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Lance had grown used to it by now, he almost always spent his time alone and pushed away his siblings. He sat in the driver's seat of his truck staring at his lap, a hollow expression on his face but really, his mind was a fucking mess. He always considered his mind a hurricane because they have a thing called 'the calm', and much like hurricane's, his calm that consisted of his family and Keith but right now? It was a tornado set out to destroy everything and Lance wanted nothing more than to put a stop to these destructive thoughts.

He rubbed his eyes, only then did he realize how tired he was. He hadn't slept much, maybe the last good sleep he had was when Anya came into his room because she had a nightmare. That was days ago. He glanced up from his lap to look at the people walking in front of him, unfortunately it just so happened to be another couple- dumb and in love just like the two boys were at some point earlier on.

Keith was right, he was always right.

"God, what do I even say to you?" Lance mumbled, pulling down his visor to look at the picture him and Keith had taken awhile back. It was probably around the last time they ate at Leila's together, a day that the both of them still vividly remember. Keith just so happened to be in Lance's jacket while he held a pout on his lips with his arms crossed because Lance kept dabbing just to irritate him but for the sake of the photo, Lance stopped and pressed a kiss to Keith's cheek.

Eventually, Lance printed that photo and carried around with him every where. His wallet, his practice bag (because he was playing football soon), his truck, and even his pocket (you name it). Talk about headass for a damn boy that you weren't even meant to love in the first place, the sad thing is that all of it was so damn predictable since the beginning. They hate each other, become friends, then so on. Lance hated it because he knew that it'd both screw them over in the end.

--- But through it all, there was no denying that male had grown to love every bit of Keith.

He had learned so much about the boy within an almost three month time span. Simple things such as the way he likes his coffee in the morning when Lance would bring it for him to his huge soft spot for a cat named Ruby. Even to how much he loved his best friend Pidge or even his brother Shiro for helping him out all the time. He even loved the bigger parts to Keith like all his faults that shaped him as the human being he is now.

That was his Keith, someone that still stood by him after Lance probably hurt him emotionally too many times to count. That was the male who liked standing in the rain then have his boyfriend worry because he could get sick, he almost did every time. The one who would plant kisses on his nose then punch him in the arm because he didn't like being a sap. The one he would buy chinese takeout for then watch SPN because that was his favorite show. That was Keith, his boy.

Lance would like to think that the love they shared started off fake then grew into the purest form. Almost like a late blooming flower, they were always said to be the most beautiful.

Lance sighed once more as he started up his truck before getting onto the main road. Better now than never, but little did he know that he was already in for a shit storm. He had only hoped that maybe Keith could set this mess aside and the both of them could work through it together. They loved each other too much to let go so soon.

Keith stared at the two older men with a blank expression, his head pounding from all the crying he had done within the past forty-five minutes. Thace allowed the boy some time to piece himself together after he explained what happened between him and his boyfriend not too long ago. Russell called Lance a douche for what he did but Keith still defended him, saying that the male going through some stuff and didn't mean it.

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