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Keith Kogane's Schedule (Year 2016-2017);

- Calculus (D2) - Mr. Jordan (7:10 - 7:41)
- Chemistry (C6) - Mrs. Penny (7:45- 9:35)
- Free Period (9:35 - 10:15)
- Gym - Mr. Coran (9:35 - 11:10)
- Art (H2) - Mrs. Maddie (11:14-12:20)
>>> LUNCH <<<
- 1ST | FRESHMAN - SOPHOMORE (11:50 - 12:20)
- 2ND | JUNIORS AND SENIORS (12:25 - 12:55)
- Advanced Guitar (B3) - Mr. Lucker (1:00 - 1:45)
- Culinary Arts (H5) - Mrs. Parker (1:49 - 2:30)
- World History (A7) - Mrs. Tucker (2:34- 3:05)

If you have any questions about any of your classes, please see your teacher or the counselor.

"You have a lot of classes with me." Lance mumbled as he looked over the schedule of the boy who stood next to him. Keith's eyes widened, "Really?"

"Yeah, the only classes we don't have together are advanced guitar and art." Lance blinked as he continuously looked at the schedule of Shiro's younger brother. Keith stood there awkwardly drinking his frappe before Lance finally looked at him, "I guess we'll just go to first together and I'll have Hunk take you to Art or something."

"That's fine, um may I ask what time it is? I kinda shut off my phone when I got here." Keith said, looking onto the ground as Lance pulled out his phone, "Almost time for first hour, which is 7:05 to be exact. Let's get going."

He began walking forward as Keith followed, looking at his surrondings as they started across the long stretch of patio to get to another part of the school. Voltron High School was a fairly big and nice school, they had plenty of trees and different areas to hang out during their free or lunch period. Lance had stopped and turned to Keith, "Wanna know something funny?"

"What?" Keith asked.

"My siblings bought these plates of different colored robot lions, right? Well I just now realized this school is named after a fucking cartoon. Nobody knows that though. I think that's why our mascot is a fucking lion."

"Really?" Keith raised his eyebrow as he adjusted his bag hung over his shoulder.

Lance laughed, "Yeah, I spent so long last night trying to figure out why I liked the plates so much and why the fuck it was called Voltron. I also think this is why my letterman jacket is blue."

"Oh," Keith didn't know what to say. He really tried his best not to be awkward but you can't help it when you met someone 10 minutes ago and they're still trying to have a full on conversation with you. He was in no way trying to be rude to Lance either, even if he thought the boy was annoying as fuck and wanted to punch him too. They were outside their calculus class now, and Mr. Jordan was standing at the door watching students in the hall.

"Jordan!" Lance shouted, raising his hand in the air for a highfive. Jordan highfived him before noticing Keith behind him, "You must be Keith, yeah?"

"How'd you know?" Keith asked, raising his thick brow as Mr. Jordan gave him a gentle smile, "Well, I've never seen you before in my life and you definitely look nervous."

"I'm n-not." Keith stumbled over his words and Lance looked at him before rolling his eyes, "Yep, he is. Don't make him stand up to introduce himself. See ya in class, Jordan." Lance said, heading inside as Keith followed behind him. Plenty of students were already in the class room and worse, they all sat at tables. Who the fuck was he gonna sit with now? Lance took his seat next to Hunk, and Hunk was eyeing the male dressed in all black already.

"Who's that?"

"Shiro's brother, his name is Kevin or something." Lance sat down, watching the male stand there with worry written all over his face. Keith definitely was a lost puppy. Lance really took it upon himself to make it his job to take care of the social anxiety wreck of a boy for the day, "Yo, mullet. There's a spot over here!"

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