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"Shiro!" Keith yelled, squirming to get out of his brother's grip. Shiro only squeezed his wrist a little tighter as he tried to drag his little brother out the door with him, it was pretty embarrasing considering the one throwing the tantrum was 17, soon to be 18 in December. Keith bit Shiro's wrist, "I said let me go but do you listen?"

"Stop being so stubborn-" Shiro gritted his teeth as he grabbed Keith by his ankles as Keith screamed and grabbed onto the doorknob of their apartment. Shiro yanked Keith with full force causing the boy to hit his head as he continued dragging him, "Sorry little brother, you're gonna be there to back me up."

"I don't wanna go. Lance is gonna be there and a bunch other teens I don't like-" Keith said, groaning as he continued to let his brother drag him by the ankle till he got to the stairs. Shiro rolled his eyes, "I'm letting you take my car, remember? All I ask is that you stay for at least an hour."

"30 minutes."


"Fine," Keith sat up when Shiro let go of his leg, he got up quickly and began darting back to his their shared apartment. Shiro groaned, chasing the boy before grabbing onto the hood of his jacket and yanked him along. It was always so hard to take Keith places, even if it was just a simple trip to the grocery store or to a relative's house. Keith was just an awkward ball of anxiety with low self esteem and anger issues, all too much like Lance so Shiro knew how to handle it well. It was around 8:45 when they arrived at the party, plenty of people parked along the streets, the house had music blaring from inside and from what Keith could tell, he was not going to enjoy this.

"It'll be fine, feel free to follow me around if you want." Shiro patted Keith's shoulder before he started his way across the lawn, his black letterman jacket blending in with the shadows. Keith took a deep breath before he walked up to the house, trying to catch up to his big brother.

It is only a party. You don't have to stay long, besides how bad can it be?"

"Oh no, not you." Lance groaned when the two entered the kitchen, his slender fingers wrapped around the red solo cup as he tilted his head back. Keith crossed his arms as he rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I wish you weren't here either. It's a real mood killer."

Shiro hit him upside the head, telling Keith to be nice or else he'll kick his ass before taking his leave from the room. Shiro wouldn't do that though, he wasn't like that. It was just the two in the kitchen now and to make things more awkward, Lance kept staring at him. Keith scoffed before walking to get a drink himself, he just needed something to calm his nerves. Yeah, that's it. Lance smirked, "It's your first time drinking, isn't it?"

"What? No."

"Yes it is!" Lance shouted, a smiled played onto his lips as he pointed the guy with the mullet. Keith blushed from embarrassment, "I'll prove it."

"You can't drink that whole thing-" Lance went silent when the boy a few few away from him began downing that thing like it was nothing, perhaps an alcohol poisoning competition was going to start. Keith took a deep breath, his throat burning as he crushed his cup and launched it into the trashcan. He was never doing that again, he felt like he was going to puke. Lance took a drink himself, "I misjudged you, who knows. Maybe you're a light weight."

Lance was just taunting Keith now, and it was all for fun and games. He loved getting the satisfaction every time he sees the guy he loathes so much angry or simply frustrated with him. "I'm no lightweight, McClain." Keith mumbled as he headed out of the kitchen, back to where all the people from school were dancing and mingling with one another. Lance rolled his eyes at Keith, somewhat hoping it wouldn't be the last he saw of the familiar mullet all night.

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