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there is also a slight mention of abuse /: so yeah.


Shiro had returned home later that evening from practice, you could physically see how frustrated he was with Keith but decided not to say anything for the sake of another argument but the two needed to talk this out eventually. Pidge had left only an hour before his brother's return and he was bored out of his mind. Supernatural? Sherlock? Doctor Who? Anime? He might as well lay there with a black screen and stare at the ceiling. Keith was only focused on the one thing that Lance had told him: "He needs you just as much as you need him."

"Takashi?" Keith said as he sat up from the couch, the room door opening as Shiro made his way to the kitchen. Shiro sighed, he really wanted to be angry and ignore his brother but he just couldn't. He turned around, "Yes, Keith?"

"I'm sorry."


"Everything. From sneaking out and doing what I did last night to saying the horrible things that came out of my mouth earlier this morning." Keith sighed as walked over to his brother, "and I am definitely sorry that I'm not here for you enough- I mean you always do so much for me but I'm just selfish enough to think you do the things you do for me just because you're my older brother."

"Where is all this coming from?" Shiro asked, raising his eyebrow. Keith sighed once again, "Let me finish: I am really sorry, Shiro. I know I'm not all here like you want me to be, I haven't really been happy since dad died but I'm working past it, I'm trying. I had a talk with a friend of mine earlier- I actually vented for once, but he told me that you need me as much as I need you so-"

"Keith, I forgive you."

"You do?"

"Yeah," Shiro began as he punched his brother on the arm, "You're my little bro. I mean as much as you piss me the fuck off, I can't really change that, can I?"

"I guess not." Keith mumbled, rubbing at his arm, "I'm gonna pull a Mabel from Gravity Falls and say-"

"Awkward sibling hug?"

Keith nodded, "Awkward sibling hug."

Shiro sighed as he wrapped his arms his little brother, running a hand through Keith's hair before he pulled back, "I'm going back to the room for awhile, I'm exhausted."
"When is the district championship?" Keith asked, going back to the couch. Shiro shrugged, "Not sure, maybe two weeks from now? Oh yeah, Hunk and Lance told me to tell you hello."

"Yeah." Keith nodded his head as he threw himself back onto the couch, staring at the screen with a bored expression. Ruby was asleep on the shelf so it wasn't like he could bother her, and Lance probably just got home from practice so he's probably as tired as Shiro. Keith grumbled, "Why the fuck are all my friends busy?"

"Language, honey." Keith's mother appeared behind him. Her poor son screeched and launched himself off the couch, "Don't do that!"

"I've been calling your name for 2 minutes, stupid."


His mother shook her head as she place a hand on her hip, "I was wondering if you and your brother could run a few errands for me in the morning."

"Like what?"

"Pick up some groceries and drop money off for our bill collectors."

"Oh sure, I have to work in the morning though."

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