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(': sorry i took so fucking long to update, i procrastinate too much. hnng eNJOY THE LANGST.


Lance was in the kitchen when Emily thought it'd be funny to sneak up on him, causing him to drop his phone and crack it on the kitchen floor. His eye twitched as Emily frowned, a guilty expression on her face before she ran off screaming. Lance chased after her throughout the house until finally cornered her in the restroom, the girl quickly diving for the window but where would she climb to? It was a straight drop to the ground. He slammed the door on her, holding the knob as he began to yell "Bloody Mary" on the other side.

"You fucking puto open this door right now!" Emily was banging on the door, sure she was only thirteen and shouldn't be swearing but with a brother like Lance, her innocence was long gone. He laughed, "The lights are on, you cry baby."

"I don't care, let go of the knob." Emily grumbled, their mother only came up the stairs to see what the commotion was about. Lance was quick to let go of the knob, acting like nothing happened seconds prior before the door swung open and an angered Emily punched him right in the jaw. The McClain family was wild no doubt about it, there were constant prank wars between the siblings and arguing over dumb shit. Sophia gasped as she met eyes with her daughter, "Emily Alexia McClain!"

"He started it!" Emily shrieked, pointing at her older brother. Her brother shook his head, "Did not! You cracked my phone!"

"Maybe you should've been holding it properly." Emily crossed her arms as Lance pressed a finger to her forehead, "Maybe I should fix that face properly!"

"Do it-" Emily was cut off by their mother grabbing them both by the ear, pulling the both of them downstairs. They didn't have time to argue with their mother because within a second, she was hitting Lance with a sandal while Emily watched in terror. She tried to run but the sandal was thrown, hitting the back of her head. She had already witnessed it once but now she gets to experience it herself, yep, never start arguments while your mother is around to regulate on your ass.

"Hug it out."

"No." Lance spat, glaring at his sister. She stuck her tongue out at him but was immediately shot a death glare. Lance awkwardly looked at his mom who gestured to Emily, and my god did he want to punch the little gremlin the face. Emily shuffled forward, keeping her arms crossed as Lance did the same. This was just like the time when they were both a bit younger, Emily had just turned 10 when Lance and her fought over the game station. She wanted to play and Lance didn't let her so of course, they fought, got in trouble and were forced to hug it out afterward.

"What is so hard about hugging your sister?" His mother sighed, and Lance grinned, "You're right, mom."

He was quick to embrace Emily, giving her a tight squeeze around her neck while she dug her nails into his back through his shirt. Emily smiled, not your genuine kind but the whole sibling 'i'm kicking your ass when mom isn't home' smile. Lance pulled away seconds later, nudging his mom as he walked past her, "There, see. We made up."

"Uh huh," His mother nodded her head before pointing to the staircase, "I need to speak to your brother, you may leave."

Emily didn't need to be told twice, she was out of the room quicker than Lance could lose a girlfriend (much shade). Lance raised his brow as he moved back into the room, "What do you need to talk to me about? If it's those cookies you found in my room then-"

"No- wait, you're the one hiding the cookies? Ray and Matthew have been looking for them since they got home from school."

"Oops?" Lance sheepishly smiled before he sat down at the table. His mother laughed softly before the room turned silent once again, althought it made Lance uneasy, he managed to deal with it. His mother had a serious expression on her face now, "I need to speak to you about Robertó- er, your father."

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