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thank you all for the 3k views. Bless your lil klance obsessed souls.



"Shut up, Keith. I got this."

"I don't th-"

"I said shut up."

The two were currently in the kitchen, the twins by Keith's side as they held onto his hands, watching their older brother who was not only yelling at Keith, but trying to flip a pancake straight from the pan at the same time. All Lance wanted to do was show off to his boyfriend but his cooking skills weren't exactly proficient, Hunk was better at this sort of thing. Keith sighed as he let go of Anya's hand, making his way over to the stove. He shoved Lance away, earning a slap upside the head. Lance grumbled, "I almost had it! You messed it all up!"

"I did not. You tried at least three times before this." Keith argued back, flipping the pancake with the spatula. While the two bickered, Ayla looked at her twin with wide eyes. Unsure of what to do, they decided that leaving the room would be best but not before Ayla shrieked "Lance! Be nice to your babe!". Lance was as red as a tomato when Keith looked back at him with a smirk, "Oh, so you told your sisters about us?"

"Well not exactly, they heard me on the phone with you this morning and- yeah." Lance grinned, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. Anya peered over the couch, "Do you think that made them stop fighting?"

"I can't tell, move your big head!" Ayla whispered, pushing her sister over as she watched the two in the kitchen speak to one another. Keith only shrugged before taking the pancake off the stove, "That's cute."

"Not really, they won't ever let me live that down." Lance replied, a small pout on his lips as he looked to the floor. Keith sighed before moving next to his boyfriend, carressing Lance's chin before he kissed him on the cheek.

"Don't be a cry baby."

"Oh gross." Ayla covered her eyes as she sat down on the couch with a disgusted look on her face. Anya raised her brow, "What?"

"Keith kissed Brother Lance and now Lance is gonna have babies!"

"On the lips?"

"No, on the cheek." Ayla said, pointing to her cheek as her sister scrunched her nose, "What will mama say?"

"Mama will say that boys can't get pregnant, you doofs." Lance peered over them as the twins grinned nervously. Keith watched the three McClain from the kitchen as he finished making the pancakes, if anything Keith felt as if his heart was beating out of his chest while he watched one of the twins scream before bursting out into laughter as Lance lifted her from the couch and threw her back down (in a non-rough way of course). Keith knew Lance was quite close with his family members (he had said that himself when they were on their first "date"). It was quite pleasing to see how close other people can be with their siblings, just like Shiro and him were. It only made him feel worse when he remembered what had happened earlier, how he had acted out and Shiro told him off.

"Keith! I said the pancake!" Keith jumped as he zoned back in from his little visit into space, Lance by his side as Keith turned around quickly to flip it. Sadly, the pancake was burned and had to go into the trash. Keith apoligized seconds later, "I'm sorry. I was just thinking about earlier."

"Nah, it's fine. Do you wanna talk about it?" Lance asked, grabbing four plates from the cabinet as he walked back to the stove. Keith shrugged, "It's kind of dumb."

"You're kind of dumb. What's up?" Lance asked once again, sliding the pancakes onto seperate plates before he called the twins to come get their food. Keith sighed as his gaze fell to the ground, "It's just Shiro- I made him angry and I'm pretty sure he hates me."

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