, Jimin still standing in the centre, hand awkwardly positioned in front of his crotch.

"Jimin this is the part where you come over here and kiss me senseless" ugh what was I doing. I don't know what the outcome of this could be but I need it. God I need it so bad.

Within seconds Jimin was straddling me against the beanbag, lips fervently working at mine, and mine pushing back with just as much passion. My hands found their way back under his shirt, pushing my hands up in an attempt to try and get the piece of fabric out of the way, but in my attempt my fingernail brushed over one of his nipples causing a rather pathetic whimper to escape his mouth. I nearly moaned at the sound, hardening even further as he lifted his arms up to let me take it off. As I stared at his tanned, toned chest only one thing was running through my head.

This is so wrong.

But if it's wrong, why does it feel so right?

Within moments he was scrambling to get my own tee shirt off of my body. I knew I was fairly well built, but I still felt self conscious enough to hesitate in allowing him to pull my shirt off. I had a lot of scars. Big, ugly, pale and bumpy slashes all over my back and torso. And I think there were still a few bruises and cuts left over from last night because we got back from Busan half an hour later than I said we'd be back. My dad said that lying is a sin as he hit me, both with his hands and the belt that was around his waist.

"H-hey Kookie are you okay?" Jimin whispered, stroking an unidentified wetness off my cheek. Tears. "We can stop if you don't want this, I don't want to force you into anything. You can leave your shirt on" he said with a gentle and reassuring smile. Jimin was way to kind to me. When we first met I treated him like dirt, I walked all over him and was a horrible person. Yet somehow he allowed me to hang out with him, to show me kindness that I had never been shown before. To want me like no one else did. The kids at school alienated me, the adults of the town looked at me as nothing more than my fathers pet, and my family... Well they sure as hell didn't ignore me.

But Jimin made me feel human, feel loved.

"I'll show you if you want" I said in a voice way weaker than I wanted. Jimin looked a bit confused. "The only reason I hesitated is because of the- ah, um-"

"Scars?" I nodded, frowning. "Kookie you know I will think you're beautiful no matter what it looks like under there" he said earnestly and I felt another fat tear slip down my face.

"Nobody has ever told me I'm beautiful" I whispered, I myself was barely able to hear it. Jimin leaned forward and enveloped me in a hug, his bare skin burning me through my clothes. I then felt his hot but comforting breath on my ears, speaking the words that I never knew I needed to hear so badly.

"Jeon Jungkook, you have been the most beautiful thing in my life since the moment I laid eyes on you"

And I think he was telling the truth.


Song Rec
Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked

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