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"I cannot believe you two," Shiro yelled as the two boys who sat against the wall held bored expressions on their equally bruised faces. Keith was silent for the most part, letting his brother scream out his anger and frustration with him. Lance held an ice pack to his now freshly bruised cheek, "It was Keith's fault."

"Mine? You were the one who started talking shit in the first place." Keith turned to face the male who was already glaring at him, Shiro facepalmed at the two as he leaned up against the desk of the Principal. The principal, Mr. Zarkon (weird ass last name for a principal in Keith's opinion), stared at Shiro in a state of confusion. Shiro felt like a disappointed mother, hell he was a disappointed mother. The principal pushed up his glasses, "Well, it is your first offense Mr. Kogane, you as well Mr. McClain. You two will not be seen on school grounds until I say so, and when you come back, you both get your chance in spending time with one another in after school detention and cleaning the cafeteria."

"That's bullshit." Keith grumbled, leaning forward as he looked to Shiro with pleading eyes. If anyone could get him out of extra punishment, it's him. Lance must've had the same idea because he also looked to male who stood beside the desk with his arms crossed. Shiro shook his head, "No, don't pull that with me Kogane. Mom is gonna have your ass when you get home."

"Is there anyway I can still play baseball?" Lance turned to Zarkon, raising his brow as he set his ice pack in his lap. The man shook his head, "You'll be allowed back on the team when Shiro thinks it's right."
Lance just about flipped his shit after that, he stood up from the chair as he slammed his fists on the desk, "Listen, district finals are next month and Shiro along with the rest of my team need to get there. They can't do it without me."

"No, you listen." He hissed, standing up to face the cuban as well, "I should have you kicked off the team for talking back like that."

Keith couldn't help it, he started laughing uncontrollably while earning a dirty look from the all three of the people in the room. Lance crossed his arms, "I'd like to see you try and play, mullet."

"I'd be better at it than you. Sports aren't even a problem for me." Keith hissed, getting up from the chair. Shiro intervened just in time, "Knock it off, both of you. Keith, go get in the car. Lance, I'm calling your mom."

"You have my mom's number? What kind of fake-"
"I've had it for over a year now, shutup and go home."

Keith had already stormed out of the office and into the parking lot to his brother's car. Lance and Shiro were yelling at one another as they walked out, Lance heading in a completely different direction. Keith was still fired up, he even thought about going to cut Lance's breaks before he made it to his truck. Keith climbed in the passenger's seat, pulling up his hood over his beanie as his brother got in the car.

He was sure in for a lecture now.

"What the fuck happened today? I swear Keith I can't even leave you alone long enough without you going and-"

Keith was right. All the way back home, he listened to Shiro complain about how he needed to start acting right and find a different way to cope with all his supposed problematic issues instead of throwing punches. Keith grew tired of it, "Geez, I'm sorry! Okay? Drop it."

"How can I drop it? You got into a fight on your first day, and with my best friend at that-"

"Well maybe your 'best friend' should learn to keep his fucking mouth shut." Keith sank lower into the passenger's seat as Shiro turned into the parking lot of their apartment building, "I'm just trying to look out for you."

"Yeah, well stop trying to own up and act like dad. You'll never be him, Takashi."

Keith got out of the car after that. He only looked back for a split second to see Shiro's stunned face as he still had his hands placed onto the steering wheel. Keith's heart sank as he headed up the stairs to their small apartment. He looked back again to see Shiro backing out of the almost empty parking lot. Keith knew he had been harsher than expected and it probably hurt Shiro's feelings in some way, his older brother was just trying to look after him and lead him in the right direction for christ's sake.

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