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" DARE TO FALL " - this fic is fairly old. i finished it when i wasn't the best writer at the time which is why this fic is really messy. however, there is a rewrite i'm currently working on which is also on my profile. if you do decide to read this through, i cannot stop you but thank you for your time. (:

edit: it's been about three years, and i do not write anymore. i never got to rewrite this fic. it's really bad and i'm sad to say it's embarrassing to the eye. i can not stop you from reading, but thank you for giving me your time. i'll return someday! goodbye! - jay


"Are you going to practice later?" Shiro asked. "Hunk and I were just wondering in case we need to make an excuse for your absence."

He had his back pressed against the red lockers inside the boy's locker room, waiting for a response as he watched his friend, Lance, who was currently pulling the white and blue baseball tee over his body. Lance shrugged his shoulders, bending down to pick up his pair of white vans, "I don't know, Shiro. I kind of have shit I need to do right after school."

"Don't sweat it, dude." Shiro replied, standing upright. He then gave Lance a small smile, "Hunk and I already know what to do. We know you're quite busy and all with your home life, it's quite hectic if you ask me."

Shiro laughed but immediately shut up as his friend had already taken off his shoe to throw at the his face. Shiro was quick to duck as the white shoe hit the locker with a loud bang, startling other guys who were getting dressed themselves. Lance groaned, "Lucky for you! It's just your mom and little brother in a two bedroom apartment!"

"He's not that little! If you're talking height wise then yes, but age wise? I think the fuck not." Shiro rolled his eyes, grabbing his bag underneath the bench making sure nothing was stolen before exiting the room with Lance walking by his side. Lance arched his brow, "You never told me that much about him. How old is he?"


"Same age as me?"

"Yeah, a junior like you but aren't I the lucky one? My mom is transferring him here because he got into a fight at his last school and almost killed the kid." Shiro mumbled, heading down the empty corridor as Lance still followed, kinda like a lost puppy. New junior kid who is not only the same age as him but also Shiro's brother? That was definitely a huge bonus. Lance began to ponder how the boy looked. Could he just be another average looking highschool kid? He hoped not.

"God damn it, Lance! I said to watch out!" A familiar voice snapped. Lance jumped, in fact, he hadn't even noticed he knocked the other person to the floor. It was Pidge. A freshman kid who happened to be taking more of the advanced classes because they were really smart, they had chemistry and calculus together. They were also partners, but sometimes Lance paid Pidge to do his homework. Lance frowned, "Sorry Pidge, I didn't see ya there. Where did Shiro go?"

"I don't know, he said something about meeting Allura and that he'll see you later." Pidge said, adjusting their glasses as Lance picked them up from the hard floor. Pidge sighed as they shook their head, bending down to grab their knocked over books. "Can you help me pick all this up?"

"Uh, yeah, sure I guess." He reached down, helping Pidge pick up the scattered papers that fled from their binder when the smaller freshman slammed into the chest of the junior boy. Pidge then slung their backpack over their shoulder, "Where were you heading anyway?"

"Culinary. Hunk and I are gonna cook up some good shit."

"...and by that, you mean that Hunk is gonna cook up some good shit while you pretend to do something since Ms. Parker is constantly on your ass about teamwork?"

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