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whoop another klance date for this chapter and a bit of past drama at the end :^) yay enjoy ily


By time thursday had rolled around, Keith was ready to rip his hair out. He had just gotten two weeks worth of assignments done but suddenly got more shit dumped on him right after? Geez, Keith really took his middle school years for granted even if he was one of those awkward 8th graders with those super skinny jeans and an emo fringe, good god the cringe on that is real. He was actually glad Shiro didn't have many friends at the time, he could only imagine what he'd say behind his back.

"Keith? You in here?" His mother popped her head in through the door, scanning around the room until she found him in the corner of his bed. She sighed, "Can you do the dishes while I'm out? I'm bringing back Wendy's."

"Yeah, okay." Keith mumbled, but he grew more irritated as she left his room door wide open. Shiro sighed as he leaned up against the door frame, "Are you really going to throw a fit every time mom asks you to do the dishes?"


"You have an easy job, I have to clean the restroom and take out the trash so get going." Shiro disappeared to the restroom after that, but seconds later all you could hear was the boy cursing as a loud crash followed right after. Keith's eyes widened as he jumped out of bed and ran straight to the bathroom where he found Shiro laying in the tub, the shower rod leaning against him as the curtains draped over his head. Ruby meowed as she ran behind Keith's legs, staring at him with a guilty expression.

"Stupid cat, she tripped me." Shiro groaned in pain as he climbed out of the tub, throwing the rod aside as he glared at Ruby. Keith laughed, "Well, I gotta go start those dishes now. C'mon Ruby, we gotta go."

Shiro mumbled some incoherent words as he got to doing his chores while Keith was stalling by looking through the newspaper that resided on the counter. Who even reads these things anymore? Keith set the newspaper aside as he made his way over to the sink, sighing as he turned on the hot water and added soap. Ruby sat on the counter the entire time and watched her owner slave away most of his afternoon, occasionally meowing until Keith decided to splash water at her for laughs. Ruby got startled and ran off after that.

"Keith, are you done cleaning the kitchen?" Shiro called as he dried his hands with a towel. Keith looked up from his sweeping duty as he met eyes with his brother, "Just about, why?"

"Allura asked me to hang with her, I just wanted to make sure you were done before I left."

"We still need to clean our room!"

"You can get that done, I'll see you later little bro." Shiro smiled, reaching for the doorknob as he waved. Keith's eye twitched before he launched his shoe at the door, calling Takashi a fucking dipshit before Shiro said some insult back as he slammed the door completely. Keith huffed as he stormed over to the door, locking it shut as he picked up his shoe. Ah siblings, the only people that irritate you down to your last nerve and you can't do a thing about it, even hitting them would result in disaster if your parents got involved, and trust me, Keith's mother got involved many times.

Like just tuesday evening, the broganes were fighting over the remote and what kind of show to watch on netflix, of course Keith wanted to watch Death Note while Shiro wanted to watch The Flash. It only resulted with Keith hitting Shiro in the nose before Shiro kicked him off the couch, causing the boy to slam against the coffee table. Keith had begin to cry which Shiro tried to comfort him quickly and told Keith he could take another shot at him, and this time he wouldn't fight back. Their tired mother only came out of her room and told them to knock their shit off because let's face it, one kid was 17 and the other was 18: but long story short, no one watched Netflix that night.

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