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Lance was dead wrong.

When he picked up the twins, and with all six of the siblings were all in the car at once, it drove him fucking insane. He wanted to crash the truck and eject the little shits out the window, hopefully he'd be the first one to die in the process. His eye twitched as he gripped the steering wheel a little tighter as Emily changed the channel for the seventh time in a row, he wanted to smack her hand away so bad. Anya was complaining that she wanted to quit ballet while Ayla tried continuously to stand up to show Lance her dancing, Matt had to grab her and keep his arms around her. Mateo didn't care, he was an angry 3rd grader who found out his 'girlfriend' cheated on him with another boy, and he was actually crying in his small car seat over it. Matt rolled his eyes, saying Mateo didn't even know what the word 'love' meant and Mateo ended up slapping Matt in the face. Anya began crying, and Lance slammed the brakes at the stop sign, sending the kids forward before flinging back into their seats.

"You little shits, shut the fuck up and stop acting up or god so help me, I will turn this car around and take you guys back to school."

The kids in the back all began to cry and Emily was thankful she had her headphones because she plugged them into her phone, ignoring Lance's bickering with the five kids in the backseat as he drove. When they arrived home, Emily grabbed her bag and swung open the door as she jumped out, slamming it behind her. Lance was slightly offended that she didn't help him get the five kids out of the backseat, but Emily was hitting that phase. You know the one where they think what they're doing is the right thing and that they think they're better just because they like a band that no one has ever heard of? Yeah, that phase.

He turned the car off, pulling his seat forward as he allowed each kid to jump out. They all ran inside one by one, and Lance tiredly shut the door as he hunched over, his feet dragging on the pavement of his driveway. The cool wind blew through the chocolate strands of his hair, dirt dancing it's way across the lawn as he entered the house to find Matt and Mateo at each other's necks, one of them trying to throw a punch while the other was trying to pin the boy to the ground. Lance ran forward, "Knock it off!"

"Why? He started it!" Matt yelled, and Mateo stuck his tongue out at his brother. Lance groaned, "Matt, go do your homework and I'll put Mateo down for his nap or something."

Matt didn't budge until Lance's face turned into a glare, "I will call Mamá."

Mateo scurried off back to the kitchen, probably to go rat out Lance for being a butt head to Rebecca. Emily was no where to be seen at the moment so Lance was quite thankful that his smart ass of a sister wasn't there to comment on his shitty babysitting skills. Anya and Ayla ran past him, and can you guess what they were doing? Anya was chasing Ayla with a pair of red scissors, claiming she wanted to give Ayla a pretty haircut. Lance grabbed Anya by the hips, "Ah, stop. Anya hand them over."



"Fine." She whined, dropping them to the floor as she ran off else where to go play. Ayla came out of hiding soon after that, saying she was going to get Anya back but Lance threatened to call their father. Lance rubbed his temple as he headed upstairs to his room aka: known as the cool hangout place for all his siblings. Matt and Mateo's were the first two room's that were right across from each other, and the twins shared a room with their bunk beds yet different taste in style. Emily's room wasn't that hard to spot with the posters all over her door.

His room was the last one at the end of the hall. He hated it so much. You wanna know why? If a murderer broke in, his family would be the first to escape while he has to jump from his window or fend for his life. How unfair is that?

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