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The entire way home, Lance had to listen to the praise his younger siblings were giving him and how they wanted to be good at sports like their older brother. Lance smiled as he looked to Matt who was nodding his head to the radio since Metallica was playing while his siblings in the back that they were complaining that they didn't like the loud guitar and drum noises. Lance hushed them and told them to sleep or something, nobody was allowed to diss Metallica on his watch, that's if he even owned a watch. Maybe then, the boy wouldn't be so late to everything.

"I wanna listen to Ariana Grande!" Ayla whined, her little legs kicking up against the seat. Ray rolled his eyes and told her to shut up or she'll have to walk home, I guess you could say that made her cry until Lance reassured her that he wasn't going to kick her out of his truck like that. Mateo and Anya were already dosing off as they made their way out of Albuquerque, Lance occasionally cussing as he slammed the brakes on his truck.

"Hey Lance, who was that boy you hugged?" Matt asked, propping his elbow against the window. Lance shrugged, keeping his eyes locked on the road. Matt smirked, "Is he your boyfriiienndd?"

"No, he's Keith." Lance said, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter as he tried his best to avoid eye contact. Matt leaned closer, "You suuuree?"

"Shut up." Lance pushed his brothers face away, Matthew's head smacking the window before bursting into laughter. Ray leaned foward, "Hey Lance, when do we get to meet him officially? What would mom and dad say?"

"He's not my fucking boyfriend, do not say a word about this to them, not even Rebecca." Lance snapped, shaking his head as the boys went silent again. He pulled into the driveway of their home, telling the kids in the back to wake up before they all climbed out and trudged inside. Lance carried his bags in, humming to himself as Emily looked up from the dining room table to where Lance was standing as she continued doing her homework.

"From the looks of it, you guys lost." Emily began, and Lance shook his head as he made his way to the fridge, "Nope, sorry to disappoint you my little sis. We are going to district championships."

"You are? That's amazing!" Rebecca entered the room after eavesdropping on their conversation for a bit. Lance nodded his head as she embraced him into a hug, running her hand through his sweaty hair. His parents were out at work that evening so it was just the seven McClain siblings and Rebecca who shared a meatloaf to celebrate Lance and the teams victory.


"That's amazing, honey!" Shiro and Keith's mother said as she was currently hugging her oldest son and congratulating him over and over again. Keith sat at the dining table tracing patterns and shapes into the wood when his mother called him back to the living room where she said they'd go out and celebrate. Keith groaned, "Do I have to go?"

"Yes," His mother turned around and eyed him with a stern look before turning back to Shiro who was unbuttoning his uniform to reveal his black undershirt. Keith walked back to his room, calling out for Ruby as he pushed open the room door. She poked her head out from under the bed as she walked over to Keith. Keith picked her up, stroking her chin before going back to the living room, "Ruby said I can't go."

"Do you really feel the need to ask your cat if you can go somewhere every time?" Shiro asked, pulling on a regular tee as he began pulling off his shoes.

Keith nodded his head slowly, "and you don't?"

Keith set Ruby on the floor as he left the room once again to find his brother dressed in regular clothes now. Keith smiled, "Where we going to eat?"

"Hooters!" Shiro shouted excitedly as his mother came back from the restroom, "I could really go for some hot wings right now anyways."

"Do we have to go there-" Keith began, he tugged at his sleeves as he looked to the ground. Shiro smirked, "You don't like going there because you get hit on, huh?"

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